/* * Sp3MM_for_AlgebraicMultiGrid * (C) Copyright 2021-2022 * Andrea Di Iorio * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. The name of the Sp3MM_for_AlgebraicMultiGrid or the names of its contributors may * not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this * software without specific written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE Sp3MM_for_AlgebraicMultiGrid GROUP OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* * CSR Sp[3]MM Symbolic step implementations * target: compute the output matrix size and the row lens for preallocation * direct write out partial results * See interfaces in respective header */ /*#pragma message( "compiling Sp3MM_CSR_OMP_Symb_Generic.c with config as:" \ STR(OFF_F) " - " STR(OUT_IDXS) " - " STR(COL_PARTS) )*/ #ifndef OFF_F #error generic implementation requires OFF_F defined #endif ///setup aux macros for different signatures implementation via #if arith expr #pragma push_macro("OUT_IDXS") #pragma push_macro("_OUT_IDXS") #pragma push_macro("COL_PARTS") #pragma push_macro("_COL_PARTS") #ifdef OUT_IDXS #define _OUT_IDXS TRUE #else #define _OUT_IDXS FALSE #define OUT_IDXS _UNDEF #endif #ifdef COL_PARTS #define _COL_PARTS TRUE #else #define _COL_PARTS FALSE #define COL_PARTS _UNDEF #endif /// //////SpMM - rowByrow ///1row->matrix->outRow //RBTREE based /* * Compute symbolic product of (nnz indexes of) row @aRowJA and matrix @b * insert nnz indexes of the mul. result row as nodes in a rbtree rooted at @root * with nodes in @nodes which have to be enough for the mul result row (use an UB) * Retuns: multiplication result row NNZ number,se CONFIG_MACROS below for more * * CONFIG_MACROS: * if _OUT_IDXS == TRUE return mul.result row nnz idxs in @outIdxs * ifdef: OUT_IDXS_RBTREE_NODES: nnz indexes returned inplace sorting rbtree * as nnz indexes(JA) of the mul result row * else: stop at returning the mul. result row lenght * if _COL_PARTS == TRUE return the number of nonzero elements in * in each of the @gridCols column partitions inside @rowColPartsLens * OFF_F: offset back indexes from fortran * TODO also output indexes are shifted (see c_b ) */ static inline idx_t CAT4(SpMM_Row_Symb_Rbtree,OUT_IDXS,COL_PARTS,OFF_F) ( idx_t* aRowJA, idx_t aRowLen, spmat* b,rbRoot* root, rbNode* nodes #if _OUT_IDXS == TRUE && !defined OUT_IDXS_RBTREE_NODES ,idx_t* outIdxs #endif #if _COL_PARTS == TRUE ,ushort gridCols,idx_t* rowColPartsLens #endif ) { //Compute resulting ab's row non zero indexes and total lenght idx_t abRowLen = 0; //mul.result row len, return value for ( idx_t i=0,c_a,inserted; i < aRowLen; i++ ){ //for each entry in a's row c_a = aRowJA[i]-OFF_F; //gather diffrent nnz indexes in corresponding b's `c_a`th row for ( idx_t j = b->IRP[c_a]-OFF_F,c_b; j < b->IRP[c_a+1]-OFF_F; j++ ){ c_b = b->JA[j]-OFF_F; //check if c_b is nonzero index for mul.result row inserted = rbInsertNewKey (root, nodes+abRowLen, c_b); abRowLen += inserted; //inserted needed just after this /* LESS EFFICIENT THEN BELOW (here no memory of last colPart) #if _COL_PARTS == TRUE //keep track of which col partition is c_b in if (inserted) rowColPartsLens[ matchingUnifRangeIdx(c_b, b->N, gridCols) ]++; #endif */ } } #if _OUT_IDXS == T && defined OUT_IDXS_RBTREE_NODES /* return the non zero indexes of the mul.result row * sorting inplace the nodes inserted in the rbtree */ sortRbNode(nodes,abRowLen); #elif _OUT_IDXS == T || _COL_PARTS == T int i=0; idx_t k; #if _COL_PARTS == T //colParts aux vars idx_t _colBlock = abRowLen / gridCols, _colBlockRem = abRowLen % gridCols; ushort gc=0; idx_t gcStartCol = unifRemShareStart(gc,_colBlock,_colBlockRem); idx_t gcEndCol = unifRemShareEnd(gc,_colBlock,_colBlockRem); #endif //_COL_PARTS == T for (struct rb_node* n = rb_first(&root->rb_root); n; n = rb_next(n)){ k = rb_entry(n,rbNode,rb)->key; #if _OUT_IDXS == T //return the mul.result nnz index inside the rbNodes outIdxs[ i++ ] = k; #endif #if _COL_PARTS == T while (k >= gcEndCol ){ //see if the idx is in another col partition // TODO also = since gcEndCol as k is 0based gcEndCol = unifRemShareEnd(gc ,_colBlock, _colBlockRem); gc++; DEBUGCHECKS{ assert( gc < gridCols ); } } rowColPartsLens[gc]++; #endif //_COL_PARTS == T } #endif //_OUT_IDXS == T ... _COL_PARTS == T /*DEBUGCHECKS{ //TODO PRINT NNZ INDEXES FOR MANUAL (PAINFUL CHECK) idx_t k; for (struct rb_node* n = rb_first(&root->rb_root); n; n = rb_next(n)){ k = rb_entry(n,rbNode,rb)->key; printf("%d, ",k); } printf("\n"); }*/ return abRowLen; } //SPVECT_IDX_DENSE_MAP based TODO double implementation for trick syntax folding here... /* * SPVECT_IDX_DENSE_MAP based, as SpMM_Row_Symb_Rbtree but with idxMap aux idx keeping * CONFIG_MACROS (new) * IDX_RMUL_SYMB_RBTREE && ( _OUT_IDXS == T || _COL_PARTS == T ): * (tmp) symb mult out indexes will be kept via a rbtree * otherwise directly in the out array appending them and then sorting them * (potentially same n log n) */ static inline idx_t CAT4(SpMM_Row_Symb_IdxMap,OUT_IDXS,COL_PARTS,OFF_F) ( idx_t* aRowJA, idx_t aRowLen, spmat* b, SPVECT_IDX_DENSE_MAP* idxsMapAcc #if _OUT_IDXS == TRUE ,idx_t* outIdxs #endif #if ( _OUT_IDXS == TRUE && IDX_RMUL_SYMB_RBTREE == T ) || _COL_PARTS == T ,rbRoot* root, rbNode* nodes #endif // _OUT_IDXS == TRUE #if _COL_PARTS == TRUE ,ushort gridCols,idx_t* rowColPartsLens #endif ) { //Compute resulting ab's row non zero indexes and total lenght idx_t abRowLen = 0; //mul.result row len, return value for ( idx_t i=0,c_a,inserted; i < aRowLen; i++ ){ //for each entry in a's row c_a = aRowJA[i]-OFF_F; //gather diffrent nnz indexes in corresponding b's `c_a`th row for ( idx_t j = b->IRP[c_a]-OFF_F,c_b; j < b->IRP[c_a+1]-OFF_F; j++ ){ c_b = b->JA[j]-OFF_F; //check if c_b is nonzero index for mul.result row inserted = spVect_idx_in(c_b,idxsMapAcc); #if _OUT_IDXS == T || _COL_PARTS == T //idxs HAS TO be accumulated if (inserted) #if IDX_RMUL_SYMB_RBTREE == T || _OUT_IDXS == F //add it in a RBTREE struct rbInsertNewKey (root, nodes+idxsMapAcc->len, c_b); #else //append it, then sort outIdxs[idxsMapAcc->len] = c_b; #endif //IDX_RMUL_SYMB_RBTREE == T //how accumulated key c_b #endif //#if _OUT_IDXS == T || _COL_PARTS == T } } abRowLen = idxsMapAcc->len; //gather idxs or their sparsity struct in output row #if _OUT_IDXS == T || _COL_PARTS == T idx_t j = 0,k; #if _COL_PARTS == T //colParts aux vars idx_t _colBlock = abRowLen / gridCols, _colBlockRem = abRowLen % gridCols; ushort gc = 0; idx_t gcStartCol = unifRemShareStart(gc,_colBlock,_colBlockRem); idx_t gcEndCol = unifRemShareEnd(gc,_colBlock,_colBlockRem); #endif #if IDX_RMUL_SYMB_RBTREE == T || _OUT_IDXS == F ///idxs recorded in a aux rbtree for (struct rb_node* n = rb_first(&root->rb_root); n; n = rb_next(n)){ k = rb_entry(n,rbNode,rb)->key; #if _OUT_IDXS == T outIdxs[ j++ ] = k; //record ordered key sotred from aux rbtree #endif #else ///idxs recorded in aux append array sort_idx_t(outIdxs,abRowLen); for (; j < abRowLen; j++){ k = outIdxs[j]; //(OSS) already ordered in outIndexes arr #endif //IDX_RMUL_SYMB_RBTREE == T #if _COL_PARTS == T while (k >= gcEndCol ){ //see if the idx is in another col partition // TODO also = since gcEndCol as k is 0based gcEndCol = unifRemShareEnd(gc ,_colBlock, _colBlockRem); gc++; DEBUGCHECKS{ assert( gc < gridCols ); } } rowColPartsLens[gc]++; #endif //_COL_PARTS == T } #endif //_OUT_IDXS == T ... _COL_PARTS == T return abRowLen; } //switch among 2 row_symb_XXX implemenetation aux /* * SpMM single row symbolic computation * select one implementation via @implID * among SpMM_Row_Symb_Rbtree or SpMM_Row_Symb_IdxMap * args will be forwared accordingly */ static inline idx_t CAT4(SpMM_Row_Symb_,OUT_IDXS,COL_PARTS,OFF_F) ( ROW_MMSYM_IMPL_MODE implID, idx_t* aRowJA, idx_t aRowLen, spmat* b, rbRoot* root, rbNode* nodes, SPVECT_IDX_DENSE_MAP* idxsMapAcc #if _OUT_IDXS == TRUE ,idx_t* outIdxs #endif #if _COL_PARTS == TRUE ,ushort gridCols,idx_t* rowColPartsLens #endif ) { if (implID == RBTREE) { return CAT4(SpMM_Row_Symb_Rbtree,OUT_IDXS,COL_PARTS,OFF_F) ( aRowJA,aRowLen,b,root,nodes #if _OUT_IDXS == TRUE && !defined OUT_IDXS_RBTREE_NODES ,outIdxs #endif #if _COL_PARTS == TRUE ,gridCols,rowColPartsLens #endif ); } else { //IDXMAP return CAT4(SpMM_Row_Symb_IdxMap,OUT_IDXS,COL_PARTS,OFF_F) ( aRowJA,aRowLen,b,idxsMapAcc #if _OUT_IDXS == TRUE ,outIdxs #endif #if ( _OUT_IDXS == TRUE && IDX_RMUL_SYMB_RBTREE == T ) || _COL_PARTS == T ,root, nodes #endif #if _COL_PARTS == TRUE ,gridCols, rowColPartsLens #endif ); } } ///SpMM row-by-row idx_t* CAT4(SpMM_Symb_,OUT_IDXS,COL_PARTS,OFF_F) ( ROW_MMSYM_IMPL_MODE symbRowImplID, spmat* a, spmat* b #if _OUT_IDXS == TRUE ,idx_t*** outIdxs #endif #if _COL_PARTS == TRUE ,ushort gridCols, idx_t** rowColPartsLens #endif ) { ///initial allocations rbRoot* rbRoots = NULL; rbNode* rbNodes = NULL; SPVECT_IDX_DENSE_MAP* idxsMapAccs = NULL; idx_t *rowLens=NULL,*upperBoundedRowsLens=NULL,*upperBoundedSymMat=NULL; idx_t maxRowLen=0; int rbTreeUsed = (symbRowImplID == RBTREE || (IDX_RMUL_SYMB_RBTREE && (_COL_PARTS || _OUT_IDXS)) ); if ( !(rowLens = malloc(sizeof(*rowLens) * (a->M+1))) ){ ERRPRINT("SpMM_Symb_ rowLens malloc errd\n"); goto _err; } if (_OUT_IDXS == TRUE || rbTreeUsed ){ if (!(upperBoundedRowsLens = CAT(spMMSizeUpperbound_,OFF_F)(a,b))) goto _err; } #if _OUT_IDXS == TRUE if (!(*outIdxs = malloc(sizeof(**outIdxs) * a->M))){ ERRPRINT("SpMM_Symb_ outIdxs malloc errd\n"); goto _err; } if (!(upperBoundedSymMat = malloc( sizeof(*upperBoundedSymMat)*upperBoundedRowsLens[a->M]))){ ERRPRINT("SpMM_Symb_ upperBoundedSymMat malloc errd\n"); goto _err; } //write rows' start pointer from full matrix JA allocated for (idx_t i=0,cumul=0; iM; cumul += upperBoundedRowsLens[i++]) *outIdxs[i] = upperBoundedSymMat + cumul; #endif //#if _OUT_IDXS == TRUE #if _COL_PARTS == TRUE if (!(*rowColPartsLens = malloc(a->M * gridCols * sizeof(**rowColPartsLens)))){ ERRPRINT("SpMM_Symb_ rowColPartsLens malloc errd\n"); goto _err; } #endif //_COL_PARTS int maxThreads; maxThreads = omp_get_max_threads(); //TODO FROM CFG //index keeping aux struct //rbtree implementation or idxMap with aux of symbTree for tmp outIdx keeping if ( rbTreeUsed ){ maxRowLen = reductionMaxSeq(upperBoundedRowsLens, a->M); //rbTrees for index keeping rbRoots = malloc(maxThreads * sizeof(*rbRoots)); rbNodes = calloc(maxThreads * maxRowLen, sizeof(*rbNodes)); if( !rbRoots || !rbNodes ){ ERRPRINT("SpMM_Symb_ threads' aux rbTree mallocs errd\n"); goto _err; } //init roots for (int i=0; iN,idxsMapAccs+i)) goto _err; } } ///rows parallel compute idx_t* aRow; idx_t aRowLen,rLen,abCumulLen=0; int tid; rbRoot* tRoot; rbNode* tNodes; SPVECT_IDX_DENSE_MAP* tIdxsMapAcc = NULL; #pragma omp parallel for schedule(static) \ private(aRow,aRowLen,rLen, tRoot,tNodes,tid) reduction(+:abCumulLen) for(idx_t r=0; rM; r++){ aRow = a->JA + a->IRP[r]-OFF_F; aRowLen = a->IRP[r+1] - a->IRP[r]; tid = omp_get_thread_num(); //TODO low overhead pointer airth can be avoided with if (symbRowImplID .. && ) tIdxsMapAcc = idxsMapAccs + tid; tRoot = rbRoots + tid; tNodes = rbNodes + tid * maxRowLen; rLen = CAT4(SpMM_Row_Symb_,OUT_IDXS,COL_PARTS,OFF_F) ( symbRowImplID, aRow, aRowLen, b, tRoot,tNodes, tIdxsMapAcc #if _OUT_IDXS == TRUE ,*outIdxs[r] #endif #if _COL_PARTS == TRUE ,gridCols, (*rowColPartsLens) + IDX2D(r,0,gridCols) #endif ); rowLens[r] = rLen; abCumulLen += rLen; ///reset symb idxs keeping aux structs if (symbRowImplID==RBTREE || (IDX_RMUL_SYMB_RBTREE && (_COL_PARTS || _OUT_IDXS))){ *tRoot = RB_ROOT_CACHED; memset(tNodes,0,rLen * sizeof(*tNodes)); } if (symbRowImplID == IDXMAP) _resetIdxMap(tIdxsMapAcc); } rowLens[a->M] = abCumulLen; goto _free; _err: free(rowLens); #if _OUT_IDXS == T if (outIdxs) free(*outIdxs); #endif #if _COL_PARTS == T if (rowColPartsLens) free(*rowColPartsLens); #endif rowLens = NULL; _free: free(upperBoundedRowsLens); free(upperBoundedSymMat); free(rbRoots); free(rbNodes); if (idxsMapAccs){ for (int i=0; ikey; for (struct rb_node* n = rb_first(&root->rb_root); n; n = rb_next(n)){ outIdxs[ i++ ] = rb_entry(n,rbNode,rb)->key; } #else /* return the non zero indexes of the mul.result row * sorting inplace the nodes inserted in the rbtree */ sortRbNode(nodes,abcRowLen); #endif #endif return abcRowLen; } idx_t* CAT3(Sp3MM_Symb_,OUT_IDXS,OFF_F) ( ROW_MMSYM_IMPL_MODE symbMMRowImplID, spmat* a, spmat* b, spmat* c #if _OUT_IDXS == TRUE ,idx_t*** outIdxs #endif ) { //idxs keeping aux buffs idx_t* abRowsJATmp = NULL; rbRoot* rbRoots = NULL; rbNode* rbNodes = NULL; SPVECT_IDX_DENSE_MAP* idxsMapAccs = NULL; idx_t *abUpperBoundedRowsLens = NULL, *upperBoundedSymMat = NULL; ///initial allocations idx_t* rowLens = malloc(sizeof(*rowLens) * (a->M +1) ); //to return if (!rowLens){ ERRPRINT("SpMM_Symb_ rowLens malloc errd\n"); goto _err; } #if _OUT_IDXS == TRUE if (!(*outIdxs = malloc(sizeof(**outIdxs) * a->M))){ ERRPRINT("SpMM_Symb_ outIdxs malloc errd\n"); goto _err; } if (!(abUpperBoundedRowsLens = CAT(spMMSizeUpperbound_,OFF_F)(a,b))) goto _err; /*TODO TODO instead of doing one sym product first to have a correct UB * use an heuristics here to get output matrix size */ idx_t abcUBSize = abUpperBoundedRowsLens[a->M] * SP3MM_UB_HEURISTIC; if (!(upperBoundedSymMat=malloc(sizeof(*upperBoundedSymMat)*abcUBSize))){ ERRPRINT("SpMM_Symb_ upperBoundedSymMat malloc errd\n"); goto _err; } //TODO heuristic TO UB rows bounds ... require compacting copy for (idx_t i=0,cumul=0; iM; cumul += SP3MM_UB_HEURISTIC * abUpperBoundedRowsLens[i++]) *outIdxs[i] = upperBoundedSymMat + cumul; #endif //#if _OUT_IDXS == TRUE //rbTrees for index keeping int maxThreads = omp_get_max_threads(); //TODO FROM CFG idx_t abMaxRowLen = reductionMaxSeq(abUpperBoundedRowsLens, a->M); #ifdef HEURISTICS_UB idx_t maxRowLenUB = abMaxRowLen * SP3MM_UB_HEURISTIC; //TODO UB HEURISTC #else idx_t maxRowLenUB = c->N; #endif //HEURISTICS_UB if (!(abRowsJATmp = malloc(maxThreads*maxRowLenUB*sizeof(*abRowsJATmp)) ) ){ ERRPRINT("Sp3MM_Symb_ abRowsJATmp malloc errd\n"); goto _err; } if (symbMMRowImplID == RBTREE || IDX_RMUL_SYMB_RBTREE ){ rbNodes = malloc(maxThreads * maxRowLenUB * sizeof(*rbNodes)); rbRoots = malloc(maxThreads * sizeof(*rbRoots)); if (!rbRoots || !rbNodes ){ ERRPRINT("Sp3MM_Symb_ rbRoots || rbNodes malloc errd\n"); goto _err; } //init roots for (int i=0; iN,idxsMapAccs+i)) goto _err; } } ///rows parallel compute idx_t* aRow; idx_t aRowLen,rLen,outCumulLen=0; //threads local pointers int tid; rbRoot* tRoot; rbNode* tNodes; SPVECT_IDX_DENSE_MAP* tIdxsMapAcc; idx_t* tABRowJATmp; #pragma omp parallel for schedule(static) \ private(aRow,aRowLen,rLen, tRoot,tNodes,tid) reduction(+:outCumulLen) for(idx_t r=0; rM; r++){ aRow = a->JA + a->IRP[r]-OFF_F; aRowLen = a->IRP[r+1] - a->IRP[r]; tid = omp_get_thread_num(); tRoot = rbRoots + tid; tNodes = rbNodes + tid * maxRowLenUB; tIdxsMapAcc = NULL; //TODO tABRowJATmp = abRowsJATmp + tid * maxRowLenUB; rLen = CAT3(Sp3MM_Row_Symb_,OUT_IDXS,OFF_F) (symbMMRowImplID, aRow,aRowLen,b,c,tRoot,tNodes,tIdxsMapAcc,tABRowJATmp, #if _OUT_IDXS == TRUE *outIdxs[r] #endif ); outCumulLen += rLen; rowLens[r] = rLen; } goto _free; _err: free(rowLens); #if _OUT_IDXS == T if (*outIdxs) free(*outIdxs); #endif rowLens = NULL; _free: free(abUpperBoundedRowsLens); free(upperBoundedSymMat); free(rbRoots); free(rbNodes); free(abRowsJATmp); return rowLens; } #endif //#if !defined COL_PARTS && defined OUT_IDXS ///restore aux macros entry state //#undef _OUT_ID //#undef _COL_PARTS #pragma pop_macro("OUT_IDXS") #pragma pop_macro("_OUT_IDXS") #pragma pop_macro("COL_PARTS") #pragma pop_macro("_COL_PARTS")