11 Number of inputs pde40.mtx This (and others) from: http://math.nist.gov/MatrixMarket/ or NONE sherman3_b.mtx http://www.cise.ufl.edu/research/sparse/matrices/index.html MM File format: MM: Matrix Market HB: Harwell-Boeing. BICGSTAB Iterative method: BiCGSTAB CGS RGMRES BiCGSTABL BICG CG BJAC Preconditioner NONE DIAG BJAC CSR Storage format CSR COO JAD 3 IPART: Partition method 0: BLK 2: graph (with Metis) 2 ISTOPC 02100 ITMAX -1 ITRACE 30 IRST (restart for RGMRES and BiCGSTABL) 1.d-6 EPS