subroutine psi_crea_index(desc_a,index_in,index_out,glob_idx,info) use psb_realloc_mod use psb_descriptor_type use psb_error_mod implicit none type(psb_desc_type), intent(in) :: desc_a integer, intent(out) :: info integer, intent(in) :: index_in(:) integer, pointer :: index_out(:) logical :: glob_idx ! ....local scalars... integer :: me,npcol,mycol,nprow,i,j,k,& & mode, int_err(5), err, err_act, np,& & dl_lda, icontxt, proc, nerv, nesd ! ...parameters... integer, pointer :: dep_list(:,:), length_dl(:) integer,parameter :: root=0,no_comm=-1 logical,parameter :: debug=.false. character(len=20) :: name, ch_err interface subroutine psi_compute_size(desc_data,& & index_in, dl_lda, info) integer :: info, dl_lda integer :: desc_data(:), index_in(:) end subroutine psi_compute_size end interface interface subroutine psi_sort_dl(dep_list,l_dep_list,np,info) integer :: np,dep_list(:,:), l_dep_list(:), info end subroutine psi_sort_dl end interface interface subroutine psi_dl_check(dep_list,dl_lda,np,length_dl) integer :: np,dl_lda,length_dl(0:np) integer :: dep_list(dl_lda,0:np) end subroutine psi_dl_check end interface interface subroutine psi_desc_index(desc_data,index_in,dep_list,& & length_dl,loc_to_glob,glob_to_loc,desc_index,& & isglob_in,info) integer :: desc_data(:),index_in(:),dep_list(:) integer :: loc_to_glob(:),glob_to_loc(:) integer,pointer :: desc_index(:) integer :: length_dl, info logical :: isglob_in end subroutine psi_desc_index end interface info = 0 name='psi_crea_index' call psb_erractionsave(err_act) icontxt = desc_a%matrix_data(psb_ctxt_) call blacs_gridinfo(icontxt,np,npcol,me,mycol) if (np == -1) then info = 2010 call psb_errpush(info,name) goto 9999 else if (npcol /= 1) then info = 2030 int_err(1) = npcol call psb_errpush(info,name) goto 9999 endif ! allocate dependency list call psi_compute_size(desc_a%matrix_data, index_in, dl_lda, info) ! dl_lda=dl_lda+3 allocate(dep_list(max(1,dl_lda),0:np),length_dl(0:np)) ! ...extract dependence list (ordered list of identifer process ! which every process must communcate with... if (debug) write(*,*) 'crea_halo: calling extract_dep_list' mode = 1 call psi_extract_dep_list(desc_a%matrix_data,index_in,& & dep_list,length_dl,np,max(1,dl_lda),mode,info) if(info /= 0) then call psb_errpush(4010,name,a_err='extrct_dl') goto 9999 end if if (debug) write(*,*) 'crea_index: from extract_dep_list',& & me,length_dl(0),index_in(1), ':',dep_list(:length_dl(me),me) ! process root contains dependence list of all processes... if (debug) write(*,*) 'crea_halo: root sorting dep list' ! ....i must order communication in in halo call psi_dl_check(dep_list,max(1,dl_lda),np,length_dl) ! i can sort dependence list...... call psi_sort_dl(dep_list,length_dl,np,info) if( then call psb_errpush(4010,name,a_err='psi_sort_dl') goto 9999 end if ! ...create desc_halo array..... if(debug) write(0,*)'in psi_crea_index calling psi_desc_index',& & size(index_out) call psi_desc_index(desc_a%matrix_data,index_in,dep_list(1:,me),& & length_dl(me),desc_a%loc_to_glob,desc_a%glob_to_loc,& & index_out,glob_idx,info) if( then call psb_errpush(4010,name,a_err='psi_desc_index') goto 9999 end if deallocate(dep_list,length_dl) call psb_erractionrestore(err_act) return 9999 continue call psb_erractionrestore(err_act) if (err_act.eq.act_abort) then call psb_error(icontxt) return end if return end subroutine psi_crea_index