C SUBROUTINE DCSRS(TRANS,M,N,FIDA,DESCRA,A,IA1,IA2, & C & INFOA,ROWSUM,IERROR) C Purpose C ======= C C Computing sum of absolute values for rows of distributed matrix C ROWSUM(IX) = ASUM(A(IX, 1..N)) C IX = 1..M C C Parameters C ========== C C TRANS - CHARACTER*1 C On entry TRANS specifies if the routine operates with matrix A C or with the transpose of A as follows: C TRANS = 'N' -> use matrix A C TRANS = 'T' or 'C' -> use A' (transpose of matrix A) C Unchanged on exit. C C M - INTEGER C On entry: number of rows of matrix A (A') and C number of rows of matrix C C Unchanged on exit. C C N - INTEGER C On entry: number of columns of matrix B C and number of columns of matrix C. C Unchanged on exit. C C FIDA - CHARACTER*5 C On entry FIDA defines the format of the input sparse matrix. C Unchanged on exit. C C DESCRA - CHARACTER*1 array of DIMENSION (9) C On entry DESCRA describes the characteristics of the input C sparse matrix. C Unchanged on exit. C C A - DOUBLE PRECISION array of DIMENSION (*) C On entry A specifies the values of the input sparse C matrix. C Unchanged on exit. C C IA1 - INTEGER array of dimension (*) C On entry IA1 holds integer information on input sparse C matrix. Actual information will depend on data format used. C Unchanged on exit. C C IA2 - INTEGER array of dimension (*) C On entry IA2 holds integer information on input sparse C matrix. Actual information will depend on data format used. C Unchanged on exit. C C INFOA - INTEGER array of length 10. C On entry can hold auxiliary information on input matrices C formats or environment of subsequent calls. C Might be changed on exit. C C IERROR - INTEGER C On exit IERROR contains the value of error flag as follows: C IERROR = 0 no error C IERROR > 0 warning C IERROR < 0 fatal error C C ROWSUM - DOUBLE PRECISION array of dimension (*) C On exit this vector contains the sum of absolute values C of elements of a row (AMAX of row array). C It is required that it has dimension: C ROWSUM(M) if the subroutine in called with the 'N' option C ROWSUM(N) in other cases ('T' or 'C' options). C SUBROUTINE ZCSRWS(TRANS,M,N,FIDA,DESCRA,A,IA1,IA2, & INFOA,ROWSUM,IERROR) IMPLICIT NONE C .. Scalar Arguments .. INTEGER M,N, IERROR CHARACTER TRANS C .. Array Arguments .. INTEGER IA1(*),IA2(*),INFOA(*) CHARACTER DESCRA*11, FIDA*5 COMPLEX*16 A(*), ROWSUM(*) C .. Local Array.. INTEGER INT_VAL(5), ERR_ACT CHARACTER*30 NAME,STRINGS(2) C .. Parameters .. DOUBLE PRECISION ZERO INTEGER IONE PARAMETER (ZERO=0.D0,IONE=1) C .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC DBLE, IDINT C .. Executable Statements .. C C Check for argument errors C IERROR = 0 NAME = 'ZCSRWS\0' CALL FCPSB_ERRACTIONSAVE(ERR_ACT) IF (M.LT.0) THEN IERROR = 10 INT_VAL(1) = 2 INT_VAL(2) = M ELSE IF (N.LT.0) THEN IERROR = 10 INT_VAL(1) = 3 INT_VAL(2) = N ELSE IF (TRANS.NE.'T' .AND. TRANS.NE.'N' .AND. TRANS.NE.'C') THEN IERROR = 40 INT_VAL(1) = 1 STRINGS(1) = TRANS//'\0' ENDIF C C Error handling C IF(IERROR.NE.0) THEN CALL FCPSB_ERRPUSH(IERROR,NAME,INT_VAL) GOTO 9999 ENDIF IF(M.LE.0 .OR. N.LE.0) THEN GOTO 9999 ENDIF IF (FIDA(1:3).EQ.'CSR') THEN CALL ZCSRRWS(TRANS,M,N,DESCRA,A,IA1,IA2, + INFOA,ROWSUM,IERROR) ELSE IF (FIDA(1:3).EQ.'COO') THEN CALL ZCOORWS(TRANS,M,N,DESCRA,A,IA1,IA2, + INFOA,ROWSUM,IERROR) c$$$ ELSE IF (FIDA(1:3).EQ.'JAD') THEN c$$$ CALL DJDRWS(TRANS,M,N,DESCRA,A,IA1,IA2, c$$$ + INFOA,ROWSUM,IERROR) ELSE C C This data structure not yet considered C IERROR = 3010 strings(1) = fida//'\0' ENDIF IF(IERROR.NE.0) THEN CALL FCPSB_ERRPUSH(IERROR,NAME,INT_VAL) GOTO 9999 ENDIF CALL FCPSB_ERRACTIONRESTORE(ERR_ACT) RETURN 9999 CONTINUE CALL FCPSB_ERRACTIONRESTORE(ERR_ACT) IF ( ERR_ACT .NE. 0 ) THEN CALL FCPSB_SERROR() RETURN ENDIF RETURN END