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   <h4 class="subsectionHead"><span class="titlemark">2.1   </span> <a 
 id="x6-40002.1"></a>Basic Nomenclature</h4>
<!--l. 158--><p class="noindent" >Our computational model implies that the data allocation on the parallel distributed
memory machine is guided by the structure of the physical model, and specifically by
the discretization mesh of the PDE.
<!--l. 163--><p class="indent" >   Each point of the discretization mesh will have (at least) one associated
equation/variable, and therefore one index. We say that point <span 
class="cmmi-10">i </span><span 
class="cmti-10">depends </span>on point <span 
class="cmmi-10">j </span>if
the equation for a variable associated with <span 
class="cmmi-10">i </span>contains a term in <span 
class="cmmi-10">j</span>, or equivalently if

class="cmmi-10">&#x2260;</span>0. After the partition of the discretization mesh into <span 
class="cmti-10">sub-domains </span>assigned
to the parallel processes, we classify the points of a given sub-domain as
     <dl class="description"><dt class="description">
class="cmbx-10">Internal.</span> </dt><dd 
class="description">An internal point of a given domain <span 
class="cmti-10">depends </span>only on points of the
     same domain. If all points of a domain are assigned to one process, then
     a  computational  step  (e.g.,  a  matrix-vector  product)  of  the  equations
     associated  with  the  internal  points  requires  no  data  items  from  other
     domains and no communications.
     </dd><dt class="description">
class="cmbx-10">Boundary.</span> </dt><dd 
class="description">A point of a given domain is a boundary point if it <span 
class="cmti-10">depends </span>on
     points belonging to other domains.
     </dd><dt class="description">
class="cmbx-10">Halo.</span> </dt><dd 
class="description">A halo point for a given domain is a point belonging to another domain
     such that there is a boundary point which <span 
class="cmti-10">depends </span>on it. Whenever performing
     a computational step, such as a matrix-vector product, the values associated
     with halo points are requested from other domains. A boundary point of a
     given domain is usually a halo point for some other domain<span class="footnote-mark"><a 
href="userhtml7.html#fn2x0"><sup class="textsuperscript">2</sup></a></span><a 
 id="x6-4001f2"></a> ;
     therefore the cardinality of the boundary points set denotes the amount
     of data sent to other domains.
     </dd><dt class="description">
class="cmbx-10">Overlap.</span> </dt><dd 
class="description">An overlap point is a boundary point assigned to multiple domains.
     Any operation that involves an overlap point has to be replicated for each
<!--l. 202--><p class="noindent" >Overlap points do not usually exist in the basic data distributions; however they are a
feature of Domain Decomposition Schwarz preconditioners which are the subject of
related research work&#x00A0;<span class="cite">[<a 
<!--l. 207--><p class="indent" >   We denote the sets of internal, boundary and halo points for a given subdomain
by <span 
src="cmsy10-49.png" alt="I" class="10x-x-49" /></span>, <span 
src="cmsy10-42.png" alt="B" class="10x-x-42" /> </span>and <span 
src="cmsy10-48.png" alt="H" class="10x-x-48" /></span>. Each subdomain is assigned to one process; each process usually owns
one subdomain, although the user may choose to assign more than one subdomain to
a process. If each process <span 
class="cmmi-10">i </span>owns one subdomain, the number of rows in
the local sparse matrix is <span 
src="cmsy10-49.png" alt="I" class="10x-x-49" /></span><sub><span 
class="cmsy-10">| </span>+ <span 
src="cmsy10-42.png" alt="B" class="10x-x-42" /></span><sub><span 
class="cmsy-10">|</span>, and the number of local columns (i.e.
those for which there exists at least one non-zero entry in the local rows) is
src="cmsy10-49.png" alt="I" class="10x-x-49" /></span><sub><span 
class="cmsy-10">| </span>+ <span 
src="cmsy10-42.png" alt="B" class="10x-x-42" /></span><sub><span 
class="cmsy-10">| </span>+ <span 
src="cmsy10-48.png" alt="H" class="10x-x-48" /></span><sub><span 
<!--l. 217--><p class="indent" >   <hr class="figure"><div class="figure" 


<div class="center" 
<!--l. 218--><p class="noindent" >
<!--l. 221--><p class="noindent" ><img 
src="points.png" alt="PIC"  
width="46" height="46" ></div>
<br /> <div class="caption" 
><span class="id">Figure&#x00A0;2: </span><span  
class="content">Point classfication.</span></div><!--tex4ht:label?: x6-4002r2 -->

<!--l. 227--><p class="indent" >   </div><hr class="endfigure">
<!--l. 229--><p class="indent" >   This classification of mesh points guides the naming scheme that we adopted in
the library internals and in the data structures. We explicitly note that &#8220;Halo&#8221; points
are also often called &#8220;ghost&#8221; points in the literature.

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