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When append is true, specifies how many entries in the output vectors are already filled. </DD> <DT><STRONG>lrw</STRONG></DT> <DD>The last row to be extracted. <BR> Scope:<B>local</B> <BR> Type:<B>optional</B> <BR> Intent: <B>in</B>. <BR> Specified as: an integer <IMG WIDTH="29" HEIGHT="30" ALIGN="MIDDLE" BORDER="0" SRC="img111.png" ALT="$>0$">, default: <IMG WIDTH="31" HEIGHT="14" ALIGN="BOTTOM" BORDER="0" SRC="img112.png" ALT="$row$">. <P> </DD> </DL> <P> <DL> <DT><STRONG><B>On Return</B></STRONG></DT> <DD> </DD> <DT><STRONG>nz</STRONG></DT> <DD>the number of elements returned by this call. <BR> Scope:<B>local</B>. <BR> Type:<B>required</B>. <BR> Intent: <B>out</B>. <BR> Returned as: an integer scalar. </DD> <DT><STRONG>ia</STRONG></DT> <DD>the row indices. <BR> Scope:<B>local</B>. <BR> Type:<B>required</B>. <BR> Intent: <B>inout</B>. <BR> Specified as: an integer array with the <code>ALLOCATABLE</code> attribute. </DD> <DT><STRONG>ja</STRONG></DT> <DD>the column indices of the elements to be inserted. <BR> Scope:<B>local</B>. <BR> Type:<B>required</B>. <BR> Intent: <B>inout</B>. <BR> Specified as: an integer array with the <code>ALLOCATABLE</code> attribute. </DD> <DT><STRONG>val</STRONG></DT> <DD>the elements to be inserted. <BR> Scope:<B>local</B>. <BR> Type:<B>required</B>. <BR> Intent: <B>inout</B>. <BR> Specified as: a real array with the <code>ALLOCATABLE</code> attribute. </DD> <DT><STRONG>info</STRONG></DT> <DD>Error code. <BR> Scope: <B>local</B> <BR> Type: <B>required</B> <BR> Intent: <B>out</B>. <BR> An integer value; 0 means no error has been detected. </DD> </DL> <P> <FONT SIZE="+1"><B>Notes</B></FONT> <OL> <LI>The output <IMG WIDTH="22" HEIGHT="14" ALIGN="BOTTOM" BORDER="0" SRC="img101.png" ALT="$nz$"> is always the size of the output generated by the current call; thus, if <code>append=.true.</code>, the total output size will be <IMG WIDTH="74" HEIGHT="29" ALIGN="MIDDLE" BORDER="0" SRC="img113.png" ALT="$nzin+nz$">, with the newly extracted coefficients stored in entries <code>nzin+1:nzin+nz</code> of the array arguments; </LI> <LI>When <code>append=.true.</code> the output arrays are reallocated as necessary; </LI> <LI>The row and column indices are returned in the local numbering scheme; if the global numbering is desired, the user may employ the <code>psb_loc_to_glob</code> routine on the output. </LI> </OL> <P> <HR> <!--Navigation Panel--> <A NAME="tex2html1437" HREF="node96.html"> <IMG WIDTH="37" HEIGHT="24" ALIGN="BOTTOM" BORDER="0" ALT="next" SRC="next.png"></A> <A NAME="tex2html1433" HREF="node70.html"> <IMG WIDTH="26" HEIGHT="24" ALIGN="BOTTOM" BORDER="0" ALT="up" SRC="up.png"></A> <A NAME="tex2html1427" HREF="node94.html"> <IMG WIDTH="63" HEIGHT="24" ALIGN="BOTTOM" BORDER="0" ALT="previous" SRC="prev.png"></A> <A NAME="tex2html1435" HREF="node1.html"> <IMG WIDTH="65" HEIGHT="24" ALIGN="BOTTOM" BORDER="0" ALT="contents" SRC="contents.png"></A> <BR> <B> Next:</B> <A NAME="tex2html1438" HREF="node96.html">psb_sizeof Memory</A> <B> Up:</B> <A NAME="tex2html1434" HREF="node70.html">Data management routines</A> <B> Previous:</B> <A NAME="tex2html1428" HREF="node94.html">psb_get_overlap Extract</A> <B> <A NAME="tex2html1436" HREF="node1.html">Contents</A></B> <!--End of Navigation Panel--> </BODY> </HTML>