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Library contents

The PSBLAS library consists of various classes of subroutines:

Computational routines
Communication routines
handling halo and overlap communications;
Data management and auxiliary routines
Preconditioner routines
Iterative methods
a subset of Krylov subspace iterative methods
The following naming scheme has been adopted for all the symbols internally defined in the PSBLAS software package: In the description of the subroutines, arguments or argument entries are classified as:
For input arguments, the value must be the same on all processes participating in the subroutine call; for output arguments the value is guaranteed to be the same.
Each process has its own value(s) independently.
To finish our general description, we define a version string with the constant

\begin{displaymath}\verb\vert psb_version_string_\vert\end{displaymath}

whose current value is 3.4.0

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