User's and Reference Guide
A reference guide for the Parallel Sparse BLAS library
Salvatore Filippone
Alfredo Buttari
University of Rome ``Tor Vergata'', Italy
Software version: 2.3
July 24, 2008
General overview
Basic Nomenclature
Library contents
Application structure
Programming model
Data Structures
Descriptor data structure
Named Constants
Sparse Matrix data structure
Named Constants
Preconditioner data structure
Data structure query routines
psb_cd_get_local_rows -- Get number of local rows
psb_cd_get_local_cols -- Get number of local cols
psb_cd_get_global_rows -- Get number of global rows
psb_cd_get_global_cols -- Get number of global cols
psb_cd_get_context--Get communication context
psb_cd_get_large_threshold -- Get threshold for index mapping switch
psb_cd_set_large_threshold -- Set threshold for index mapping switch
psb_sp_get_nrows -- Get number of rows in a sparse matrix
psb_sp_get_ncols -- Get number of columns in a sparse matrix
psb_sp_get_nnzeros -- Get number of nonzero elements in a sparse matrix
Computational routines
psb_geaxpby -- General Dense Matrix Sum
psb_gedot -- Dot Product
psb_gedots -- Generalized Dot Product
psb_geamax -- Infinity-Norm of Vector
psb_geamaxs -- Generalized Infinity Norm
psb_geasum -- 1-Norm of Vector
psb_geasums -- Generalized 1-Norm of Vector
psb_genrm2s -- Generalized 1-Norm of Vector
psb_spnrmi -- Infinity Norm of Sparse Matrix
psb_spmm -- Sparse Matrix by Dense Matrix Product
psb_spsm -- Triangular System Solve
Communication routines
psb_halo -- Halo Data Communication
psb_ovrl -- Overlap Update
psb_gather -- Gather Global Dense Matrix
psb_scatter -- Scatter Global Dense Matrix
Data management routines
psb_cdall -- Allocates a communication descriptor
psb_cdins -- Communication descriptor insert routine
psb_cdasb -- Communication descriptor assembly routine
psb_cdcpy -- Copies a communication descriptor
psb_cdfree -- Frees a communication descriptor
psb_cdbldext -- Build an extended communication descriptor
psb_spall -- Allocates a sparse matrix
psb_spins -- Insert a cloud of elements into a sparse matrix
psb_spasb -- Sparse matrix assembly routine
psb_spfree -- Frees a sparse matrix
psb_sprn -- Reinit sparse matrix structure for psblas routines.
psb_geall -- Allocates a dense matrix
psb_geins -- Dense matrix insertion routine
psb_geasb -- Assembly a dense matrix
psb_gefree -- Frees a dense matrix
psb_gelp -- Applies a left permutation to a dense matrix
psb_glob_to_loc -- Global to local indices convertion
psb_loc_to_glob -- Local to global indices conversion
psb_get_boundary -- Extract list of boundary elements
psb_get_overlap -- Extract list of overlap elements
psb_sp_getrow -- Extract row(s) from a sparse matrix
psb_sizeof -- Memory occupation
Sorting utilities
Parallel environment routines
psb_init -- Initializes PSBLAS parallel environment
psb_info -- Return information about PSBLAS parallel environment
psb_exit -- Exit from PSBLAS parallel environment
psb_get_mpicomm -- Get the MPI communicator
psb_get_rank -- Get the MPI rank
psb_wtime -- Wall clock timing
psb_barrier -- Sinchronization point parallel environment
psb_abort -- Abort a computation
psb_bcast -- Broadcast data
psb_sum -- Global sum
psb_max -- Global maximum
psb_min -- Global minimum
psb_amx -- Global maximum absolute value
psb_amn -- Global minimum absolute value
psb_snd -- Send data
psb_rcv -- Receive data
Error handling
psb_errpush -- Pushes an error code onto the error stack
psb_error -- Prints the error stack content and aborts execution
psb_set_errverbosity -- Sets the verbosity of error messages.
psb_set_erraction -- Set the type of action to be taken upon error condition.
hb_read -- Read a sparse matrix from a file in the Harwell-Boeing format
hb_write -- Write a sparse matrix to a file in the Harwell-Boeing format
mm_mat_read -- Read a sparse matrix from a file in the MatrixMarket format
mm_vet_read -- Read a dense vector from a file in the MatrixMarket format
mm_mat_write -- Write a sparse matrix to a file in the MatrixMarket format
Preconditioner routines
psb_precinit -- Initialize a preconditioner
psb_precbld -- Builds a preconditioner
psb_precaply -- Preconditioner application routine
psb_precdescr -- Prints a description of current preconditioner
Iterative Methods
psb_krylov -- Krylov Methods Driver Routine
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