\section{Communication routines} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % HALO DATA COMMUNICATION % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \subroutine{psb\_halo}{Halo Data Communication} These subroutines restore a consistent status for the halo elements, and (optionally) scale the result: \[ x \leftarrow \alpha x \] where: \begin{description} \item[$x$] is a global dense submatrix. \end{description} \begin{table}[h] \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{ll} \hline $\alpha$, $x$ & {\bf Subroutine}\\ \hline Single Precision Real & psb\_halo\\ Long Precision Real & psb\_halo \\ Long Precision Complex & psb\_halo \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \caption{Data types\label{tab:f90halo}} \end{table} \syntax{CALL psb\_halo}{x, desc\_a, info} \syntax*{CALL psb\_halo}{x, desc\_a, info, alpha, work} \begin{description} \item[\bf On Entry] \item[x] global dense matrix $x$.\\ Scope: {\bf local} \\ Type: {\bf required} \\ Specified as: a rank one or two array with the POINTER attribute containing numbers of type specified in Table~\ref{tab:f90halo}. \item[desc\_a] contains data structures for communications.\\ Scope: {\bf local} \\ Type: {\bf required}\\ Specified as: a structured data of type \descdata. \item[alpha] the scalar $\alpha$.\\ Scope: {\bf global} \\ Type: {\bf optional} \\ Default: $alpha = 1 $\\ Specified as: a number of the data type indicated in Table~\ref{tab:f90halo}. \item[work] the work array. \\ Scope: {\bf local} \\ Type: {\bf optional}\\ Specified as: a rank one array of the same type of $x$ with the POINTER attribute. \item[\bf On Return] \item[x] global dense result matrix $x$.\\ Scope: {\bf local} \\ Type: {\bf required} \\ Returned as: a rank one or two array with the POINTER attribute containing numbers of type specified in Table~\ref{tab:f90halo}. \item[info] the local portion of result submatrix $y$.\\ Scope: {\bf local} \\ Type: {\bf required} \\ An integer value that contains an error code. \end{description} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % OVERLAP UPDATE % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \subroutine{psb\_ovrl}{Overlap Update} These subroutines restore a consistent status for the overlap elements: \[ x \leftarrow Q x \] where: \begin{description} \item[$x$] is the global dense submatrix $x$ \item[$Q$] is the overlap operator; it is the composition of two operators $ P_a$ and $ P^{T}$. \end{description} \begin{table}[h] \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{ll} \hline $x$ & {\bf Subroutine}\\ \hline Single Precision Real & psb\_ovrl\\ Long Precision Real & psb\_ovrl \\ Long Precision Complex & psb\_ovrl \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \caption{Data types\label{tab:f90ovrl}} \end{table} \syntax{CALL psb\_ovrl}{x, desc\_a, info} \syntax*{CALL psb\_ovrl}{x, desc\_a, info, choice=choice, update\_type=update\_type, work=work} \begin{description} \item[\bf On Entry] \item[x] global dense matrix $x$.\\ Scope: {\bf local} \\ Type: {\bf required} \\ Specified as: a rank one or two array with the POINTER attribute containing numbers of type specified in Table~\ref{tab:f90ovrl}. \item[desc\_a] contains data structures for communications.\\ Scope: {\bf local} \\ Type: {\bf required}\\ Specified as: a structured data of type \descdata. \item[choice] specify if exchange overlap elements. \begin{description} \item[choice = .true.] exchange overlap elements, i.e. apply operator $P^{T}$; \item[choice = .false.] don't exchange overlap elements \end{description} Scope: {\bf global} \\ Type: {\bf optional} \\ Default: $choice = .true. $\\ Specified as: a logical variable. \begin{description} \item[update\_type = 1] normal update $P_a$; \item[update\_type = 2] square root update $\sqrt{P_a}$; \end{description} Scope: {\bf global} \\ Default: $update\_type = .true. $\\ Scope: {\bf global} \\ Specified as: a integer variable. \item[work] the work array. \\ Scope: {\bf local} \\ Type: {\bf optional}\\ Specified as: a one dimensional array of the same type of $x$. \item[\bf On Return] \item[x] global dense result matrix $x$.\\ Scope: {\bf local} \\ Type: {\bf required} \\ Specified as: a pointer to array of rank one or two containing numbers of type specified in Table~\ref{tab:f90ovrl}. \item[info] the local portion of result submatrix $y$.\\ Scope: {\bf local} \\ Type: {\bf required} \\ An integer value that contains an error code. \end{description} \section*{Usage notes} \begin{enumerate} \item If there is no overlap in the data distribution, no operations are performed; \item The operator $P^{T}$ performs the reduction sum of overlap elements; it is the inverse of a ``stretch'' operator $P$ that replicates overlap elements, accounting for the physical replication of data; \item The operator $P_a$ performs a scaling on the overlap elements by the amount of replication; thus, when combined with the reduction operator, it implements the average of replicated elements over all of their instances. \item The square root update option makes it possible to applythe following operator: \[ x\leftarrow \sqrt{P_a} P^{T} K^{-1} P \sqrt{P_a} x\] In the case of a symmetric $K$, this preserves simmetry of the overall preconditioner, which would otherwise be destroyed. \end{enumerate} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % GATHER GLOBAL DENSE MATRIX % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \subroutine{psb\_gather}{Gather Global Dense Matrix} These subroutines collect the portions of global dense matrix distributed over all process into one single array stored on one process. \[ glob\_x \leftarrow collect(loc\_x_i) \] where: \begin{description} \item[$glob\_x$] is the global submatrix $glob\_x_{iy:iy+m-1,jy:jy+n-1}$ \item[$loc\_x_i$] is the local portion of global dense matrix on process $i$. \item[$collect$] is the collect function. \end{description} \begin{table}[h] \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{ll} \hline $x_i, y$ & {\bf Subroutine}\\ \hline Single Precision Real & psb\_gather\\ Long Precision Real & psb\_gather \\ Long Precision Complex & psb\_gather \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \caption{Data types\label{tab:gather}} \end{table} \syntax{call psb\_gather}{glob\_x, loc\_x, desc\_a, info, root, iglobx, jglobx, ilocx, jlocx, k} \syntax{call psb\_gather}{glob\_x, loc\_x, desc\_a, info, root, iglobx, ilocx} \begin{description} \item[\bf On Entry] \item[loc\_x] the local portion of global dense matrix $glob\_x$. \\ Scope: {\bf local} \\ Type: {\bf required}\\ Specified as: a rank one or two array containing numbers of the type indicated in Table~\ref{tab:gather}. \item[desc\_a] contains data structures for communications.\\ Scope: {\bf local} \\ Type: {\bf required}\\ Specified as: a structured data of type \descdata. \item[root] The process that holds the global copy. If $root=-1$ all the processes will have a copy of the global vector.\\ Scope: {\bf global} \\ Type: {\bf optional}\\ Specified as: an integer variable $0\le ix\le np$. \item[iglobx] Row index to define a submatrix in glob\_x into which gather the local pieces.\\ Scope: {\bf global} \\ Type: {\bf optional}\\ Specified as: an integer variable $1\le ix\le matrix\_data(psb\_m\_)$. \item[jglobx] Column index to define a submatrix in glob\_x into which gather the local pieces.\\ Scope: {\bf global} \\ Type: {\bf optional}\\ Specified as: an integer variable. \item[ilocx] Row index to define a submatrix in loc\_x that has to be gathered into glob\_x.\\ Scope: {\bf local} \\ Type: {\bf optional}\\ Specified as: an integer variable. \item[jlocx] Columns index to define a submatrix in loc\_x that has to be gathered into glob\_x.\\ Scope: {\bf global} \\ Type: {\bf optional}\\ Specified as: an integer variable. \item[k] The number of columns to gather.\\ Scope: {\bf global} \\ Type: {\bf optional}\\ Specified as: an integer variable. \item[\bf On Return] \item[glob\_x] The array where the local parts must be gathered.\\ Scope: {\bf global} \\ Type: {\bf required}\\ Specified as: a rank one or two array. \item[info] the local portion of result submatrix $y$.\\ Scope: {\bf local} \\ Type: {\bf required} \\ An integer value that contains an error code. \end{description} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % SCATTER GLOBAL DENSE MATRIX % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \subroutine{psb\_scatter}{Scatter Global Dense Matrix} These subroutines scatters the portions of global dense matrix owned by a process to all the processes in the processes grid. \[ loc\_x_i \leftarrow scatter(glob\_x_i) \] where: \begin{description} \item[$glob\_x$] is the global submatrix $glob\_x_{iy:iy+m-1,jy:jy+n-1}$ \item[$loc\_x_i$] is the local portion of global dense matrix on process $i$. \item[$scatter$] is the scatter function. \end{description} \begin{table}[h] \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{ll} \hline $x_i, y$ & {\bf Subroutine}\\ \hline Single Precision Real & psb\_scatter\\ Long Precision Real & psb\_scatter \\ Long Precision Complex & psb\_scatter \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \caption{Data types\label{tab:scatter}} \end{table} \syntax{call psb\_scatter}{glob\_x, loc\_x, desc\_a, info, root, iglobx, jglobx, ilocx, jlocx, k} \syntax{call psb\_scatter}{glob\_x, loc\_x, desc\_a, info, root, iglobx, ilocx} \begin{description} \item[\bf On Entry] \item[glob\_x] The array that must be scattered into local pieces.\\ Scope: {\bf global} \\ Type: {\bf required}\\ Specified as: a rank one or two array. \item[desc\_a] contains data structures for communications.\\ Scope: {\bf local} \\ Type: {\bf required}\\ Specified as: a structured data of type \descdata. \item[root] The process that holds the global copy. If $root=-1$ all the processes have a copy of the global vector.\\ Scope: {\bf global} \\ Type: {\bf optional}\\ Specified as: an integer variable $0\le ix\le np$. \item[iglobx] Row index to define a submatrix in glob\_x that has to be scattered into local pieces.\\ Scope: {\bf global} \\ Type: {\bf optional}\\ Specified as: an integer variable $1\le ix\le matrix\_data(psb\_m\_)$. \item[jglobx] Column index to define a submatrix in glob\_x that has to be scattered into local pieces.\\ Scope: {\bf global} \\ Type: {\bf optional}\\ Specified as: an integer variable. \item[ilocx] Row index to define a submatrix in loc\_x into which scatter the local piece of glob\_x.\\ Scope: {\bf local} \\ Type: {\bf optional}\\ Specified as: an integer variable. \item[jlocx] Columns index to define a submatrix in loc\_x into which scatter the local piece of glob\_x.\\ Scope: {\bf global} \\ Type: {\bf optional}\\ Specified as: an integer variable. \item[k] The number of columns to scatter.\\ Scope: {\bf global} \\ Type: {\bf optional}\\ Specified as: an integer variable. \item[\bf On Return] \item[loc\_x] the local portion of global dense matrix $glob\_x$. \\ Scope: {\bf local} \\ Type: {\bf required}\\ Specified as: a rank one or two array containing numbers of the type indicated in Table~\ref{tab:scatter}. \item[info] the local portion of result submatrix $y$.\\ Scope: {\bf local} \\ Type: {\bf required} \\ An integer value that contains an error code. \end{description} %%% Local Variables: %%% mode: latex %%% TeX-master: "userguide" %%% End: