c == ===================================================================== c Sparse Matrix Multiplication Package c c Randolph E. Bank and Craig C. Douglas c c na.bank@na-net.ornl.gov and na.cdouglas@na-net.ornl.gov c c Compile this with the following command (or a similar one): c c f77 -c -O smmp.f c c == ===================================================================== subroutine symbmm * (n, m, l, * ia, ja, diaga, * ib, jb, diagb, * ic, jc, diagc, * index) use psb_const_mod use psb_realloc_mod use psb_sort_mod, only: psb_msort c integer ia(*), ja(*), diaga, * ib(*), jb(*), diagb, * diagc, * index(*) integer, allocatable :: ic(:),jc(:) integer :: nze, info c$$$ integer, save :: iunit=11 c c symbolic matrix multiply c=a*b c c$$$ open(iunit) c$$$ write(iunit,*) 'SYMBMM: ',n,m,l c$$$ write(iunit,*) 'SYMBMM: A:' c$$$ do i=1,n c$$$ write(iunit,*) 'Row:',i,' : ',ja(ia(i):ia(i+1)-1) c$$$ enddo c$$$ write(iunit,*) 'SYMBMM: B:' c$$$ do i=1,m c$$$ write(iunit,*) 'Row:',i,' : ',jb(ib(i):ib(i+1)-1) c$$$ enddo if (size(ic) < n+1) then write(psb_err_unit,*) + 'Called realloc in SYMBMM ' call psb_realloc(n+1,ic,info) if (info /= psb_success_) then write(psb_err_unit,*) + 'realloc failed in SYMBMM ',info end if endif maxlmn = max(l,m,n) do 10 i=1,maxlmn index(i)=0 10 continue if (diagc.eq.0) then ic(1)=1 else ic(1)=n+2 endif minlm = min(l,m) minmn = min(m,n) c c main loop c do 50 i=1,n c$$$ write(psb_err_unit,*) c$$$ 'SYMBMM: 1 loop ',i,n,ia(i),ia(i+1) istart=-1 length=0 c c merge row lists c do 30 jj=ia(i),ia(i+1) c a = d + ... if (jj.eq.ia(i+1)) then if (diaga.eq.0 .or. i.gt.minmn) goto 30 j = i else j=ja(jj) endif c b = d + ... if (index(j).eq.0 .and. diagb.eq.1 .and. j.le.minlm)then index(j)=istart istart=j length=length+1 endif if ((j<1).or.(j>m)) then write(psb_err_unit,*) + ' SymbMM: Problem with A ',i,jj,j,m endif do 20 k=ib(j),ib(j+1)-1 if ((jb(k)<1).or.(jb(k)>maxlmn)) then write(psb_err_unit,*) + 'Problem in SYMBMM 1:',j,k,jb(k),maxlmn else if(index(jb(k)).eq.0) then index(jb(k))=istart istart=jb(k) length=length+1 endif endif 20 continue 30 continue c c row i of jc c if (diagc.eq.1 .and. index(i).ne.0) length = length - 1 ic(i+1)=ic(i)+length if (ic(i+1) > size(jc)) then if (n > (2*i)) then nze = max(ic(i+1), ic(i)*((n+i-1)/i)) else nze = max(ic(i+1), nint((dble(ic(i))*(dble(n)/i))) ) endif call psb_realloc(nze,jc,info) end if do 40 j= ic(i),ic(i+1)-1 if (diagc.eq.1 .and. istart.eq.i) then istart = index(istart) index(i) = 0 endif jc(j)=istart istart=index(istart) index(jc(j))=0 40 continue call psb_msort(jc(ic(i):ic(i)+length -1)) c$$$ write(iunit,*) length,' : ',jc(ic(i):ic(i)+length-1) index(i) = 0 50 continue c$$$ close(iunit) c$$$ iunit = iunit + 1 c$$$ write(psb_err_unit,*) c$$$ 'SYMBMM: on exit',ic(n+1)-1,jc(ic(n+1)-1) return end subroutine snumbmm(n, m, l, * ia, ja, diaga, a, * ib, jb, diagb, b, * ic, jc, diagc, c, * temp) use psb_const_mod c integer ia(*), ja(*), diaga, * ib(*), jb(*), diagb, * ic(*), jc(*), diagc c real(psb_spk_) a(*), b(*), c(*), temp(*),ajj c c numeric matrix multiply c=a*b c maxlmn = max(l,m,n) do 10 i = 1,maxlmn temp(i) = 0. 10 continue minlm = min(l,m) minln = min(l,n) minmn = min(m,n) c c c = a*b c do 50 i = 1,n do 30 jj = ia(i),ia(i+1) c a = d + ... if (jj.eq.ia(i+1)) then if (diaga.eq.0 .or. i.gt.minmn) goto 30 j = i ajj = a(i) else j=ja(jj) ajj = a(jj) endif c b = d + ... if (diagb.eq.1 .and. j.le.minlm) * temp(j) = temp(j) + ajj * b(j) if ((j<1).or.(j>m)) then write(psb_err_unit,*) + ' NUMBMM: Problem with A ',i,jj,j,m endif do 20 k = ib(j),ib(j+1)-1 if((jb(k)<1).or. (jb(k) > maxlmn)) then write(psb_err_unit,*) + ' NUMBMM: jb problem',j,k,jb(k),maxlmn else temp(jb(k)) = temp(jb(k)) + ajj * b(k) endif 20 continue 30 continue c c = d + ... if (diagc.eq.1 .and. i.le.minln) then c(i) = temp(i) temp(i) = 0. endif c$$$ if (mod(i,100) == 1) c$$$ + write(psb_err_unit,*) c$$$ ' NUMBMM: Fixing row ',i,ic(i),ic(i+1)-1 do 40 j = ic(i),ic(i+1)-1 if((jc(j)<1).or. (jc(j) > maxlmn)) then write(psb_err_unit,*) + ' NUMBMM: output problem',i,j,jc(j),maxlmn else c(j) = temp(jc(j)) temp(jc(j)) = 0. endif 40 continue 50 continue return end subroutine dnumbmm(n, m, l, * ia, ja, diaga, a, * ib, jb, diagb, b, * ic, jc, diagc, c, * temp) use psb_const_mod c integer ia(*), ja(*), diaga, * ib(*), jb(*), diagb, * ic(*), jc(*), diagc c real(psb_dpk_) a(*), b(*), c(*), temp(*),ajj c c numeric matrix multiply c=a*b c maxlmn = max(l,m,n) do 10 i = 1,maxlmn temp(i) = 0. 10 continue minlm = min(l,m) minln = min(l,n) minmn = min(m,n) c c c = a*b c do 50 i = 1,n do 30 jj = ia(i),ia(i+1) c a = d + ... if (jj.eq.ia(i+1)) then if (diaga.eq.0 .or. i.gt.minmn) goto 30 j = i ajj = a(i) else j=ja(jj) ajj = a(jj) endif c b = d + ... if (diagb.eq.1 .and. j.le.minlm) * temp(j) = temp(j) + ajj * b(j) if ((j<1).or.(j>m)) then write(psb_err_unit,*) + ' NUMBMM: Problem with A ',i,jj,j,m endif do 20 k = ib(j),ib(j+1)-1 if((jb(k)<1).or. (jb(k) > maxlmn)) then write(psb_err_unit,*) + ' NUMBMM: jb problem',j,k,jb(k),maxlmn else temp(jb(k)) = temp(jb(k)) + ajj * b(k) endif 20 continue 30 continue c c = d + ... if (diagc.eq.1 .and. i.le.minln) then c(i) = temp(i) temp(i) = 0. endif c$$$ if (mod(i,100) == 1) c$$$ + write(psb_err_unit,*) c$$$ ' NUMBMM: Fixing row ',i,ic(i),ic(i+1)-1 do 40 j = ic(i),ic(i+1)-1 if((jc(j)<1).or. (jc(j) > maxlmn)) then write(psb_err_unit,*) + ' NUMBMM: output problem',i,j,jc(j),maxlmn else c(j) = temp(jc(j)) temp(jc(j)) = 0. endif 40 continue 50 continue return end subroutine cnumbmm(n, m, l, * ia, ja, diaga, a, * ib, jb, diagb, b, * ic, jc, diagc, c, * temp) c use psb_const_mod integer ia(*), ja(*), diaga, * ib(*), jb(*), diagb, * ic(*), jc(*), diagc c complex(psb_spk_) a(*), b(*), c(*), temp(*),ajj c c numeric matrix multiply c=a*b c maxlmn = max(l,m,n) do 10 i = 1,maxlmn temp(i) = 0. 10 continue minlm = min(l,m) minln = min(l,n) minmn = min(m,n) c c c = a*b c do 50 i = 1,n do 30 jj = ia(i),ia(i+1) c a = d + ... if (jj.eq.ia(i+1)) then if (diaga.eq.0 .or. i.gt.minmn) goto 30 j = i ajj = a(i) else j=ja(jj) ajj = a(jj) endif c b = d + ... if (diagb.eq.1 .and. j.le.minlm) * temp(j) = temp(j) + ajj * b(j) if ((j<1).or.(j>m)) then write(psb_err_unit,*) + ' NUMBMM: Problem with A ',i,jj,j,m endif do 20 k = ib(j),ib(j+1)-1 if((jb(k)<1).or. (jb(k) > maxlmn)) then write(psb_err_unit,*) + ' NUMBMM: jb problem',j,k,jb(k),maxlmn else temp(jb(k)) = temp(jb(k)) + ajj * b(k) endif 20 continue 30 continue c c = d + ... if (diagc.eq.1 .and. i.le.minln) then c(i) = temp(i) temp(i) = 0. endif c$$$ if (mod(i,100) == 1) c$$$ + write(psb_err_unit,*) c$$$ ' NUMBMM: Fixing row ',i,ic(i),ic(i+1)-1 do 40 j = ic(i),ic(i+1)-1 if((jc(j)<1).or. (jc(j) > maxlmn)) then write(psb_err_unit,*) + ' NUMBMM: output problem',i,j,jc(j),maxlmn else c(j) = temp(jc(j)) temp(jc(j)) = 0. endif 40 continue 50 continue return end subroutine znumbmm(n, m, l, * ia, ja, diaga, a, * ib, jb, diagb, b, * ic, jc, diagc, c, * temp) c use psb_const_mod integer ia(*), ja(*), diaga, * ib(*), jb(*), diagb, * ic(*), jc(*), diagc c complex(psb_dpk_) a(*), b(*), c(*), temp(*),ajj c c numeric matrix multiply c=a*b c maxlmn = max(l,m,n) do 10 i = 1,maxlmn temp(i) = 0. 10 continue minlm = min(l,m) minln = min(l,n) minmn = min(m,n) c c c = a*b c do 50 i = 1,n do 30 jj = ia(i),ia(i+1) c a = d + ... if (jj.eq.ia(i+1)) then if (diaga.eq.0 .or. i.gt.minmn) goto 30 j = i ajj = a(i) else j=ja(jj) ajj = a(jj) endif c b = d + ... if (diagb.eq.1 .and. j.le.minlm) * temp(j) = temp(j) + ajj * b(j) if ((j<1).or.(j>m)) then write(psb_err_unit,*) + ' NUMBMM: Problem with A ',i,jj,j,m endif do 20 k = ib(j),ib(j+1)-1 if((jb(k)<1).or. (jb(k) > maxlmn)) then write(psb_err_unit,*) + ' NUMBMM: jb problem',j,k,jb(k),maxlmn else temp(jb(k)) = temp(jb(k)) + ajj * b(k) endif 20 continue 30 continue c c = d + ... if (diagc.eq.1 .and. i.le.minln) then c(i) = temp(i) temp(i) = 0. endif c$$$ if (mod(i,100) == 1) c$$$ + write(psb_err_unit,*) c$$$ ' NUMBMM: Fixing row ',i,ic(i),ic(i+1)-1 do 40 j = ic(i),ic(i+1)-1 if((jc(j)<1).or. (jc(j) > maxlmn)) then write(psb_err_unit,*) + ' NUMBMM: output problem',i,j,jc(j),maxlmn else c(j) = temp(jc(j)) temp(jc(j)) = 0. endif 40 continue 50 continue return end