subroutine d_coo_cssm_impl(alpha,a,x,beta,y,info,trans) use psb_error_mod use psbn_d_base_mat_mod, psb_protect_name => d_coo_cssm_impl class(psbn_d_coo_sparse_mat), intent(in) :: a real(psb_dpk_), intent(in) :: alpha, beta, x(:,:) real(psb_dpk_), intent(inout) :: y(:,:) integer, intent(out) :: info character, optional, intent(in) :: trans character :: trans_ integer :: i,j,k,m,n, nnz, ir, jc, nc real(psb_dpk_) :: acc real(psb_dpk_), allocatable :: tmp(:,:) logical :: tra Integer :: err_act character(len=20) :: name='d_base_csmm' logical, parameter :: debug=.false. call psb_erractionsave(err_act) if (.not.a%is_asb()) then info = 1121 call psb_errpush(info,name) goto 9999 endif if (.not. (a%is_triangle())) then write(0,*) 'Called SM on a non-triangular mat!' info = 1121 call psb_errpush(info,name) goto 9999 end if if (present(trans)) then trans_ = trans else trans_ = 'N' end if tra = ((trans_=='T').or.(trans_=='t')) m = a%get_nrows() nc = min(size(x,2) , size(y,2)) if (alpha == dzero) then if (beta == dzero) then do i = 1, m y(i,:) = dzero enddo else do i = 1, m y(i,:) = beta*y(i,:) end do endif return end if if (beta == dzero) then call inner_coosm(tra,a,x,y,info) do i = 1, m y(i,:) = alpha*y(i,:) end do else allocate(tmp(m,nc), stat=info) if(info /= 0) then info=4010 call psb_errpush(info,name,a_err='allocate') goto 9999 end if tmp(1:m,:) = x(1:m,:) call inner_coosm(tra,a,tmp,y,info) do i = 1, m y(i,:) = alpha*tmp(i,:) + beta*y(i,:) end do end if if(info /= 0) then info=4010 call psb_errpush(info,name,a_err='inner_coosm') goto 9999 end if call psb_erractionrestore(err_act) return 9999 continue call psb_erractionrestore(err_act) if (err_act == psb_act_abort_) then call psb_error() return end if return contains subroutine inner_coosm(tra,a,x,y,info) logical, intent(in) :: tra class(psbn_d_coo_sparse_mat), intent(in) :: a real(psb_dpk_), intent(in) :: x(:,:) real(psb_dpk_), intent(out) :: y(:,:) integer, intent(out) :: info integer :: i,j,k,m, ir, jc real(psb_dpk_), allocatable :: acc(:) allocate(acc(size(x,2)), stat=info) if(info /= 0) then info=4010 return end if if (.not.a%is_sorted()) then info = 1121 return end if nnz = a%get_nzeros() if (.not.tra) then if (a%is_lower()) then if (a%is_unit()) then j = 1 do i=1, a%get_nrows() acc = dzero do if (j > nnz) exit if (ia(j) > i) exit acc = acc + a%val(j)*x(a%ja(j),:) j = j + 1 end do y(i,:) = x(i,:) - acc end do else if (.not.a%is_unit()) then j = 1 do i=1, a%get_nrows() acc = dzero do if (j > nnz) exit if (ia(j) > i) exit if (ja(j) == i) then y(i,:) = (x(i,:) - acc)/a%val(j) j = j + 1 exit end if acc = acc + a%val(j)*x(a%ja(j),:) j = j + 1 end do end do end if else if (a%is_upper()) then if (a%is_unit()) then j = nnz do i=a%get_nrows(), 1, -1 acc = dzero do if (j < 1) exit if (ia(j) < i) exit acc = acc + a%val(j)*x(a%ja(j),:) j = j - 1 end do y(i,:) = x(i,:) - acc end do else if (.not.a%is_unit()) then j = nnz do i=a%get_nrows(), 1, -1 acc = dzero do if (j < 1) exit if (ia(j) < i) exit if (ja(j) == i) then y(i,:) = (x(i,:) - acc)/a%val(j) j = j - 1 exit end if acc = acc + a%val(j)*x(a%ja(j),:) j = j - 1 end do end do end if end if else if (tra) then do i=1, a%get_nrows() y(i,:) = x(i,:) end do if (a%is_lower()) then if (a%is_unit()) then j = nnz do i=a%get_nrows(), 1, -1 acc = y(i,:) do if (j < 1) exit if (ia(j) < i) exit jc = a%ja(j) y(jc,:) = y(jc,:) - a%val(j)*acc j = j - 1 end do end do else if (.not.a%is_unit()) then j = nnz do i=a%get_nrows(), 1, -1 if (ja(j) == i) then y(i,:) = y(i,:) /a%val(j) j = j - 1 end if acc = y(i,:) do if (j < 1) exit if (ia(j) < i) exit jc = a%ja(j) y(jc,:) = y(jc,:) - a%val(j)*acc j = j - 1 end do end do else if (a%is_upper()) then if (a%is_unit()) then j = 1 do i=1, a%get_nrows() acc = y(i,:) do if (j > nnz) exit if (ia(j) > i) exit jc = a%ja(j) y(jc,:) = y(jc,:) - a%val(j)*acc j = j + 1 end do end do else if (.not.a%is_unit()) then j = 1 do i=1, a%get_nrows() if (ja(j) == i) then y(i,:) = y(i,:) /a%val(j) j = j + 1 end if acc = y(i,:) do if (j > nnz) exit if (ia(j) > i) exit jc = a%ja(j) y(jc,:) = y(jc,:) - a%val(j)*acc j = j + 1 end do end do end if end if end if end if end subroutine inner_coosm end subroutine d_coo_cssm_impl subroutine d_coo_cssv_impl(alpha,a,x,beta,y,info,trans) use psb_const_mod use psb_error_mod use psbn_d_base_mat_mod, psb_protect_name => d_coo_cssv_impl class(psbn_d_coo_sparse_mat), intent(in) :: a real(psb_dpk_), intent(in) :: alpha, beta, x(:) real(psb_dpk_), intent(inout) :: y(:) integer, intent(out) :: info character, optional, intent(in) :: trans character :: trans_ integer :: i,j,k,m,n, nnz, ir, jc real(psb_dpk_) :: acc real(psb_dpk_), allocatable :: tmp(:) logical :: tra Integer :: err_act character(len=20) :: name='d_coo_cssv_impl' logical, parameter :: debug=.false. call psb_erractionsave(err_act) if (present(trans)) then trans_ = trans else trans_ = 'N' end if if (.not.a%is_asb()) then info = 1121 call psb_errpush(info,name) goto 9999 endif tra = ((trans_=='T').or.(trans_=='t')) m = a%get_nrows() if (.not. (a%is_triangle())) then info = 1121 call psb_errpush(info,name) goto 9999 end if if (alpha == dzero) then if (beta == dzero) then do i = 1, m y(i) = dzero enddo else do i = 1, m y(i) = beta*y(i) end do endif return end if if (beta == dzero) then call inner_coosv(tra,a,x,y,info) if (info /= 0) then call psb_errpush(info,name) goto 9999 end if do i = 1, m y(i) = alpha*y(i) end do else allocate(tmp(m), stat=info) if (info /= 0) then info=4010 call psb_errpush(info,name,a_err='allocate') goto 9999 end if tmp(1:m) = x(1:m) call inner_coosv(tra,a,tmp,y,info) if (info /= 0) then call psb_errpush(info,name) goto 9999 end if do i = 1, m y(i) = alpha*tmp(i) + beta*y(i) end do end if call psb_erractionrestore(err_act) return 9999 continue call psb_erractionrestore(err_act) if (err_act == psb_act_abort_) then call psb_error() return end if return contains subroutine inner_coosv(tra,a,x,y,info) logical, intent(in) :: tra class(psbn_d_coo_sparse_mat), intent(in) :: a real(psb_dpk_), intent(in) :: x(:) real(psb_dpk_), intent(out) :: y(:) integer :: i,j,k,m, ir, jc, nnz real(psb_dpk_) :: acc if (.not.a%is_sorted()) then info = 1121 return end if nnz = a%get_nzeros() if (.not.tra) then if (a%is_lower()) then if (a%is_unit()) then j = 1 do i=1, a%get_nrows() acc = dzero do if (j > nnz) exit if (ia(j) > i) exit acc = acc + a%val(j)*x(a%ja(j)) j = j + 1 end do y(i) = x(i) - acc end do else if (.not.a%is_unit()) then j = 1 do i=1, a%get_nrows() acc = dzero do if (j > nnz) exit if (ia(j) > i) exit if (ja(j) == i) then y(i) = (x(i) - acc)/a%val(j) j = j + 1 exit end if acc = acc + a%val(j)*x(a%ja(j)) j = j + 1 end do end do end if else if (a%is_upper()) then if (a%is_unit()) then j = nnz do i=a%get_nrows(), 1, -1 acc = dzero do if (j < 1) exit if (ia(j) < i) exit acc = acc + a%val(j)*x(a%ja(j)) j = j - 1 end do y(i) = x(i) - acc end do else if (.not.a%is_unit()) then j = nnz do i=a%get_nrows(), 1, -1 acc = dzero do if (j < 1) exit if (ia(j) < i) exit if (ja(j) == i) then y(i) = (x(i) - acc)/a%val(j) j = j - 1 exit end if acc = acc + a%val(j)*x(a%ja(j)) j = j - 1 end do end do end if end if else if (tra) then do i=1, a%get_nrows() y(i) = x(i) end do if (a%is_lower()) then if (a%is_unit()) then j = nnz do i=a%get_nrows(), 1, -1 acc = y(i) do if (j < 1) exit if (ia(j) < i) exit jc = a%ja(j) y(jc) = y(jc) - a%val(j)*acc j = j - 1 end do end do else if (.not.a%is_unit()) then j = nnz do i=a%get_nrows(), 1, -1 if (ja(j) == i) then y(i) = y(i) /a%val(j) j = j - 1 end if acc = y(i) do if (j < 1) exit if (ia(j) < i) exit jc = a%ja(j) y(jc) = y(jc) - a%val(j)*acc j = j - 1 end do end do else if (a%is_upper()) then if (a%is_unit()) then j = 1 do i=1, a%get_nrows() acc = y(i) do if (j > nnz) exit if (ia(j) > i) exit jc = a%ja(j) y(jc) = y(jc) - a%val(j)*acc j = j + 1 end do end do else if (.not.a%is_unit()) then j = 1 do i=1, a%get_nrows() if (ja(j) == i) then y(i) = y(i) /a%val(j) j = j + 1 end if acc = y(i) do if (j > nnz) exit if (ia(j) > i) exit jc = a%ja(j) y(jc) = y(jc) - a%val(j)*acc j = j + 1 end do end do end if end if end if end if end subroutine inner_coosv end subroutine d_coo_cssv_impl subroutine d_coo_csmv_impl(alpha,a,x,beta,y,info,trans) use psb_const_mod use psb_error_mod use psbn_d_base_mat_mod, psb_protect_name => d_coo_csMv_impl class(psbn_d_coo_sparse_mat), intent(in) :: a real(psb_dpk_), intent(in) :: alpha, beta, x(:) real(psb_dpk_), intent(inout) :: y(:) integer, intent(out) :: info character, optional, intent(in) :: trans character :: trans_ integer :: i,j,k,m,n, nnz, ir, jc real(psb_dpk_) :: acc logical :: tra Integer :: err_act character(len=20) :: name='d_coo_csmv_impl' logical, parameter :: debug=.false. call psb_erractionsave(err_act) if (.not.a%is_asb()) then info = 1121 call psb_errpush(info,name) goto 9999 endif if (present(trans)) then trans_ = trans else trans_ = 'N' end if tra = ((trans_=='T').or.(trans_=='t')) if (tra) then m = a%get_ncols() n = a%get_nrows() else n = a%get_ncols() m = a%get_nrows() end if nnz = a%get_nzeros() if (alpha == dzero) then if (beta == dzero) then do i = 1, m y(i) = dzero enddo else do i = 1, m y(i) = beta*y(i) end do endif return else if (.not.a%is_unit()) then if (beta == dzero) then do i = 1, m y(i) = dzero enddo else do i = 1, m y(i) = beta*y(i) end do endif else if (a%is_unit()) then if (beta == dzero) then do i = 1, min(m,n) y(i) = alpha*x(i) enddo do i = min(m,n)+1, m y(i) = dzero enddo else do i = 1, min(m,n) y(i) = beta*y(i) + alpha*x(i) end do do i = min(m,n)+1, m y(i) = beta*y(i) enddo endif endif end if if (.not.tra) then i = 1 j = i if (nnz > 0) then ir = a%ia(1) acc = zero do if (i>nnz) then y(ir) = y(ir) + alpha * acc exit endif if (ia(i) /= ir) then y(ir) = y(ir) + alpha * acc ir = ia(i) acc = zero endif acc = acc + a%val(i) * x(a%ja(i)) i = i + 1 enddo end if else if (tra) then if (alpha.eq.done) then i = 1 do i=1,nnz ir = a%ja(i) jc = a%ia(i) y(ir) = y(ir) + a%val(i)*x(jc) enddo else if (alpha.eq.-done) then do i=1,nnz ir = a%ja(i) jc = a%ia(i) y(ir) = y(ir) - a%val(i)*x(jc) enddo else do i=1,nnz ir = ja(i) jc = ia(i) y(ir) = y(ir) + alpha*a%val(i)*x(jc) enddo end if !.....end testing on alpha endif call psb_erractionrestore(err_act) return 9999 continue call psb_erractionrestore(err_act) if (err_act == psb_act_abort_) then call psb_error() return end if return end subroutine d_coo_csmv_impl subroutine d_coo_csmm_impl(alpha,a,x,beta,y,info,trans) use psb_const_mod use psb_error_mod use psbn_d_base_mat_mod, psb_protect_name => d_coo_csmm_impl class(psbn_d_coo_sparse_mat), intent(in) :: a real(psb_dpk_), intent(in) :: alpha, beta, x(:,:) real(psb_dpk_), intent(inout) :: y(:,:) integer, intent(out) :: info character, optional, intent(in) :: trans character :: trans_ integer :: i,j,k,m,n, nnz, ir, jc, nc real(psb_dpk_), allocatable :: acc(:) logical :: tra Integer :: err_act character(len=20) :: name='d_coo_csmm_impl' logical, parameter :: debug=.false. call psb_erractionsave(err_act) if (.not.a%is_asb()) then info = 1121 call psb_errpush(info,name) goto 9999 endif if (present(trans)) then trans_ = trans else trans_ = 'N' end if tra = ((trans_=='T').or.(trans_=='t')) if (tra) then m = a%get_ncols() n = a%get_nrows() else n = a%get_ncols() m = a%get_nrows() end if nnz = a%get_nzeros() nc = min(size(x,2), size(y,2)) allocate(acc(nc),stat=info) if(info /= 0) then info=4010 call psb_errpush(info,name,a_err='allocate') goto 9999 end if if (alpha == dzero) then if (beta == dzero) then do i = 1, m y(i,:) = dzero enddo else do i = 1, m y(i,:) = beta*y(i,:) end do endif return else if (.not.a%is_unit()) then if (beta == dzero) then do i = 1, m y(i,:) = dzero enddo else do i = 1, m y(i,:) = beta*y(i,:) end do endif else if (a%is_unit()) then if (beta == dzero) then do i = 1, min(m,n) y(i,:) = alpha*x(i,:) enddo do i = min(m,n)+1, m y(i,:) = dzero enddo else do i = 1, min(m,n) y(i,:) = beta*y(i,:) + alpha*x(i,:) end do do i = min(m,n)+1, m y(i,:) = beta*y(i,:) enddo endif endif end if if (.not.tra) then i = 1 j = i if (nnz > 0) then ir = a%ia(1) acc = zero do if (i>nnz) then y(ir,:) = y(ir,:) + alpha * acc exit endif if (ia(i) /= ir) then y(ir,:) = y(ir,:) + alpha * acc ir = ia(i) acc = zero endif acc = acc + a%val(i) * x(a%ja(i),:) i = i + 1 enddo end if else if (tra) then if (alpha.eq.done) then i = 1 do i=1,nnz ir = a%ja(i) jc = a%ia(i) y(ir,:) = y(ir,:) + a%val(i)*x(jc,:) enddo else if (alpha.eq.-done) then do i=1,nnz ir = a%ja(i) jc = a%ia(i) y(ir,:) = y(ir,:) - a%val(i)*x(jc,:) enddo else do i=1,nnz ir = ja(i) jc = ia(i) y(ir,:) = y(ir,:) + alpha*a%val(i)*x(jc,:) enddo end if !.....end testing on alpha endif call psb_erractionrestore(err_act) return 9999 continue call psb_erractionrestore(err_act) if (err_act == psb_act_abort_) then call psb_error() return end if return end subroutine d_coo_csmm_impl subroutine d_coo_csins_impl(nz,val,ia,ja,a,imin,imax,jmin,jmax,info,gtl) use psb_error_mod use psb_realloc_mod use psbn_d_base_mat_mod, psb_protect_name => d_coo_csins_impl class(psbn_d_coo_sparse_mat), intent(inout) :: a real(psb_dpk_), intent(in) :: val(:) integer, intent(in) :: nz, ia(:), ja(:), imin,imax,jmin,jmax integer, intent(out) :: info integer, intent(in), optional :: gtl(:) Integer :: err_act character(len=20) :: name='d_coo_csins' logical, parameter :: debug=.false. integer :: nza, i,j,k, nzl, isza, int_err(5) call psb_erractionsave(err_act) info = 0 if (nz <= 0) then info = 10 int_err(1)=1 call psb_errpush(info,name,i_err=int_err) goto 9999 end if if (size(ia) < nz) then info = 35 int_err(1)=2 call psb_errpush(info,name,i_err=int_err) goto 9999 end if if (size(ja) < nz) then info = 35 int_err(1)=3 call psb_errpush(info,name,i_err=int_err) goto 9999 end if if (size(val) < nz) then info = 35 int_err(1)=4 call psb_errpush(info,name,i_err=int_err) goto 9999 end if if (nz == 0) return nza = a%get_nzeros() isza = a%get_size() if (a%is_bld()) then ! Build phase. Must handle reallocations in a sensible way. if (isza < (nza+nz)) then call a%reallocate(max(nza+nz,int(1.5*isza))) isza = a%get_size() endif call psb_inner_ins(nz,ia,ja,val,nza,a%ia,a%ja,a%val,isza,& & imin,imax,jmin,jmax,info,gtl) call a%set_nzeros(nz+nza) else if (a%is_upd()) then if (a%is_sorted()) then !!$#ifdef FIXED_NAG_SEGV !!$ call d_coo_srch_upd(nz,ia,ja,val,a,& !!$ & imin,imax,jmin,jmax,info,gtl) !!$#else call d_coo_srch_upd(nz,ia,ja,val,& & a%ia,a%ja,a%val,& & a%get_dupl(),a%get_nzeros(),a%get_nrows(),& & info,gtl) !!$#endif else info = 1121 end if else ! State is wrong. info = 1121 end if if (info /= 0) then call psb_errpush(info,name) goto 9999 end if call psb_erractionrestore(err_act) return 9999 continue call psb_erractionrestore(err_act) if (err_act == psb_act_abort_) then call psb_error() return end if return contains !!$ !!$ subroutine psb_inner_upd(nz,ia,ja,val,nza,aspk,maxsz,& !!$ & imin,imax,jmin,jmax,info,gtl) !!$ implicit none !!$ !!$ integer, intent(in) :: nz, imin,imax,jmin,jmax,maxsz !!$ integer, intent(in) :: ia(:),ja(:) !!$ integer, intent(inout) :: nza !!$ real(psb_dpk_), intent(in) :: val(:) !!$ real(psb_dpk_), intent(inout) :: aspk(:) !!$ integer, intent(out) :: info !!$ integer, intent(in), optional :: gtl(:) !!$ integer :: i,ir,ic, ng,nzl !!$ character(len=20) :: name, ch_err !!$ !!$ !!$ name='psb_inner_upd' !!$ nzl = 0 !!$ if (present(gtl)) then !!$ ng = size(gtl) !!$ if ((nza > nzl)) then !!$ do i=1, nz !!$ nza = nza + 1 !!$ if (nza>maxsz) then !!$ call psb_errpush(50,name,i_err=(/7,maxsz,5,0,nza /)) !!$ info = -71 !!$ return !!$ endif !!$ aspk(nza) = val(i) !!$ end do !!$ else !!$ do i=1, nz !!$ ir = ia(i) !!$ ic = ja(i) !!$ if ((ir >=1).and.(ir<=ng).and.(ic>=1).and.(ic<=ng)) then !!$ ir = gtl(ir) !!$ ic = gtl(ic) !!$ if ((ir >=imin).and.(ir<=imax).and.(ic>=jmin).and.(ic<=jmax)) then !!$ nza = nza + 1 !!$ if (nza>maxsz) then !!$ info = -72 !!$ return !!$ endif !!$ aspk(nza) = val(i) !!$ end if !!$ end if !!$ end do !!$ end if !!$ else !!$ if ((nza >= nzl)) then !!$ do i=1, nz !!$ nza = nza + 1 !!$ if (nza>maxsz) then !!$ info = -73 !!$ return !!$ endif !!$ aspk(nza) = val(i) !!$ end do !!$ else !!$ do i=1, nz !!$ ir = ia(i) !!$ ic = ja(i) !!$ if ((ir >=imin).and.(ir<=imax).and.(ic>=jmin).and.(ic<=jmax)) then !!$ nza = nza + 1 !!$ if (nza>maxsz) then !!$ info = -74 !!$ return !!$ endif !!$ aspk(nza) = val(i) !!$ end if !!$ end do !!$ end if !!$ end if !!$ end subroutine psb_inner_upd subroutine psb_inner_ins(nz,ia,ja,val,nza,ia1,ia2,aspk,maxsz,& & imin,imax,jmin,jmax,info,gtl) implicit none integer, intent(in) :: nz, imin,imax,jmin,jmax,maxsz integer, intent(in) :: ia(:),ja(:) integer, intent(inout) :: nza,ia1(:),ia2(:) real(psb_dpk_), intent(in) :: val(:) real(psb_dpk_), intent(inout) :: aspk(:) integer, intent(out) :: info integer, intent(in), optional :: gtl(:) integer :: i,ir,ic,ng info = 0 if (present(gtl)) then ng = size(gtl) do i=1, nz ir = ia(i) ic = ja(i) if ((ir >=1).and.(ir<=ng).and.(ic>=1).and.(ic<=ng)) then ir = gtl(ir) ic = gtl(ic) if ((ir >=imin).and.(ir<=imax).and.(ic>=jmin).and.(ic<=jmax)) then nza = nza + 1 if (nza > maxsz) then info = -91 return endif ia1(nza) = ir ia2(nza) = ic aspk(nza) = val(i) end if end if end do else do i=1, nz ir = ia(i) ic = ja(i) if ((ir >=imin).and.(ir<=imax).and.(ic>=jmin).and.(ic<=jmax)) then nza = nza + 1 if (nza > maxsz) then info = -92 return endif ia1(nza) = ir ia2(nza) = ic aspk(nza) = val(i) end if end do end if end subroutine psb_inner_ins !!$#ifdef FIXED_NAG_SEGV !!$ subroutine d_coo_srch_upd(nz,ia,ja,val,a,& !!$ & imin,imax,jmin,jmax,info,gtl) !!$ !!$ use psb_const_mod !!$ use psb_realloc_mod !!$ use psb_string_mod !!$ use psb_serial_mod !!$ implicit none !!$ !!$ class(psbn_d_coo_sparse_mat), intent(inout) :: a !!$ integer, intent(in) :: nz, imin,imax,jmin,jmax !!$ integer, intent(in) :: ia(:),ja(:) !!$ real(psb_dpk_), intent(in) :: val(:) !!$ integer, intent(out) :: info !!$ integer, intent(in), optional :: gtl(:) !!$ integer :: i,ir,ic, ilr, ilc, ip, & !!$ & i1,i2,nc,nnz,dupl,ng !!$ integer :: debug_level, debug_unit !!$ character(len=20) :: name='d_coo_srch_upd' !!$ !!$ info = 0 !!$ debug_unit = psb_get_debug_unit() !!$ debug_level = psb_get_debug_level() !!$ !!$ dupl = a%get_dupl() !!$ !!$ if (.not.a%is_sorted()) then !!$ info = -4 !!$ return !!$ end if !!$ !!$ ilr = -1 !!$ ilc = -1 !!$ nnz = a%get_nzeros() !!$ !!$ !!$ if (present(gtl)) then !!$ ng = size(gtl) !!$ !!$ select case(dupl) !!$ case(psbn_dupl_ovwrt_,psbn_dupl_err_) !!$ ! Overwrite. !!$ ! Cannot test for error, should have been caught earlier. !!$ do i=1, nz !!$ ir = ia(i) !!$ ic = ja(i) !!$ if ((ir >=1).and.(ir<=ng).and.(ic>=1).and.(ic<=ng)) then !!$ ir = gtl(ir) !!$ if ((ir > 0).and.(ir <= a%m)) then !!$ ic = gtl(ic) !!$ if (ir /= ilr) then !!$ i1 = psb_ibsrch(ir,nnz,a%ia) !!$ i2 = i1 !!$ do !!$ if (i2+1 > nnz) exit !!$ if (a%ia(i2+1) /= a%ia(i2)) exit !!$ i2 = i2 + 1 !!$ end do !!$ do !!$ if (i1-1 < 1) exit !!$ if (a%ia(i1-1) /= a%ia(i1)) exit !!$ i1 = i1 - 1 !!$ end do !!$ ilr = ir !!$ else !!$ i1 = 1 !!$ i2 = 1 !!$ end if !!$ nc = i2-i1+1 !!$ ip = psb_issrch(ic,nc,a%ja(i1:i2)) !!$ if (ip>0) then !!$ a%val(i1+ip-1) = val(i) !!$ else !!$ info = i !!$ return !!$ end if !!$ else !!$ if (debug_level >= psb_debug_serial_) & !!$ & write(debug_unit,*) trim(name),& !!$ & ': Discarding row that does not belong to us.' !!$ endif !!$ end if !!$ end do !!$ case(psbn_dupl_add_) !!$ ! Add !!$ do i=1, nz !!$ ir = ia(i) !!$ ic = ja(i) !!$ if ((ir >=1).and.(ir<=ng).and.(ic>=1).and.(ic<=ng)) then !!$ ir = gtl(ir) !!$ ic = gtl(ic) !!$ if ((ir > 0).and.(ir <= a%m)) then !!$ !!$ if (ir /= ilr) then !!$ i1 = psb_ibsrch(ir,nnz,a%ia) !!$ i2 = i1 !!$ do !!$ if (i2+1 > nnz) exit !!$ if (a%ia(i2+1) /= a%ia(i2)) exit !!$ i2 = i2 + 1 !!$ end do !!$ do !!$ if (i1-1 < 1) exit !!$ if (a%ia(i1-1) /= a%ia(i1)) exit !!$ i1 = i1 - 1 !!$ end do !!$ ilr = ir !!$ else !!$ i1 = 1 !!$ i2 = 1 !!$ end if !!$ nc = i2-i1+1 !!$ ip = psb_issrch(ic,nc,a%ja(i1:i2)) !!$ if (ip>0) then !!$ a%val(i1+ip-1) = a%val(i1+ip-1) + val(i) !!$ else !!$ info = i !!$ return !!$ end if !!$ else !!$ if (debug_level >= psb_debug_serial_) & !!$ & write(debug_unit,*) trim(name),& !!$ & ': Discarding row that does not belong to us.' !!$ end if !!$ end if !!$ end do !!$ !!$ case default !!$ info = -3 !!$ if (debug_level >= psb_debug_serial_) & !!$ & write(debug_unit,*) trim(name),& !!$ & ': Duplicate handling: ',dupl !!$ end select !!$ !!$ else !!$ !!$ select case(dupl) !!$ case(psbn_dupl_ovwrt_,psbn_dupl_err_) !!$ ! Overwrite. !!$ ! Cannot test for error, should have been caught earlier. !!$ do i=1, nz !!$ ir = ia(i) !!$ ic = ja(i) !!$ if ((ir > 0).and.(ir <= a%m)) then !!$ !!$ if (ir /= ilr) then !!$ i1 = psb_ibsrch(ir,nnz,a%ia) !!$ i2 = i1 !!$ do !!$ if (i2+1 > nnz) exit !!$ if (a%ia(i2+1) /= a%ia(i2)) exit !!$ i2 = i2 + 1 !!$ end do !!$ do !!$ if (i1-1 < 1) exit !!$ if (a%ia(i1-1) /= a%ia(i1)) exit !!$ i1 = i1 - 1 !!$ end do !!$ ilr = ir !!$ else !!$ i1 = 1 !!$ i2 = 1 !!$ end if !!$ nc = i2-i1+1 !!$ ip = psb_issrch(ic,nc,a%ja(i1:i2)) !!$ if (ip>0) then !!$ a%val(i1+ip-1) = val(i) !!$ else !!$ info = i !!$ return !!$ end if !!$ end if !!$ end do !!$ !!$ case(psbn_dupl_add_) !!$ ! Add !!$ do i=1, nz !!$ ir = ia(i) !!$ ic = ja(i) !!$ if ((ir > 0).and.(ir <= a%m)) then !!$ !!$ if (ir /= ilr) then !!$ i1 = psb_ibsrch(ir,nnz,a%ia) !!$ i2 = i1 !!$ do !!$ if (i2+1 > nnz) exit !!$ if (a%ia(i2+1) /= a%ia(i2)) exit !!$ i2 = i2 + 1 !!$ end do !!$ do !!$ if (i1-1 < 1) exit !!$ if (a%ia(i1-1) /= a%ia(i1)) exit !!$ i1 = i1 - 1 !!$ end do !!$ ilr = ir !!$ else !!$ i1 = 1 !!$ i2 = 1 !!$ end if !!$ nc = i2-i1+1 !!$ ip = psb_issrch(ic,nc,a%ja(i1:i2)) !!$ if (ip>0) then !!$ a%val(i1+ip-1) = a%val(i1+ip-1) + val(i) !!$ else !!$ info = i !!$ return !!$ end if !!$ end if !!$ end do !!$ !!$ case default !!$ info = -3 !!$ if (debug_level >= psb_debug_serial_) & !!$ & write(debug_unit,*) trim(name),& !!$ & ': Duplicate handling: ',dupl !!$ end select !!$ !!$ end if !!$ !!$ end subroutine d_coo_srch_upd !!$ !!$#else subroutine d_coo_srch_upd(nz,ia,ja,val,& & aia,aja,aval,dupl,nza,nra,& & info,gtl) use psb_error_mod use psb_sort_mod implicit none integer, intent(inout) :: aia(:),aja(:) real(psb_dpk_), intent(inout) :: aval(:) integer, intent(in) :: nz, dupl,nza, nra integer, intent(in) :: ia(:),ja(:) real(psb_dpk_), intent(in) :: val(:) integer, intent(out) :: info integer, intent(in), optional :: gtl(:) integer :: i,ir,ic, ilr, ilc, ip, & & i1,i2,nc,ng integer :: debug_level, debug_unit character(len=20) :: name='d_coo_srch_upd' info = 0 debug_unit = psb_get_debug_unit() debug_level = psb_get_debug_level() ilr = -1 ilc = -1 if (present(gtl)) then ng = size(gtl) select case(dupl) case(psbn_dupl_ovwrt_,psbn_dupl_err_) ! Overwrite. ! Cannot test for error, should have been caught earlier. do i=1, nz ir = ia(i) ic = ja(i) if ((ir >=1).and.(ir<=ng).and.(ic>=1).and.(ic<=ng)) then ir = gtl(ir) if ((ir > 0).and.(ir <= nra)) then ic = gtl(ic) if (ir /= ilr) then i1 = psb_ibsrch(ir,nza,aia) i2 = i1 do if (i2+1 > nza) exit if (aia(i2+1) /= aia(i2)) exit i2 = i2 + 1 end do do if (i1-1 < 1) exit if (aia(i1-1) /= aia(i1)) exit i1 = i1 - 1 end do ilr = ir else i1 = 1 i2 = 1 end if nc = i2-i1+1 ip = psb_issrch(ic,nc,aja(i1:i2)) if (ip>0) then aval(i1+ip-1) = val(i) else info = i return end if else if (debug_level >= psb_debug_serial_) & & write(debug_unit,*) trim(name),& & ': Discarding row that does not belong to us.' endif end if end do case(psbn_dupl_add_) ! Add do i=1, nz ir = ia(i) ic = ja(i) if ((ir >=1).and.(ir<=ng).and.(ic>=1).and.(ic<=ng)) then ir = gtl(ir) ic = gtl(ic) if ((ir > 0).and.(ir <= nra)) then if (ir /= ilr) then i1 = psb_ibsrch(ir,nza,aia) i2 = i1 do if (i2+1 > nza) exit if (aia(i2+1) /= aia(i2)) exit i2 = i2 + 1 end do do if (i1-1 < 1) exit if (aia(i1-1) /= aia(i1)) exit i1 = i1 - 1 end do ilr = ir else i1 = 1 i2 = 1 end if nc = i2-i1+1 ip = psb_issrch(ic,nc,aja(i1:i2)) if (ip>0) then aval(i1+ip-1) = aval(i1+ip-1) + val(i) else info = i return end if else if (debug_level >= psb_debug_serial_) & & write(debug_unit,*) trim(name),& & ': Discarding row that does not belong to us.' end if end if end do case default info = -3 if (debug_level >= psb_debug_serial_) & & write(debug_unit,*) trim(name),& & ': Duplicate handling: ',dupl end select else select case(dupl) case(psbn_dupl_ovwrt_,psbn_dupl_err_) ! Overwrite. ! Cannot test for error, should have been caught earlier. do i=1, nz ir = ia(i) ic = ja(i) if ((ir > 0).and.(ir <= nra)) then if (ir /= ilr) then i1 = psb_ibsrch(ir,nza,aia) i2 = i1 do if (i2+1 > nza) exit if (aia(i2+1) /= aia(i2)) exit i2 = i2 + 1 end do do if (i1-1 < 1) exit if (aia(i1-1) /= aia(i1)) exit i1 = i1 - 1 end do ilr = ir else i1 = 1 i2 = 1 end if nc = i2-i1+1 ip = psb_issrch(ic,nc,aja(i1:i2)) if (ip>0) then aval(i1+ip-1) = val(i) else info = i return end if end if end do case(psbn_dupl_add_) ! Add do i=1, nz ir = ia(i) ic = ja(i) if ((ir > 0).and.(ir <= nra)) then if (ir /= ilr) then i1 = psb_ibsrch(ir,nza,aia) i2 = i1 do if (i2+1 > nza) exit if (aia(i2+1) /= aia(i2)) exit i2 = i2 + 1 end do do if (i1-1 < 1) exit if (aia(i1-1) /= aia(i1)) exit i1 = i1 - 1 end do ilr = ir else i1 = 1 i2 = 1 end if nc = i2-i1+1 ip = psb_issrch(ic,nc,aja(i1:i2)) if (ip>0) then aval(i1+ip-1) = aval(i1+ip-1) + val(i) else info = i return end if end if end do case default info = -3 if (debug_level >= psb_debug_serial_) & & write(debug_unit,*) trim(name),& & ': Duplicate handling: ',dupl end select end if end subroutine d_coo_srch_upd !!$#endif end subroutine d_coo_csins_impl subroutine d_coo_to_coo_impl(a,b,info) use psb_error_mod use psb_realloc_mod use psbn_d_base_mat_mod, psb_protect_name => d_coo_to_coo_impl class(psbn_d_coo_sparse_mat), intent(in) :: a class(psbn_d_coo_sparse_mat), intent(out) :: b integer, intent(out) :: info Integer :: err_act character(len=20) :: name='to_coo' logical, parameter :: debug=.false. call psb_erractionsave(err_act) info = 0 call b%set_nzeros(a%get_nzeros()) call b%set_nrows(a%get_nrows()) call b%set_ncols(a%get_ncols()) call b%set_dupl(a%get_dupl()) call b%set_state(a%get_state()) call b%set_triangle(a%is_triangle()) call b%set_upper(a%is_upper()) call b%reallocate(a%get_nzeros()) b%ia(:) = a%ia(:) b%ja(:) = a%ja(:) b%val(:) = a%val(:) call b%fix(info) if (info /= 0) goto 9999 call psb_erractionrestore(err_act) return 9999 continue call psb_erractionrestore(err_act) call psb_errpush(info,name) if (err_act /= psb_act_ret_) then call psb_error() end if return end subroutine d_coo_to_coo_impl subroutine d_coo_from_coo_impl(a,b,info) use psb_error_mod use psb_realloc_mod use psbn_d_base_mat_mod, psb_protect_name => d_coo_from_coo_impl class(psbn_d_coo_sparse_mat), intent(inout) :: a class(psbn_d_coo_sparse_mat), intent(in) :: b integer, intent(out) :: info Integer :: err_act character(len=20) :: name='from_coo' logical, parameter :: debug=.false. integer :: m,n,nz call psb_erractionsave(err_act) info = 0 call a%set_nzeros(b%get_nzeros()) call a%set_nrows(b%get_nrows()) call a%set_ncols(b%get_ncols()) call a%set_dupl(b%get_dupl()) call a%set_state(b%get_state()) call a%set_triangle(b%is_triangle()) call a%set_upper(b%is_upper()) call a%reallocate(b%get_nzeros()) a%ia(:) = b%ia(:) a%ja(:) = b%ja(:) a%val(:) = b%val(:) call a%fix(info) if (info /= 0) goto 9999 call psb_erractionrestore(err_act) return 9999 continue call psb_erractionrestore(err_act) call psb_errpush(info,name) if (err_act /= psb_act_ret_) then call psb_error() end if return end subroutine d_coo_from_coo_impl subroutine d_coo_to_fmt_impl(a,b,info) use psb_error_mod use psb_realloc_mod use psbn_d_base_mat_mod, psb_protect_name => d_coo_to_fmt_impl class(psbn_d_coo_sparse_mat), intent(in) :: a class(psbn_d_base_sparse_mat), intent(out) :: b integer, intent(out) :: info Integer :: err_act character(len=20) :: name='to_coo' logical, parameter :: debug=.false. call psb_erractionsave(err_act) info = 0 call b%from_coo(a,info) if (info /= 0) goto 9999 call psb_erractionrestore(err_act) return 9999 continue call psb_erractionrestore(err_act) call psb_errpush(info,name) if (err_act /= psb_act_ret_) then call psb_error() end if return end subroutine d_coo_to_fmt_impl subroutine d_coo_from_fmt_impl(a,b,info) use psb_error_mod use psb_realloc_mod use psbn_d_base_mat_mod, psb_protect_name => d_coo_from_fmt_impl class(psbn_d_coo_sparse_mat), intent(inout) :: a class(psbn_d_base_sparse_mat), intent(in) :: b integer, intent(out) :: info Integer :: err_act character(len=20) :: name='from_coo' logical, parameter :: debug=.false. integer :: m,n,nz call psb_erractionsave(err_act) info = 0 call b%to_coo(a,info) if (info /= 0) goto 9999 call psb_erractionrestore(err_act) return 9999 continue call psb_erractionrestore(err_act) call psb_errpush(info,name) if (err_act /= psb_act_ret_) then call psb_error() end if return end subroutine d_coo_from_fmt_impl subroutine d_fix_coo_impl(a,info,idir) use psb_const_mod use psb_error_mod use psb_realloc_mod use psbn_d_base_mat_mod, psb_protect_name => d_fix_coo_impl use psb_string_mod use psb_ip_reord_mod class(psbn_d_coo_sparse_mat), intent(inout) :: a integer, intent(out) :: info integer, intent(in), optional :: idir integer, allocatable :: iaux(:) !locals Integer :: nza, nzl,iret,idir_, dupl_ integer :: i,j, irw, icl, err_act integer :: debug_level, debug_unit character(len=20) :: name = 'psb_fixcoo' info = 0 call psb_erractionsave(err_act) debug_unit = psb_get_debug_unit() debug_level = psb_get_debug_level() if(debug_level >= psb_debug_serial_) & & write(debug_unit,*) trim(name),': start ',& & size(a%ia),size(a%ja) if (present(idir)) then idir_ = idir else idir_ = 0 endif nza = a%get_nzeros() if (nza < 2) return dupl_ = a%get_dupl() allocate(iaux(nza+2),stat=info) if (info /= 0) return select case(idir_) case(0) ! Row major order call msort_up(nza,a%ia(1),iaux(1),iret) if (iret == 0) & & call psb_ip_reord(nza,a%val,a%ia,a%ja,iaux) i = 1 j = i do while (i <= nza) do while ((a%ia(j) == a%ia(i))) j = j+1 if (j > nza) exit enddo nzl = j - i call msort_up(nzl,a%ja(i),iaux(1),iret) if (iret == 0) & & call psb_ip_reord(nzl,a%val(i:i+nzl-1),& & a%ia(i:i+nzl-1),a%ja(i:i+nzl-1),iaux) i = j enddo i = 1 irw = a%ia(i) icl = a%ja(i) j = 1 select case(dupl_) case(psbn_dupl_ovwrt_) do j = j + 1 if (j > nza) exit if ((a%ia(j) == irw).and.(a%ja(j) == icl)) then a%val(i) = a%val(j) else i = i+1 a%val(i) = a%val(j) a%ia(i) = a%ia(j) a%ja(i) = a%ja(j) irw = a%ia(i) icl = a%ja(i) endif enddo case(psbn_dupl_add_) do j = j + 1 if (j > nza) exit if ((a%ia(j) == irw).and.(a%ja(j) == icl)) then a%val(i) = a%val(i) + a%val(j) else i = i+1 a%val(i) = a%val(j) a%ia(i) = a%ia(j) a%ja(i) = a%ja(j) irw = a%ia(i) icl = a%ja(i) endif enddo case(psbn_dupl_err_) do j = j + 1 if (j > nza) exit if ((a%ia(j) == irw).and.(a%ja(j) == icl)) then call psb_errpush(130,name) goto 9999 else i = i+1 a%val(i) = a%val(j) a%ia(i) = a%ia(j) a%ja(i) = a%ja(j) irw = a%ia(i) icl = a%ja(i) endif enddo end select if(debug_level >= psb_debug_serial_)& & write(debug_unit,*) trim(name),': end second loop' case(1) ! Col major order call msort_up(nza,a%ja(1),iaux(1),iret) if (iret == 0) & & call psb_ip_reord(nza,a%val,a%ia,a%ja,iaux) i = 1 j = i do while (i <= nza) do while ((a%ja(j) == a%ja(i))) j = j+1 if (j > nza) exit enddo nzl = j - i call msort_up(nzl,a%ia(i),iaux(1),iret) if (iret == 0) & & call psb_ip_reord(nzl,a%val(i:i+nzl-1),& & a%ia(i:i+nzl-1),a%ja(i:i+nzl-1),iaux) i = j enddo i = 1 irw = a%ia(i) icl = a%ja(i) j = 1 select case(dupl_) case(psbn_dupl_ovwrt_) do j = j + 1 if (j > nza) exit if ((a%ia(j) == irw).and.(a%ja(j) == icl)) then a%val(i) = a%val(j) else i = i+1 a%val(i) = a%val(j) a%ia(i) = a%ia(j) a%ja(i) = a%ja(j) irw = a%ia(i) icl = a%ja(i) endif enddo case(psbn_dupl_add_) do j = j + 1 if (j > nza) exit if ((a%ia(j) == irw).and.(a%ja(j) == icl)) then a%val(i) = a%val(i) + a%val(j) else i = i+1 a%val(i) = a%val(j) a%ia(i) = a%ia(j) a%ja(i) = a%ja(j) irw = a%ia(i) icl = a%ja(i) endif enddo case(psbn_dupl_err_) do j = j + 1 if (j > nza) exit if ((a%ia(j) == irw).and.(a%ja(j) == icl)) then call psb_errpush(130,name) goto 9999 else i = i+1 a%val(i) = a%val(j) a%ia(i) = a%ia(j) a%ja(i) = a%ja(j) irw = a%ia(i) icl = a%ja(i) endif enddo end select if (debug_level >= psb_debug_serial_)& & write(debug_unit,*) trim(name),': end second loop' case default write(debug_unit,*) trim(name),': unknown direction ',idir_ end select call a%set_sorted() call a%set_nzeros(i) call a%set_asb() deallocate(iaux) call psb_erractionrestore(err_act) return 9999 continue call psb_erractionrestore(err_act) if (err_act == psb_act_abort_) then call psb_error() return end if return end subroutine d_fix_coo_impl