#!/bin/bash ## ## MPI submission script for PBS on DELTA ## -------------------------------------- #PBS -N umbrella_corp #PBS -l select=2:ncpus=16:mpiprocs=16 ## ## half_hour - 30 minutes ## one_hour - 1 hour ## half_day - 12 hours ## one_day - 24 hours ## two_day - 48 hours ## five_day - 120 hours ## ten_day - 240 hours (by special arrangement) ## #PBS -q half_hour #PBS -m n #PBS -M s.rasmussen@cranfield.ac.uk ## ## ==================================== ## DO NOT CHANGE THE LINES BETWEEN HERE ## ==================================== #PBS -j oe #PBS -W sandbox=PRIVATE #PBS -k n ln -s $PWD $PBS_O_WORKDIR/$PBS_JOBID ## Change to working directory cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR rm -f hostfile touch hostfile cat $PBS_NODEFILE | sort | uniq >> hostfile echo "========= PBS_NODEFILE =========" # cat $PBS_NODEFILE echo "========= hostfile =========" cat hostfile echo "========= end =========" export NPROCS=`wc -l hostfile |gawk '//{print $1}'` echo "NPROCS = ${NPROCS}" ## Calculate number of CPUs cpus=`cat hostfile | wc -l` echo "cpus = ${cpus}" ## set some MPI tuning parameters to use the correct transport export I_MPI_FABRICS=shm:dapl export I_MPI_DAPL_UD=enable export I_MPI_PLATFORM=bdw export I_MPI_ADJUST_ALLREDUCE=5 ## ======== ## AND HERE ## ======== ## module load score-p-5.0-gcc-8.2 ml echo $PATH which mpirun echo "========= START =========" # timeout 5m cpuburn ./run_tests.sh # echo "mpirun -machinefile hostfile -ppn 1 -np ${cpus} ${PROG} -v" # export OMP_NUM_THREADS=16 # mpirun -machinefile hostfile -ppn 1 -np ${cpus} ${PROG} -v echo "========== FIN ==========" ## Tidy up the log directory ## DO NOT CHANGE THE LINE BELOW ## ============================ rm $PBS_O_WORKDIR/$PBS_JOBID #