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psb_halo -- Halo Data Communication

These subroutines gathers the values of the halo elements:

\begin{displaymath}x \leftarrow x \end{displaymath}

is a global dense submatrix.

Table 14: Data types
$\alpha$, $x$ Subroutine
Integer psb_halo
Short Precision Real psb_halo
Long Precision Real psb_halo
Short Precision Complex psb_halo
Long Precision Complex psb_halo

call psb_halo(x, desc_a, info)
call psb_halo(x, desc_a, info, work, data)

On Entry
global dense matrix $x$.
Scope: local
Type: required
Intent: inout.
Specified as: a rank one or two array or an object of type vdatapsb_T_vect_type containing numbers of type specified in Table 14.
contains data structures for communications.
Scope: local
Type: required
Intent: in.
Specified as: a structured data of type descdatapsb_desc_type.
the work array.
Scope: local
Type: optional
Intent: inout.
Specified as: a rank one array of the same type of $x$.
index list selector.
Scope: global
Type: optional
Specified as: an integer. Values:psb_comm_halo_,psb_comm_mov_, psb_comm_ext_, default: psb_comm_halo_. Chooses the index list on which to base the data exchange.

On Return
global dense result matrix $x$.
Scope: local
Type: required
Intent: inout.
Returned as: a rank one or two array containing numbers of type specified in Table 14.
the local portion of result submatrix $y$.
Scope: local
Type: required
Intent: out.
An integer value that contains an error code.
Figure 7: Sample discretization mesh.
\includegraphics[scale=0.45]{figures/try8x8.eps} \rotatebox{-90}{\includegraphics[scale=0.45]{figures/try8x8}}

Usage Example Consider the discretization mesh depicted in fig. 7, partitioned among two processes as shown by the dashed line; the data distribution is such that each process will own 32 entries in the index space, with a halo made of 8 entries placed at local indices 33 through 40. If process 0 assigns an initial value of 1 to its entries in the $x$ vector, and process 1 assigns a value of 2, then after a call to psb_halo the contents of the local vectors will be the following:

Process 0   Process 1
1 1 1.0   1 33 2.0
2 2 1.0   2 34 2.0
3 3 1.0   3 35 2.0
4 4 1.0   4 36 2.0
5 5 1.0   5 37 2.0
6 6 1.0   6 38 2.0
7 7 1.0   7 39 2.0
8 8 1.0   8 40 2.0
9 9 1.0   9 41 2.0
10 10 1.0   10 42 2.0
11 11 1.0   11 43 2.0
12 12 1.0   12 44 2.0
13 13 1.0   13 45 2.0
14 14 1.0   14 46 2.0
15 15 1.0   15 47 2.0
16 16 1.0   16 48 2.0
17 17 1.0   17 49 2.0
18 18 1.0   18 50 2.0
19 19 1.0   19 51 2.0
20 20 1.0   20 52 2.0
21 21 1.0   21 53 2.0
22 22 1.0   22 54 2.0
23 23 1.0   23 55 2.0
24 24 1.0   24 56 2.0
25 25 1.0   25 57 2.0
26 26 1.0   26 58 2.0
27 27 1.0   27 59 2.0
28 28 1.0   28 60 2.0
29 29 1.0   29 61 2.0
30 30 1.0   30 62 2.0
31 31 1.0   31 63 2.0
32 32 1.0   32 64 2.0
33 33 2.0   33 25 1.0
34 34 2.0   34 26 1.0
35 35 2.0   35 27 1.0
36 36 2.0   36 28 1.0
37 37 2.0   37 29 1.0
38 38 2.0   38 30 1.0
39 39 2.0   39 31 1.0
40 40 2.0   40 32 1.0

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