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psb_spins -- Insert a cloud of elements into a sparse matrix

call psb_spins(nz, ia, ja, val, a, desc_a, info [,local])

On Entry
the number of elements to be inserted.
Intent: in.
Specified as: an integer scalar.
the row indices of the elements to be inserted.
Intent: in.
Specified as: an integer array of size $nz$.
the column indices of the elements to be inserted.
Intent: in.
Specified as: an integer array of size $nz$.
the elements to be inserted.
Intent: in.
Specified as: an array of size $nz$. Must be of the same type and kind of the coefficients of the sparse matrix $a$.
The communication descriptor.
Scope: local.
Type: required.
Intent: inout.
Specified as: a variable of type descdatapsb_desc_type.
Whether the entries in the indices vectors ia, ja are already in local numbering.
Specified as: a logical value; default: .false..

On Return
the matrix into which elements will be inserted.
Intent: inout.
Specified as: a structured data of type spdatapsb_Tspmat_type.
The communication descriptor.
Scope: local.
Type: required.
Intent: inout.
Specified as: a variable of type descdatapsb_desc_type.
Error code.
Scope: local
Type: required
Intent: out.
An integer value; 0 means no error has been detected.


  1. On entry to this routine the descriptor may be in either the build or assembled state.
  2. On entry to this routine the sparse matrix may be in either the build or update state.
  3. If the descriptor is in the build state, then the sparse matrix must also be in the build state; the action of the routine is to (implicitly) call psb_cdins to add entries to the sparsity pattern; each sparse matrix entry implicitly defines a graph edge, that is passed to the descriptor routine for the appropriate processing;
  4. The coefficients to be inserted are represented by the ordered triples $ia(i),ja(i),val(i)$, for $i=1,\dots,nz$; these triples should belong to the current process, i.e. $ia(i)$ should be one of the local indices, but are otherwise arbitrary;
  5. There is no requirement that a given row must be passed in its entirety to a single call to this routine: the buildup of a row may be split into as many calls as desired;
  6. Coefficients from different rows may also be mixed up freely in a single call, according to the application needs;
  7. Any coefficients from matrix rows not owned by the calling process are silently ignored;
  8. If the descriptor is in the assembled state, then any entries in the sparse matrix that would generate additional communication requirements are ignored;
  9. If the matrix is in the update state, any entries in positions that were not present in the original matrix are ignored.

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