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In the first form the edges are specified as pairs of indices <IMG WIDTH="76" HEIGHT="32" ALIGN="MIDDLE" BORDER="0" SRC="img95.png" ALT="$ia(i),ja(i)$">; the starting index <IMG WIDTH="36" HEIGHT="32" ALIGN="MIDDLE" BORDER="0" SRC="img96.png" ALT="$ia(i)$"> should belong to the current process. In the second form only the remote indices <IMG WIDTH="37" HEIGHT="32" ALIGN="MIDDLE" BORDER="0" SRC="img97.png" ALT="$ja(i)$"> are specified. <P> <DL> <DT><STRONG>Type:</STRONG></DT> <DD>Asynchronous. </DD> <DT><STRONG><B>On Entry</B></STRONG></DT> <DD> </DD> <DT><STRONG>nz</STRONG></DT> <DD>the number of points being inserted. <BR> Scope: <B>local</B>. <BR> Type: <B>required</B>. <BR> Intent: <B>in</B>. <BR> Specified as: an integer value. </DD> <DT><STRONG>ia</STRONG></DT> <DD>the indices of the starting vertex of the edges being inserted. <BR> Scope: <B>local</B>. <BR> Type: <B>required</B>. <BR> Intent: <B>in</B>. <BR> Specified as: an integer array of length <IMG WIDTH="22" HEIGHT="13" ALIGN="BOTTOM" BORDER="0" SRC="img98.png" ALT="$nz$">. </DD> <DT><STRONG>ja</STRONG></DT> <DD>the indices of the end vertex of the edges being inserted. <BR> Scope: <B>local</B>. <BR> Type: <B>required</B>. <BR> Intent: <B>in</B>. <BR> Specified as: an integer array of length <IMG WIDTH="22" HEIGHT="13" ALIGN="BOTTOM" BORDER="0" SRC="img98.png" ALT="$nz$">. </DD> <DT><STRONG>mask</STRONG></DT> <DD>Mask entries in <code>ja</code>, they are inserted only when the corresponding <code>mask</code> entries are <code>.true.</code> <BR> Scope: <B>local</B>. <BR> Type: <B>optional</B>. <BR> Intent: <B>in</B>. <BR> Specified as: a logical array of length <IMG WIDTH="22" HEIGHT="13" ALIGN="BOTTOM" BORDER="0" SRC="img98.png" ALT="$nz$">, default <code>.true.</code>. </DD> <DT><STRONG>lidx</STRONG></DT> <DD>User defined local indices for <code>ja</code>. <BR> Scope: <B>local</B>. <BR> Type: <B>optional</B>. <BR> Intent: <B>in</B>. <BR> Specified as: an integer array of length <IMG WIDTH="22" HEIGHT="13" ALIGN="BOTTOM" BORDER="0" SRC="img98.png" ALT="$nz$">. </DD> </DL> <P> <DL> <DT><STRONG><B>On Return</B></STRONG></DT> <DD> </DD> <DT><STRONG>desc_a</STRONG></DT> <DD>the updated communication descriptor. <BR> Scope:<B>local</B>. <BR> Type:<B>required</B>. <BR> Intent: <B>inout</B>. <BR> Specified as: a structured data of type descdata<TT>psb_desc_type</TT>. </DD> <DT><STRONG>info</STRONG></DT> <DD>Error code. <BR> Scope: <B>local</B> <BR> Type: <B>required</B> <BR> Intent: <B>out</B>. <BR> An integer value; 0 means no error has been detected. </DD> <DT><STRONG>ila</STRONG></DT> <DD>the local indices of the starting vertex of the edges being inserted. <BR> Scope: <B>local</B>. <BR> Type: <B>optional</B>. <BR> Intent: <B>out</B>. <BR> Specified as: an integer array of length <IMG WIDTH="22" HEIGHT="13" ALIGN="BOTTOM" BORDER="0" SRC="img98.png" ALT="$nz$">. </DD> <DT><STRONG>jla</STRONG></DT> <DD>the local indices of the end vertex of the edges being inserted. <BR> Scope: <B>local</B>. <BR> Type: <B>optional</B>. <BR> Intent: <B>out</B>. <BR> Specified as: an integer array of length <IMG WIDTH="22" HEIGHT="13" ALIGN="BOTTOM" BORDER="0" SRC="img98.png" ALT="$nz$">. <P> </DD> </DL> <FONT SIZE="+1"><B>Notes</B></FONT> <OL> <LI>This routine may only be called if the descriptor is in the build state; </LI> <LI>This routine automatically ignores edges that do not insist on the current process, i.e. edges for which neither the starting nor the end vertex belong to the current process. </LI> <LI>The second form of this routine will be useful when dealing with user-specified index mappings; see also <A HREF="node7.html#sec:usermaps">2.3.1</A>. </LI> </OL> <P> <HR> <!--Navigation Panel--> <A NAME="tex2html974" HREF="node61.html"> <IMG WIDTH="37" HEIGHT="24" ALIGN="BOTTOM" BORDER="0" ALT="next" SRC="next.png"></A> <A NAME="tex2html970" HREF="node58.html"> <IMG WIDTH="26" HEIGHT="24" ALIGN="BOTTOM" BORDER="0" ALT="up" SRC="up.png"></A> <A NAME="tex2html964" HREF="node59.html"> <IMG WIDTH="63" HEIGHT="24" ALIGN="BOTTOM" BORDER="0" ALT="previous" SRC="prev.png"></A> <A NAME="tex2html972" HREF="node1.html"> <IMG WIDTH="65" HEIGHT="24" ALIGN="BOTTOM" BORDER="0" ALT="contents" SRC="contents.png"></A> <BR> <B> Next:</B> <A NAME="tex2html975" HREF="node61.html">psb_cdasb Communication</A> <B> Up:</B> <A NAME="tex2html971" HREF="node58.html">Data management routines</A> <B> Previous:</B> <A NAME="tex2html965" HREF="node59.html">psb_cdall Allocates</A> <B> <A NAME="tex2html973" HREF="node1.html">Contents</A></B> <!--End of Navigation Panel--> </BODY> </HTML>