module mmio use psb_spmat_type public mm_mat_read, mm_mat_write interface mm_mat_read module procedure dmm_mat_read end interface interface mm_mat_write module procedure dmm_mat_write end interface private desym contains subroutine dmm_mat_read(a, iret, iunit, filename) use psb_spmat_type implicit none type(psb_dspmat_type), intent(out) :: a integer, intent(out) :: iret integer, optional, intent(in) :: iunit character(len=*), optional, intent(in) :: filename character :: mmheader*15, fmt*15, object*10, type*10, sym*15 character(1024) :: line integer :: indcrd, ptrcrd, totcrd,& & valcrd, rhscrd, nrow, ncol, nnzero, neltvl, nrhs, nrhsix real(kind(1.0d0)), pointer :: as_loc(:), dwork(:) integer, pointer :: ia1_loc(:), ia2_loc(:), iwork(:), tmp(:), aux(:) integer :: ircode, i,iel,ptr,nzr,infile,& & j, liwork, ldwork, root, nprow, npcol, myprow, mypcol logical, parameter :: debug=.false. iret = 0 if (present(filename)) then if (filename=='-') then infile=5 else if (present(iunit)) then infile=iunit else infile=99 endif open(infile,file=filename, status='OLD', err=901, action='READ') endif else if (present(iunit)) then infile=iunit else infile=5 endif endif read(infile,fmt=*,end=902) mmheader, object, fmt, type, sym call lowerc(object,1,10) call lowerc(fmt,1,15) if ( (object .ne. 'matrix').or.('coordinate')) then write(0,*) 'READ_MATRIX: input file type not yet supported' iret=909 return end if if (debug) write(*,*) mmheader,':', object, ':',fmt,':', type,':', sym do read(infile,fmt='(a)') line if (line(1:1) /= '%') exit end do if (debug) write(*,*) 'Line on input : "',line,'"' read(line,fmt=*) nrow,ncol,nnzero if (debug) write(*,*) 'Out: ',nrow,ncol,nnzero a%m = nrow a%k = ncol a%fida = 'CSR' a%descra='G' call lowerc(type,1,10) call lowerc(sym,1,15) if ((type == 'real').and.(sym == 'general')) then allocate(a%aspk(nnzero), a%ia1(nnzero), a%ia2(nrow+1),& & a%pl(nrow),a%pr(nrow), tmp(nnzero+1), aux(nnzero+2),stat = ircode) if (ircode /= 0) goto 993 do i=1,nnzero read(infile,fmt=*,end=902) tmp(i),a%ia1(i),a%aspk(i) end do call mrgsrt(nnzero,tmp,aux,ircode) if (ircode.eq.0) call reordvn(nnzero,a%aspk,tmp,a%ia1,aux) ! .... Order with key a%ia1 (COLUMN INDEX) ... i = 1 j = i ! .... order with key tmp (row index) ... do if (i > nnzero) exit do if (j > nnzero) exit if (tmp(j) /= tmp(i)) exit j = j+1 ! if (j.eq.(nnzero+1)) exit enddo iel = j - i call mrgsrt(iel,a%ia1(i),aux,ircode) if (ircode == 0) call reordvn(iel,a%aspk(i),tmp(i),& & a%ia1(i), aux) i = j enddo ! convert to csr format iel = 1 a%ia2(1) = 1 do i = a%ia2(1), nrow do if (tmp(iel) /= i) exit iel = iel + 1 if (iel > nnzero) exit enddo a%ia2(i+1) = iel enddo deallocate(aux,tmp) else if ((type == 'real').and.(sym == 'symmetric')) then ! we are generally working with non-symmetric matrices, so ! we de-symmetrize what we are about to read allocate(a%aspk(2*nnzero),a%ia1(2*nnzero),& & a%ia2(2*nnzero),as_loc(2*nnzero),& & ia1_loc(2*nnzero),ia2_loc(2*nnzero),& & a%pl(nrow),a%pr(nrow), stat = ircode) if (ircode /= 0) goto 993 do i=1,nnzero read(infile,fmt=*,end=902) a%ia1(i),a%ia2(i),a%aspk(i) end do liwork = 2*nnzero+2 allocate(iwork(liwork), stat = ircode) if (ircode /= 0) goto 993 ! After this call NNZERO contains the actual value for ! desymetrized matrix call desym(nrow, a%aspk, a%ia2, a%ia1, as_loc, ia2_loc,& & ia1_loc, iwork, nnzero, nzr) call psb_spreall(a,nzr,ircode) if (ircode /= 0) goto 993 allocate(tmp(nzr),stat=ircode) if (ircode /= 0) goto 993 if (.false.) then a%aspk(1:nzr) = as_loc(1:nzr) a%ia1(1:nzr) = ia2_loc(1:nzr) tmp(1:nzr) = ia1_loc(1:nzr) else write(0,*) 'After DESYM: ',nzr,ia2_loc(1:10) do i=1,nzr a%aspk(i) = as_loc(i) a%ia1(i) = ia2_loc(i) tmp(i) = ia1_loc(i) end do endif iel = 1 a%ia2(1) = 1 do i = 1, nrow do if (tmp(iel) /= i) exit iel = iel + 1 if (iel > nzr) exit enddo a%ia2(i+1) = iel enddo deallocate(as_loc, ia1_loc, ia2_loc,tmp,iwork) else write(0,*) 'read_matrix: matrix type not yet supported' iret=904 end if if (infile/=5) close(infile) return ! open failed 901 iret=901 write(0,*) 'read_matrix: could not open file ',filename,' for input' return 902 iret=902 write(0,*) 'READ_MATRIX: Unexpected end of file ' return 993 iret=993 write(0,*) 'READ_MATRIX: Memory allocation failure' return end subroutine dmm_mat_read subroutine dmm_mat_write(a,mtitle,iret,eiout,filename) use psb_spmat_type implicit none type(psb_dspmat_type), intent(in) :: a integer, intent(out) :: iret character(len=*), intent(in) :: mtitle integer, optional, intent(in) :: eiout character(len=*), optional, intent(in) :: filename integer :: iout iret = 0 if (present(filename)) then if (filename=='-') then iout=6 else if (present(eiout)) then iout = eiout else iout=99 endif open(iout,file=filename, err=901, action='WRITE') endif else if (present(eiout)) then iout = eiout else iout=6 endif endif call psb_dcsprt(iout,a) if (iout /= 6) close(iout) return 901 continue iret=901 write(0,*) 'Error while opening ',filename return end subroutine dmm_mat_write subroutine desym(nrow,a,ja,ia,as,jas,ias,aux,nnzero,nzr) implicit none ! .. scalar arguments .. integer :: nrow,nnzero,value,index,ptr, nzr ! .. array arguments .. real(kind(1.d0)) :: a(*),as(*) integer :: ia(*),ias(*),jas(*),ja(*),aux(*) ! .. local scalars .. integer :: i,iaw1,iaw2,iawt,j,jpt,k,kpt,ldim,nzl,js,iret,nel,diagel ! .. nel = 0 diagel=0 do i=1, nnzero as(i) = a(i) jas(i) = ja(i) ias(i) = ia(i) if(ja(i) < ia(i)) then !this control avoids malfunctions in the cases ! where the matrix is declared symmetric but all its elements are ! explicitly stored see young1c.mtx from "Matrix Market". ! Nominally Matrix Market only stores lower triangle. nel = nel+1 as(nnzero+nel) = a(i) jas(nnzero+nel) = ia(i) ias(nnzero+nel) = ja(i) end if end do if (nel == 0) then ! Something strange is going on write(0,*) 'Warning: DESYM did not copy anything in the upper triangle. ' write(0,*) ' This feels wrong!!!!! ' endif ! .... order with key ias ... nzr = nnzero + nel call mrgsrt(nzr,ias,aux,iret) if (iret == 0) call reordvn(nzr,as,ias,jas,aux) ! .... order with key jas ... i = 1 j = i do if (i > nzr) exit do if (j > nzr) exit if (ias(j) /= ias(i)) exit j = j+1 enddo nzl = j - i call mrgsrt(nzl,jas(i),aux,iret) if (iret.eq.0) call reordvn(nzl,as(i),ias(i),jas(i),aux) i = j enddo return end subroutine desym end module mmio