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<H3><A NAME="SECTION00043400000000000000">
set  -- Set contents of the vector</A>

 call  v%set(alpha[,first,last])
 call  v%set(vect[,first,last])
 call  v%zero()

<DT><STRONG><B>On Entry</B></STRONG></DT>
<DD>the dense vector
Scope: <B>local</B>
<DD>A scalar value. 
Scope: <B>local</B> 
Type: <B>required</B> 
Intent: <B>in</B>.
Specified as: a number of the data
type indicated in Table&nbsp;<A HREF="#tab:f90axpby">1</A>.

<DD>Boundaries for setting in the vector.
Scope: <B>    local</B> 
Type: <B>optional</B> 
Intent: <B>in</B>.
  as: integers.
<DD>An  array 
Scope: <B>local</B> 
Type: <B>required</B> 
Intent: <B>in</B>.
Specified as: a number of the data
type indicated in Table&nbsp;<A HREF="#tab:f90axpby">1</A>.
Note that a call to <code>v%zero()</code> is provided as a shorthand, but
is equivalent to a call to <code>v%set(zero)</code> with  the <code>zero</code>
constant having the appropriate type and kind.

<DT><STRONG><B>On Return</B></STRONG></DT>
<DD>the dense vector, with updated entries
Scope: <B>local</B>
