Changelog. A lot less detailed than usual, at least for past

2007/01/11: Migrated repository to SVN. 

2007/01/11: MLD2P4 has been moved to the new org. Now tackling the 
            test dirs.

2007/01/09: First try at reorganizing directories. Subdir MLD2P4 still
	    to be fixed. Documentation still to be updated. 

2006/12/11: Documented options in glob_to_loc.

2006/12/06: Fixed raw aggregation.

2006/12/05: Taken out extra interfaces; inserted use modules with ONLY
	    clauses where appropriate.

2006/11/30: Fixed a bug in raw aggregation. Note: raw aggregation
	    gives different results from smoothed with omega=0.0,
	    because in the latter we have explicitly stored zero
	    coefficients that would be absent in the first, thus
	    generating different ILU factorizations.

2006/11/28: Merged the mods for descriptors of large index spaces to
	    avoid having the GLOB_TO_LOC array. Took the chance to
	    reorganize the descriptor build routines and define some
	    access functions for descriptor features and entries, so
	    as not to use the descriptor components directly. Tested
	    with AS, 2- and 3- level Post smoothers. 

2006/11/09: The allocatable version works, but under gcc42 there is a
	    compiler bug when using -fbounds-check. 

2006/11/08: Merged the allocatable version; hope everything works!

2006/11/08: Branched version psblas2-2-0-maint, and defined tag 

2006/11/02: Done in the allocatable branch: repackaging of cdasb and
	    friends, taking out AVL trees where they were not
	    absolutely needed, and new dcsrmv routine. 

2006/11/01: Merged changes in the handling of data exchange.

2006/10/03: Merged in the multilevel preconditioner stuff. This is
	    still experimental, especially the interfaces are not
	    stable yet. 

2006/10/03: Declared version for reference purposes.

2006/10/03: Fixed a bunch of minor bugs, incuding the sorting routines
	    imsr  and imsrx. Added a default call to blacs_exit inside
	    psb_exit fixed a bad termination in test/pargen/ppde90.f90

2006/09/02: Declared version 2.0.2, after having fixed a lot of
	    details in the environment routines.

2006/07/25: Defined a new psb_wtime function. Modified precset to
	    have a non-optional INFO dummy argument.

2006/07/06: Fixed bug in swaptran. Added psb_krylov generic interface.

2006/07/04: Ooops, the GetRow mod in SMMP is a performance hit.
	    Need to investigate further. 

2006/06/21: Bug fix in hb_read when dealing with symmetric matrices. 

2006/06/20: Rewritten symbmm and numbmm from SMMP to be intependent of
	    CSR  storage by using GetRow. Still need to test for

2006/06/16: Defined GetRow. This way we may close the mat objects.
	    Next we will rewrite SMMP to only make use of GetRow,
	    not to rely on CSR storage format. 

2006/05/29: Added BLACS-like routines for data communication,
	    broadcasts, reductions, send/receive.

2006/05/25: Added environment management routines.

2006/05/03: Bug fixes, plus some change in the internals for SPINS,
	    preparing hooks for insertion with local numbering.

2006/04/24: Minor changes to the interface of dense tools routines,
	    trying to achieve a uniform look & feel.
	    Rewritten documentation; it is now reasonable, though not
	    perfect, except for the preconditioner routines. 
	    We can now declare RC3. 

2006/04/21: A bunch of fixes related to various matrix initialization 
	    problems that were revealed while testing on SP5.         

2006/04/18: Changed interface to spasb and csdp: better handling of 
	    regeneration. To be tested further for sophisticated uses.

2006/03/31: We declare RC2 now. Improved I/O routines in test/Fileread.

2006/03/24: We have a complex version now, working (not necessarily bug free). 

2006/03/15: Started move to complex version.  

2006/03/01: Complete restructure of PREC section. 

2006/02/01: New naming scheme.

2006/01/01: New multilevel preconditioning wih smoothed aggregation.

2005/09   : Now enabled UMFPACK complete factorization as basis for AS. 

2005/05/04: Now enabled SuperLU complete factorization as basis for AS. 

2005/04/29: First version with decoupled 2-level.

2005/04/06: Started work on decoupling the preconditioner aggregation
	    for 2-level from the main factorization. 

2005/03/30: First version of new DSC/SP allocate/insert/assembly
2005/03/17: First version of RGMRES. To be refined. 

2005/03/08: dSwapTran aligned with dSwapData. Taken out SwapOverlap.
	    also moved onto iSwapX.

2005/03/07: dSwapData rewritten to achieve: 1. better performance;
	    2. more flexible functionality. It is now possible to
	    avoid SwapOvrlap entirely, relying on just SwapData.
	    SwapTran is still alive, since it reads the descriptors in
	    "transpose" mode. Also, added work areas to preconditioner
	    routine, to avoid excessive allocation in the halo/overlap

2005/03/04: Had to put in a workaround for a gfortran bug:
	    tolower/toupper cannot be functions. 

2005/02/09: Explicit storage choice for the smoother. This seems
            to be changing a little bit the actual preconditioner. 
	    To be evaluated further.

2005/02/08: Renamed F90_PSPREC to PSB_PRCAPLY and Preconditioner to   
	    PSB_PRCBLD. Changed the way PRCAPLY decides what to do.
	    Still needs a PSB_PRCSET to be called before PRCBLD.

2005/01/28: Started moving functionalities to a SERIAL F90 layer. Also
	    defined a new COMM layer, to enable implementing SPMM
	    directly in F90.

2005/01/20: Finally taken out a direct call to the F77 DCSDP from

2005/01/18: After much work, we now have 2-level Additive Schwarz
	    prototype implemented and working. We now start a major
	    code cleanup that will take some time. Mainly we want to
	    move a lot of the serial F77 functionality into  a new F95
	    serial layer, to simplify the parallel F95 code. 

2004/11/25: Following the introduction of Additive Shwarz and
	    variants, we have now renamed DECOMP_ and friends as
	    DESC_; this makes things more readable. Sooner or later
	    we're going to merge this into mainline, but this version
	    is still very much in a state of flux.

2004/07/18: For use with gfortran we need to declare the pointer
	    components  with NULL() initialization. This rules out
	    VAST and PGI.

2004/07/15: First development version with gfortran from the current 
	    snapshot of gcc 3.5.0. 
	    It is now possible in PSI_dSwapData to opt for
	    SEND|RECEIVE|SYNC data exchange; plan is to extend to all
	    data exchange functions, plus making it available as an
	    option from the F90 level.
2004/07/06: Merged in a lot of stuff coming mainly from the ASM
	    development; full merge will have to wait  a little more.
	    Among other things:
	    use of psimod
	    new choice parms for overlap
	    new data exchange for swapdata, to be extended.
	    multicolumn CSMM.
	    use psrealloc
	    new format for marking a matrix as suitable for update. 

2003/12/09: Changed DSALLOC and DSASB to make sure whenever a dense
	    matrix is allocated it is also zeroed out. 

2003/10/13: Added call to BLACS_SET in the solvers to ensure global
	    heterogeneous coherence in the combine operations.

2003/09/30: Added LOC_TO_GLOB and GLOB_TO_LOC support routines. 

2003/09/30: Changed interface for smart update capabilities: choose
	    with optional parameters in ASB routines. 

2003/09/16: IFC 7.0 had a strange behaviour in the test programs:
	    sometimes the declaration of PARTS dummy argument with an
	    INTERFACE would not work, requiring an EXTERNAL
	    declaration. The proper INTERFACE works now with 7.1.

2003/03/10: Halo data exchange in F90_PSHALO can now be applied to
	    integer data; create appropriate support routines. 

2002/12/05: Initial version of Fileread sample programs.

2002/11/19: Fixes for JAD preconditioner.

2002/11/19: Methods for patterns: create a  descriptor without a

2001/11/16: Reviewed the interfaces: in the tools section we really
	    need the POINTER attribute for dense vectors, but not in
	    the computational routines; taking it  out allows more

2001/09/16: Smart update capabilities.

2001/03/16: Renumbering routines.

2001/01/14: Added extensions to compute multiple DOTs and AMAXs at once;