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Dense Vector Data Structure

The vdatapsb_vect_type data structure encapsulates the dense vectors in a way similar to sparse matrices. The user will not, in general, access the vector components directly, but rather via the routines of sec. 6. Among other simple things, we define here an extraction method that can be used to get a full copy of the part of the vector stored on the local process.

The type declaration is shown in figure 5 where T is a placeholder for the data type and precision variants

Single precision real;
Double precision real;
Single precision complex;
Double precision complex.
The actual data is contained in the polymorphic component a%a; its specific layout can be chosen dynamically among the predefined types, or an entirely new storage layout can be implemented and passed to the library at runtime via the psb_spasb routine.
Figure 5: The PSBLAS defined data type that contains a dense vector..


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