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init -- Initialize a preconditioner

call prec%init(ptype, info)

On Entry
the type of preconditioner. Scope: global
Type: required
Intent: in.
Specified as: a character string, see usage notes.
On Exit

Scope: local
Type: required
Intent: inout.
Specified as: a preconditioner data structure precdatapsb_prec_type.
Scope: global
Type: required
Intent: out.
Error code: if no error, 0 is returned.
NotesLegal inputs to this subroutine are interpreted depending on the $ptype$ string as follows3:
No preconditioning, i.e. the preconditioner is just a copy operator.
Diagonal scaling; each entry of the input vector is multiplied by the reciprocal of the sum of the absolute values of the coefficients in the corresponding row of matrix $A$;
Precondition by a factorization of the block-diagonal of matrix $A$, where block boundaries are determined by the data allocation boundaries for each process; requires no communication. Only the incomplete factorization $ILU(0)$ is currently implemented.