17 Number of entries below this BICGSTAB Iterative method BICGSTAB CGS BICG BICGSTABL RGMRES FCG CGR BJAC Preconditioner NONE DIAG BJAC CSR Storage format for matrix A: CSR COO 200 Domain size (acutal system is this**3 (pde3d) or **2 (pde2d) ) 3 Partition: 1 BLOCK 3 3D 2 Stopping criterion 1 2 0200 MAXIT 10 ITRACE 002 IRST restart for RGMRES and BiCGSTABL INVK Block Solver ILU,ILUT,INVK,INVT,AINV NONE If ILU : MILU or NONE othewise ignored NONE Scaling if ILUT: NONE, MAXVAL otherwise ignored 0 Level of fill for forward factorization 1 Level of fill for inverse factorization (only INVK,INVT) 1E-1 Threshold for forward factorization 1E-1 Threshold for inverse factorization (Only INVK, INVT) LLK What orthogonalization algorithm? (Only AINV)