You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

327 lines
9.9 KiB

## $Id$
## LaTeX Makefile
## Copyright (C) 1996-2001 Michael Forman Michael.Forman@Colorado.EDU
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
## as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
## of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
## Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
## This copyright applies to this Makefile, and all perl scripts.
## The GPL does NOT apply to the actual content of the paper or thesis.
## 01.Dec,1996 forman Initial Makefile
## 01.Jun,1997 forman Added support for print, preview, and bibtex
## 01.Jan,1998 stones tmp and lib directories to reduce clutter
## 05.Feb,1998 forman Added the following functions:
## .PHONY to prevent errors
## generic TEXFILE definition with following patsubst's
## vpath definitions
## gzip, gunzip, tar, ci
## search for \bibliography in tex file
## conditional ifeq omits bibtex if unnecessary
## documentation added
## 30.Nov,1998 forman Added TOPFILE and SECFILE definitions to support
## texfiles with "input" commands.
## 23.Dec,1998 marshats Added RCSFILES and ci/co capabilites for multiple files
## Now only runs makeindex if $(IDX) file exists.
## 15.Mar,1999 forman Added 'make wc' for papers with word quotas.
## 24.Aug,1999 forman Converted Makefile to use pdftex as the primary
## complier. Now generates true pdf and ps files.
## 09.Feb,2000 forman Simplified the documentation. Removed direct
## compilation of tex into DVI and PS. Conversion
## is done with PDF2PS now.
## 08.Aug,2000 forman Added define for figures directories.
## 18.Aug,2000 forman Removed the redundant code in the $(pdflatex) and
## $(pdflatex-bibtex) definitions by splitting them up
## into several smaller definitions which are called
## from a single set of "if-then" statements.
## 18.Aug,2000 forman Added support for glosstex and makeindex.
## 19.Aug,2000 forman To save space, all files in tmp are now links.
## 19.Aug,2000 forman Removed all postscript commands in favor of pdf.
## This Makefile expects the following directory structure:
## Makefile This file
## *.tex Put latex files in root directory.
## RCS/ Create an RCS directory for "ci" and "co".
## doc/ Document directory. Includes gpl.txt.
## lib/ Put all cls, sty, idx, gdf, and bib files in lib.
## figures/ Put all figures in the figures directory.
## tmp/ Never put anything in tmp -- it gets cleaned out.
## Normal Usage:
## make Run pdflatex
## make clean Remove all files in tmp and the pdf link in root.
## make preview Preview the compiled file
## make ci Check in the RCSFILES
## make co Check out the RCSFILES
## Advanced Usage:
## make gzip Recursively gzip all the files in the root directory
## make gunzip Reverse the above process
## make tar Tar and gzip the working directory
## make wc Count the number of words in your report
## If "make ci" fails, "make co" will nuke your files!
## Don't put anything in tmp, "make clean" will delete everything!
TOPFILE = userguide.tex
SECFILE = title.tex intro.tex commrout.tex datastruct.tex psbrout.tex toolsrout.tex\
methods.tex precs.tex
FIGDIR = figures
ACROFLAGS = #-- macos
#ACROFLAGS = -geometry 1234x1168+0+0 #-- new-sydney-wide
#ACROFLAGS = -geometry 1000x1000+0+0 #-- sydney-wide
#ACROFLAGS = -geometry 750x1000+0+0 #-- sydney
#ACROFLAGS = -geometry 1200x1200+0+0 #-- home-wide
#ACROFLAGS = -geometry 900x1200+0+0 #-- home
## Change nothing below here (unless you're really really good).
## Accounting
START = $(shell date)
WDIR = $(notdir $(shell pwd))
DATE = $(shell date +%Y-%m-%d)
## Programs
PDFLATEX = pdflatex
ACRO = evince
XPDF = xpdf
WC = wc
PDF2PS = pdf2ps
PDF2TEXT = pdftotext
MAKEIDX = makeindex
GLOSSTEX = glosstex
BIBTEX = bibtex
FILTER = ../bin/texfilter
FILTER = cat
CLEANIDX = ../bin/cleanidx
## Files
BASEFILE = $(patsubst %.tex,%,$(TOPFILE))
IDX = $(join $(BASEFILE),.idx)
PDF = $(join $(BASEFILE),.pdf)
PS = $(join $(BASEFILE),.ps)
GXS = $(join $(BASEFILE),.gxs)
GLX = $(join $(BASEFILE),.glx)
FIGURES = $(sort $(wildcard $(FIGDIR)/*))
GLOFILES:= $(sort $(wildcard lib/*.gdf))
GLOFILES:= $(patsubst lib/%,%,$(GLOFILES))
BIBFILES:= $(shell grep ^.bibliography{ $(TOPFILE)|sed "s/,/ /g"|sed "s/%.*//g")
BIBFILES:= $(patsubst \bibliography{%,%,$(BIBFILES))
BIBFILES:= $(patsubst %},%,$(BIBFILES))
BIBFILES:= $(sort $(addsuffix .bib,$(BIBFILES)))
LIBFILES = $(sort $(wildcard lib/*))
TEXLNFIL = $(addprefix $(PWD)/,$(TEXFILES))
all: $(PDF)
@echo $(PDF)
ifneq ($(BIBFILES),)
ifneq ($(GLOFILES),)
# $(makeindex)
$(PS): $(PDF)
$(PDF2PS) $< $(PS)
ps: $(PS)
.PHONY: clean clean-tmp preview print gzip gunzip tar ci
rm -f $(PDF) $(PS)
cd tmp ; rm -f *
cd tmp ; rm -f *
preview: $(PDF)
xpreview: $(PDF)
wc: $(PDF)
$(PDF2TEXT) $< | $(WC)
$(shell for i in $(RCSFILES) ; do ci -u $$i ; done)
$(shell for i in $(RCSFILES) ; do co -l $$i ; done)
gzip: clean-tmp
gzip -r ./
gunzip Makefile.gz
gunzip -r ./
tar: clean-tmp
cd .. ; \
tar cvf $(WDIR)-$(DATE).tar $(WDIR) ; \
gzip $(WDIR)-$(DATE).tar
define header
@echo "#---------------------------------------------------------------------"
@echo "MAKEFILE = LaTeX PDF Makefile"
@echo "AUTHOR = Alfredo Buttari"
@echo 'ID = $$Id$ '
@echo "#---------------------------------------------------------------------"
@echo "ACRO = $(ACRO) $(ACROFLAGS) $(PDF)"
@echo "XPDF = $(XPDF) $(XPDFFLAGS) $(PDF)"
@echo "GV = $(GV) $(GVFLAGS) $(PS)"
@echo "LPR = $(LPR) $(LPRFLAGS) $(PS)"
@echo "WDIR = $(WDIR)"
@echo "DATE = $(DATE)"
@echo "TOPFILE = $(TOPFILE)"
@echo "SECFILE = $(SECFILE)"
@echo "PDF = $(PDF)"
@echo "PS = $(PS)"
# @echo "FIGURES = $(FIGURES)"
define initialize
@if test ! -d tmp; then mkdir tmp; fi
@ln -sf $(TEXLNFIL) tmp
@ln -sf $(PWD)/lib/* tmp
@ln -sf $(PWD)/$(FIGDIR) tmp
define pdflatex
@echo "----- pdflatex -------------------------------------------------------"
@echo -n "Starting: "; date
cd tmp; $(PDFLATEX) $(TOPFILE)
define pdflatex-filter
@echo "----- pdflatex -------------------------------------------------------"
@echo -n "Starting: "; date
cd tmp; ($(PDFLATEX) $(TOPFILE) 2>&1) | $(FILTER)
define bibtex
@echo "----- bibtex ---------------------------------------------------------"
@echo -n "Starting: "; date
cd tmp; $(BIBTEX) $(BASEFILE)
define glosstex
@echo "----- glosstex -------------------------------------------------------"
@echo -n "Starting: "; date
cd tmp; $(MAKEIDX) $(GXS) -o $(GLX) -s
define makeindex
@echo "----- makeindex ------------------------------------------------------"
@echo -n "Starting: "; date
cd tmp; mv $(IDX) $(IDX)-; $(CLEANIDX) < $(IDX)- > $(IDX)
cd tmp; $(MAKEIDX) $(IDX)
define finish
@ln -sf tmp/$@ .
@echo "----- finish ---------------------------------------------------------"
@echo -n "Start: "$(START); echo
@echo -n "Finish: "; date
@echo -n "Output: "; ls -l -o tmp/$@
@echo -n "Target: "