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!!$ C C
!!$ C References: C
!!$ C [1] Duff, I., Marrone, M., Radicati, G., and Vittoli, C. C
!!$ C Level 3 basic linear algebra subprograms for sparse C
!!$ C matrices: a user level interface C
!!$ C ACM Trans. Math. Softw., 23(3), 379-401, 1997. C
!!$ C C
!!$ C C
!!$ C [2] S. Filippone, M. Colajanni C
!!$ C PSBLAS: A library for parallel linear algebra C
!!$ C computation on sparse matrices C
!!$ C ACM Trans. on Math. Softw., 26(4), 527-550, Dec. 2000. C
!!$ C C
!!$ C [3] M. Arioli, I. Duff, M. Ruiz C
!!$ C Stopping criteria for iterative solvers C
!!$ C SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl., Vol. 13, pp. 138-144, 1992 C
!!$ C C
!!$ C C
!!$ C [4] R. Barrett et al C
!!$ C Templates for the solution of linear systems C
!!$ C SIAM, 1993 C
!!$ C C
!!$ C C
!!$ C [5] G. Sleijpen, D. Fokkema C
!!$ C BICGSTAB(L) for linear equations involving unsymmetric C
!!$ C matrices with complex spectrum C
!!$ C Electronic Trans. on Numer. Analysis, Vol. 1, pp. 11-32, C
!!$ C Sep. 1993 C
!!$ C C
!!$ C C
! File: psb_dgmresr.f90
! Subroutine: psb_dgmres
! This subroutine implements the restarted GMRES method.
! Parameters:
! a - type(<psb_dspmat_type>). The sparse matrix containing A.
! prec - type(<psb_prec_type>). The data structure containing the preconditioner.
! b - real,dimension(:). The right hand side.
! x - real,dimension(:). The vector of unknowns.
! eps - real. The error tolerance.
! desc_a - type(<psb_desc_type>). The communication descriptor.
! info - integer. Eventually returns an error code.
! itmax - integer(optional). The maximum number of iterations.
! iter - integer(optional). The number of iterations performed.
! err - real(optional). The error on return.
! itrace - integer(optional). The unit to write messages onto.
! irst - integer(optional). The restart value.
! istop - integer(optional). The stopping criterium.
Subroutine psb_dgmresr(a,prec,b,x,eps,desc_a,info,&
use psb_serial_mod
use psb_descriptor_type
use psb_prec_type
use psb_psblas_mod
use psb_tools_mod
use psb_const_mod
use psb_prec_mod
use psb_error_mod
implicit none
!!$ Parameters
Type(psb_dspmat_type), Intent(in) :: a
Type(psb_dprec_type), Intent(in) :: prec
Type(psb_desc_type), Intent(in) :: desc_a
Real(Kind(1.d0)), Intent(in) :: b(:)
Real(Kind(1.d0)), Intent(inout) :: x(:)
Real(Kind(1.d0)), Intent(in) :: eps
integer, intent(out) :: info
Integer, Optional, Intent(in) :: itmax, itrace, irst,istop
Integer, Optional, Intent(out) :: iter
Real(Kind(1.d0)), Optional, Intent(out) :: err
!!$ local data
Real(Kind(1.d0)), Pointer :: aux(:),wwrk(:,:)
Real(Kind(1.d0)), Pointer :: w(:), q(:), r(:), rt0(:), p(:), v(:,:), &
& c(:),s(:), t(:), z(:), f(:), uh(:,:), h(:,:), rs(:),&
& gamma(:), gamma1(:), gamma2(:), taum(:,:), sigma(:),&
&pv1(:), pv2(:), pm1(:,:), rr(:,:)
Integer, Pointer :: iperm(:), ipnull(:), ipsave(:), ierrv(:)
Real(Kind(1.d0)) :: rerr, scal, gm
Integer ::litmax, liter, naux, m, mglob, it,k, itrac,&
& nprows,npcols,me,mecol, n_row, n_col, nl, int_err(5)
Character ::diagl, diagu
Logical, Parameter :: exchange=.True., noexchange=.False.
Integer, Parameter :: ione=1
Integer, Parameter :: irmax = 8
Integer :: itx, i, isvch, ich, icontxt,listop, err_act
Logical :: do_renum_left,inner_stop
Real(Kind(1.d0)), Parameter :: one=1.d0, zero=0.d0, epstol=1.d-35
Logical, Parameter :: debug = .false.
Real(Kind(1.d0)) :: alpha, beta, rho, rho_old, rni, xni, bni, ani,bn2,&
& omega, tau
real(kind(1.d0)), external :: dnrm2
character(len=20) :: name,ch_err
info = 0
name = 'psb_dgmres'
call psb_erractionsave(err_act)
If (debug) Write(0,*) 'entering psb_dgmres'
icontxt = desc_a%matrix_data(psb_ctxt_)
Call blacs_gridinfo(icontxt,nprows,npcols,me,mecol)
If (debug) Write(0,*) 'psb_dgmres: from gridinfo',nprows,npcols,me
mglob = desc_a%matrix_data(psb_m_)
n_row = desc_a%matrix_data(psb_n_row_)
n_col = desc_a%matrix_data(psb_n_col_)
if (present(istop)) then
listop = istop
listop = 1
! LISTOP = 1: Normwise backward error, infinity norm
! LISTOP = 2: ||r||/||b|| norm 2
if ((listop < 1 ).or.(listop > 2 ) ) then
write(0,*) 'psb_dgmres: invalid istop',listop
call psb_errpush(info,name,i_err=int_err)
goto 9999
If (Present(itmax)) Then
litmax = itmax
litmax = 1000
If (Present(itrace)) Then
itrac = itrace
itrac = -1
End If
If (Present(irst)) Then
nl = irst
If (debug) Write(0,*) 'present: irst: ',irst,nl
nl = 10
If (debug) Write(0,*) 'not present: irst: ',irst,nl
&c(nl+1),s(nl+1),rs(nl+1), stat=info)
If (info.Ne.0) Then
info = 4000
call psb_errpush(info,name)
goto 9999
End If
Call psb_dsall(mglob,nl+1,v,desc_a,info)
Call psb_dsall(mglob,w,desc_a,info)
Call psb_dsasb(v,desc_a,info)
Call psb_dsasb(w,desc_a,info)
if ( Then
call psb_errpush(info,name)
goto 9999
End If
! ensure global coherence for convergence checks.
Call blacs_get(icontxt,16,isvch)
ich = 1
Call blacs_set(icontxt,16,ich)
if (listop == 1) then
ani = psb_nrmi(a,desc_a,info)
bni = psb_amax(b,desc_a,info)
else if (listop == 2) then
bn2 = psb_nrm2(b,desc_a,info)
if ( Then
call psb_errpush(info,name)
goto 9999
End If
diagl = 'u'
diagu = 'u'
itx = 0
restart: Do
!!$ r0 = b-ax0
If (debug) Write(0,*) 'restart: ',itx,it
it = 0
Call psb_axpby(one,b,zero,v(:,1),desc_a,info)
Call psb_spmm(-one,a,x,one,v(:,1),desc_a,info,work=aux)
call psb_prcaply(prec,v(:,1),desc_a,info)
rs(1) = psb_nrm2(v(:,1),desc_a,info)
if ( Then
call psb_errpush(info,name)
goto 9999
End If
If (debug) Write(0,*) 'on entry to amax: b: ',Size(b),rs(1),scal
if (listop == 1) then
rni = psb_amax(v(:,1),desc_a,info)
xni = psb_amax(x,desc_a,info)
rerr = rni/(ani*xni+bni)
if (itrac /= -1) then
If (me == 0) Write(itrac,'(a,i4,5(2x,es10.4))') 'gmresr(l): ',&
& itx,rerr,rni,bni,xni,ani
else if (listop == 2) then
rni = psb_nrm2(v(:,1),desc_a,info)
rerr = rni/bn2
if (itrac /= -1) then
If (me == 0) Write(itrac,'(a,i4,3(2x,es10.4))') 'gmresr(l): ',&
& itx,rerr,rni,bn2
if ( Then
call psb_errpush(info,name)
goto 9999
End If
If (rerr<=eps) Then
Exit restart
End If
If (itx.Ge.itmax) Exit restart
v(:,1) = v(:,1) * scal
inner: Do i=1,nl
itx = itx + 1
Call psb_spmm(one,a,v(:,i),zero,w,desc_a,info,work=aux)
call psb_prcaply(prec,w,desc_a,info)
do k = 1, i
h(k,i) = psb_dot(v(:,k),w,desc_a,info)
call psb_axpby(-h(k,i),v(:,k),one,w,desc_a,info)
end do
h(i+1,i) = psb_nrm2(w,desc_a,info)
call psb_axpby(scal,w,zero,v(:,i+1),desc_a,info)
do k=2,i
rr(k-1,i) = c(k-1)*h(k-1,i) + s(k-1)*h(k,i)
rr(k,i) = -s(k-1)*h(k-1,i) + c(k-1)*h(k,i)
gm = safe_dn2(h(i,i),h(i+1,i))
if (debug) write(0,*) 'GM : ',gm
gm = max(gm,epstol)
c(i) = h(i,i)/gm
s(i) = h(i+1,i)/gm
rs(i+1) = -s(i)*rs(i)
rs(i) = c(i)*rs(i)
rr(i,i) = c(i)*h(i,i)+s(i)*h(i+1,i)
if (listop == 1) then
rni = abs(rs(i+1))
xni = psb_amax(x,desc_a,info)
rerr = rni/(ani*xni+bni)
if (itrac /= -1) then
If (me == 0) Write(itrac,'(a,i4,5(2x,es10.4))') 'gmresr(l): ',&
& itx,rerr,rni,bni,xni,ani
else if (listop == 2) then
rni = abs(rs(i+1))
rerr = rni/bn2
if (itrac /= -1) then
If (me == 0) Write(itrac,'(a,i4,3(2x,es10.4))') 'gmresr(l): ',&
& itx,rerr,rni,bn2
if (rerr < eps ) then
call dtrsm('l','u','n','n',i,1,one,rr,size(rr,1),rs,nl)
if (debug) write(0,*) 'Rebuild x-> RS:',rs(21:nl)
do k=1, i
call psb_axpby(rs(k),v(:,k),one,x,desc_a,info)
end do
exit restart
end if
end Do inner
if (debug) write(0,*) 'Before DTRSM :',rs(1:nl)
call dtrsm('l','u','n','n',nl,1,one,rr,size(rr,1),rs,nl)
if (debug) write(0,*) 'Rebuild x-> RS:',rs(21:nl)
do k=1, nl
call psb_axpby(rs(k),v(:,k),one,x,desc_a,info)
end do
End Do restart
If (Present(err)) err=rerr
If (Present(iter)) iter = itx
If (rerr>eps) Then
Write(0,*) 'gmresr(l) failed to converge to ',eps,&
& ' in ',itx,' iterations '
End If
Deallocate(aux,h,c,s,rs,rr, stat=info)
Call psb_free(v,desc_a,info)
Call psb_free(w,desc_a,info)
! restore external global coherence behaviour
Call blacs_set(icontxt,16,isvch)
if (info /= 0) then
call psb_errpush(info,name)
goto 9999
end if
call psb_erractionrestore(err_act)
9999 continue
call psb_erractionrestore(err_act)
if (err_act.eq.act_abort) then
call psb_error()
end if
function safe_dn2(a,b)
real(kind(1.d0)), intent(in) :: a, b
real(kind(1.d0)) :: safe_dn2
real(kind(1.d0)) :: t
t = max(abs(a),abs(b))
if (t==0.d0) then
safe_dn2 = 0.d0
safe_dn2 = t * sqrt(abs(a/t)**2 + abs(b/t)**2)
end function safe_dn2
End Subroutine psb_dgmresr