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program tryyidxijk
use psb_base_mod, only : psb_ipk_
implicit none
integer(psb_ipk_) :: nx,ny,nz, base, i, j, k, idx,npx,npy,npz
integer(psb_ipk_) :: ic, jc, kc, idxc
integer(psb_ipk_), allocatable :: v(:)
write(*,*) 'nx,ny,nz,base? '
read(*,*) nx,ny,nz, base
idx = base
do i=base,nx-(1-base)
do j=base,ny-(1-base)
do k=base,nz-(1-base)
call idx2ijk(ic,jc,kc,idx,nx,ny,nz,base)
call ijk2idx(idxc,i,j,k,nx,ny,nz,base)
! write(*,*) i,j,k,idx,':',ic,jc,kc,idxc
if ((i/=ic).or.&
& (j/=jc).or.&
& (k/=kc).or.&
& (idxc/=idx))then
write(*,*) 'Error:',i,j,k,idx,':',ic,jc,kc,idxc
end if
idx = idx + 1
end do
end do
end do
write(*,*) 'Ok '
write(*,*) 'npx,npy,npz? '
read(*,*) npx,npy,npz
call dist1Didx(v,nx,npx)
write(*,*) ' X:',v(0:npx)
write(*,*) 'SZX:',v(1:npx)-v(0:npx-1)
call dist1Didx(v,ny,npy)
write(*,*) ' Y:',v(0:npy)
write(*,*) 'SZY:',v(1:npy)-v(0:npy-1)
call dist1Didx(v,nz,npz)
write(*,*) ' Z:',v(0:npz)
write(*,*) 'SZZ:',v(1:npz)-v(0:npz-1)
! Given a global index IDX and the domain size (NX,NY,NZ)
! compute the point coordinates (I,J,K)
! Optional argument: base 0 or 1, default 1
! This mapping is equivalent to a loop nesting:
! idx = base
! do i=1,nx
! do j=1,ny
! do k=1,nz
! ijk2idx(i,j,k) = idx
! idx = idx + 1
subroutine idx2ijk(i,j,k,idx,nx,ny,nz,base)
use psb_base_mod, only : psb_ipk_
implicit none
integer(psb_ipk_), intent(out) :: i,j,k
integer(psb_ipk_), intent(in) :: idx,nx,ny,nz
integer(psb_ipk_), intent(in), optional :: base
integer(psb_ipk_) :: base_, idx_
if (present(base)) then
base_ = base
base_ = 1
end if
idx_ = idx - base_
k = mod(idx_,nz) + base_
j = mod(idx_/nz,ny) + base_
i = mod(idx_/(ny*nz),nx) + base_
end subroutine idx2ijk
! Given a triple (I,J,K) and the domain size (NX,NY,NZ)
! compute the global index IDX
! Optional argument: base 0 or 1, default 1
! This mapping is equivalent to a loop nesting:
! idx = base
! do i=1,nx
! do j=1,ny
! do k=1,nz
! ijk2idx(i,j,k) = idx
! idx = idx + 1
subroutine ijk2idx(idx,i,j,k,nx,ny,nz,base)
use psb_base_mod, only : psb_ipk_
implicit none
integer(psb_ipk_), intent(out) :: idx
integer(psb_ipk_), intent(in) :: i,j,k,nx,ny,nz
integer(psb_ipk_), intent(in), optional :: base
integer(psb_ipk_) :: base_
if (present(base)) then
base_ = base
base_ = 1
end if
idx = ((i-base_)*nz*ny + (j-base_)*nz + k - base_) + base_
end subroutine ijk2idx
! dist1Didx
! Given an index space [base : N-(1-base)] and
! a set of NP processes, split the index base as
! evenly as possible, i.e. difference in size
! between any two processes is either 0 or 1,
! then return the boundaries in a vector
! such that
! V(P) : first index owned by process P
! V(P+1) : first index owned by process P+1
subroutine dist1Didx(v,n,np,base)
use psb_base_mod, only : psb_ipk_
implicit none
integer(psb_ipk_), intent(out) :: v(:)
integer(psb_ipk_), intent(in) :: n, np
integer(psb_ipk_), intent(in), optional :: base
integer(psb_ipk_) :: base_, nb, i
if (present(base)) then
base_ = base
base_ = 1
end if
nb = n/np
do i=1,mod(n,np)
v(i) = nb + 1
end do
do i=mod(n,np)+1,np
v(i) = nb
end do
v(2:np+1) = v(1:np)
v(1) = base_
do i=2,np+1
v(i) = v(i) + v(i-1)
end do
end subroutine dist1Didx
end program tryyidxijk