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347 lines
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module psb_base_tools_cbind_mod
use iso_c_binding
use psb_base_mod
use psb_objhandle_mod
use psb_cpenv_mod
use psb_base_string_cbind_mod
! Aggiungere funzione per estrarre comunicatore
function psb_c_error() bind(c) result(res)
implicit none
integer(psb_c_ipk_) :: res
res = 0
call psb_error()
end function psb_c_error
function psb_c_clean_errstack() bind(c) result(res)
implicit none
integer(psb_c_ipk_) :: res
res = 0
call psb_clean_errstack()
end function psb_c_clean_errstack
function psb_c_cdall_vg(ng,vg,cctxt,cdh) bind(c,name='psb_c_cdall_vg') result(res)
implicit none
integer(psb_c_ipk_) :: res
integer(psb_c_lpk_), value :: ng
type(psb_c_object_type), value :: cctxt
integer(psb_c_ipk_) :: vg(*)
type(psb_c_object_type) :: cdh
type(psb_desc_type), pointer :: descp
integer(psb_c_ipk_) :: info
type(psb_ctxt_type) :: ctxt
ctxt = psb_c2f_ctxt(cctxt)
res = -1
if (ng <=0) then
write(0,*) 'Invalid size'
end if
if (c_associated(cdh%item)) then
call c_f_pointer(cdh%item,descp)
call descp%free(info)
if (info == 0) deallocate(descp,stat=info)
if (info /= 0) return
end if
if (info < 0) return
call psb_cdall(ctxt,descp,info,vg=vg(1:ng))
cdh%item = c_loc(descp)
res = info
end function psb_c_cdall_vg
function psb_c_cdall_vl(nl,vl,cctxt,cdh) bind(c,name='psb_c_cdall_vl') result(res)
implicit none
integer(psb_c_ipk_) :: res
type(psb_c_object_type), value :: cctxt
integer(psb_c_ipk_), value :: nl
integer(psb_c_lpk_) :: vl(*)
type(psb_c_object_type) :: cdh
type(psb_desc_type), pointer :: descp
integer(psb_c_ipk_) :: info, ixb
type(psb_ctxt_type) :: ctxt
ctxt = psb_c2f_ctxt(cctxt)
res = -1
if (nl <=0) then
write(0,*) 'Invalid size'
end if
if (c_associated(cdh%item)) then
call c_f_pointer(cdh%item,descp)
call descp%free(info)
if (info == 0) deallocate(descp,stat=info)
if (info /= 0) return
end if
if (info < 0) return
ixb = psb_c_get_index_base()
if (ixb == 1) then
call psb_cdall(ctxt,descp,info,vl=vl(1:nl))
call psb_cdall(ctxt,descp,info,vl=(vl(1:nl)+(1-ixb)))
end if
cdh%item = c_loc(descp)
res = info
end function psb_c_cdall_vl
function psb_c_cdall_nl(nl,cctxt,cdh) bind(c,name='psb_c_cdall_nl') result(res)
implicit none
integer(psb_c_ipk_) :: res
type(psb_c_object_type), value :: cctxt
integer(psb_c_ipk_), value :: nl
type(psb_c_object_type) :: cdh
type(psb_desc_type), pointer :: descp
integer(psb_c_ipk_) :: info
type(psb_ctxt_type) :: ctxt
ctxt = psb_c2f_ctxt(cctxt)
res = -1
if (nl <=0) then
write(0,*) 'Invalid size'
end if
if (c_associated(cdh%item)) then
call c_f_pointer(cdh%item,descp)
call descp%free(info)
if (info == 0) deallocate(descp,stat=info)
if (info /= 0) return
end if
if (info < 0) return
call psb_cdall(ctxt,descp,info,nl=nl)
cdh%item = c_loc(descp)
res = info
end function psb_c_cdall_nl
function psb_c_cdall_repl(n,cctxt,cdh) bind(c,name='psb_c_cdall_repl') result(res)
implicit none
integer(psb_c_ipk_) :: res
integer(psb_c_lpk_), value :: n
type(psb_c_object_type), value :: cctxt
type(psb_c_object_type) :: cdh
type(psb_desc_type), pointer :: descp
integer(psb_c_ipk_) :: info
type(psb_ctxt_type) :: ctxt
ctxt = psb_c2f_ctxt(cctxt)
res = -1
if (n <=0) then
write(0,*) 'Invalid size'
end if
if (c_associated(cdh%item)) then
call c_f_pointer(cdh%item,descp)
call descp%free(info)
if (info == 0) deallocate(descp,stat=info)
if (info /= 0) return
end if
if (info < 0) return
call psb_cdall(ctxt,descp,info,mg=n,repl=.true.)
cdh%item = c_loc(descp)
res = info
end function psb_c_cdall_repl
function psb_c_cdasb(cdh) bind(c,name='psb_c_cdasb') result(res)
implicit none
integer(psb_c_ipk_) :: res
type(psb_c_object_type) :: cdh
type(psb_desc_type), pointer :: descp
integer(psb_c_ipk_) :: info
res = -1
if (c_associated(cdh%item)) then
call c_f_pointer(cdh%item,descp)
call psb_cdasb(descp,info)
res = info
end if
end function psb_c_cdasb
function psb_c_cdfree(cdh) bind(c,name='psb_c_cdfree') result(res)
implicit none
integer(psb_c_ipk_) :: res
type(psb_c_object_type) :: cdh
type(psb_desc_type), pointer :: descp
integer(psb_c_ipk_) :: info
res = -1
if (c_associated(cdh%item)) then
call c_f_pointer(cdh%item,descp)
call descp%free(info)
if (info == 0) deallocate(descp,stat=info)
if (info /= 0) return
cdh%item = c_null_ptr
end if
res = info
end function psb_c_cdfree
function psb_c_cdins(nz,ia,ja,cdh) bind(c,name='psb_c_cdins') result(res)
implicit none
integer(psb_c_ipk_) :: res
integer(psb_c_ipk_), value :: nz
type(psb_c_object_type) :: cdh
integer(psb_c_lpk_) :: ia(*),ja(*)
type(psb_desc_type), pointer :: descp
integer(psb_c_ipk_) :: info
res = -1
if (c_associated(cdh%item)) then
call c_f_pointer(cdh%item,descp)
call psb_cdins(nz,ia(1:nz),ja(1:nz),descp,info)
res = info
end if
end function psb_c_cdins
function psb_c_cd_get_local_rows(cdh) bind(c,name='psb_c_cd_get_local_rows') result(res)
implicit none
integer(psb_c_ipk_) :: res
type(psb_c_object_type) :: cdh
type(psb_desc_type), pointer :: descp
integer :: info
res = -1
if (c_associated(cdh%item)) then
call c_f_pointer(cdh%item,descp)
res = descp%get_local_rows()
end if
end function psb_c_cd_get_local_rows
function psb_c_cd_get_local_cols(cdh) bind(c,name='psb_c_cd_get_local_cols') result(res)
implicit none
integer(psb_c_ipk_) :: res
type(psb_c_object_type) :: cdh
type(psb_desc_type), pointer :: descp
integer :: info
res = -1
if (c_associated(cdh%item)) then
call c_f_pointer(cdh%item,descp)
res = descp%get_local_cols()
end if
end function psb_c_cd_get_local_cols
function psb_c_cd_get_global_rows(cdh) bind(c,name='psb_c_cd_get_global_rows') result(res)
implicit none
integer(psb_c_lpk_) :: res
type(psb_c_object_type) :: cdh
type(psb_desc_type), pointer :: descp
integer :: info
res = -1
if (c_associated(cdh%item)) then
call c_f_pointer(cdh%item,descp)
res = descp%get_global_rows()
end if
end function psb_c_cd_get_global_rows
function psb_c_cd_get_global_cols(cdh) bind(c,name='psb_c_cd_get_global_cols') result(res)
implicit none
integer(psb_c_lpk_) :: res
type(psb_c_object_type) :: cdh
type(psb_desc_type), pointer :: descp
integer :: info
res = -1
if (c_associated(cdh%item)) then
call c_f_pointer(cdh%item,descp)
res = descp%get_global_cols()
end if
end function psb_c_cd_get_global_cols
function psb_c_cd_get_global_indices(idx,nidx,owned,cdh) &
& bind(c,name='psb_c_cd_get_global_indices') result(res)
implicit none
integer(psb_c_ipk_) :: res
type(psb_c_object_type) :: cdh
integer(psb_c_lpk_) :: idx(nidx)
integer(psb_c_ipk_), value :: nidx
logical(c_bool), value :: owned
type(psb_desc_type), pointer :: descp
integer(psb_lpk_), allocatable :: myidx(:)
logical :: fowned
res = -1
if (c_associated(cdh%item)) then
call c_f_pointer(cdh%item,descp)
fowned = owned
myidx = descp%get_global_indices(owned=fowned)
idx(1:nidx) = myidx(1:nidx)
res = 0
end if
end function psb_c_cd_get_global_indices
end module psb_base_tools_cbind_mod