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module psb_base_util_cbind_mod
use iso_c_binding
use psb_cutil_cbind_mod
use psb_dutil_cbind_mod
use psb_sutil_cbind_mod
use psb_zutil_cbind_mod
! Routines for managing indexes are type independent
! so we have them defined only in the common module
! for all the types
function psb_c_idx2ijk(i,j,idx,nx,ny,base) bind(c) result(res)
use psb_base_mod, only : psb_ipk_, psb_lpk_, psb_mpk_, psb_epk_
implicit none
integer(psb_c_ipk_) :: res
integer(psb_c_ipk_), value :: idx,nx,ny,base
integer(psb_c_ipk_) :: i,j
res = -1
call idx2ijk(i,j,idx,nx,ny,base=base)
res = 0
end function psb_c_idx2ijk
end module psb_base_util_cbind_mod