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program vectoacc
use psb_base_mod
use psb_oacc_mod
implicit none
type(psb_d_vect_oacc) :: v3, v4, v5
integer(psb_ipk_) :: info, n, i
real(psb_dpk_) :: alpha, beta, result
double precision, external :: etime
real(psb_dpk_) :: dot_host, dot_dev, t_host, t_dev, t_alloc_host, t_alloc_dev, t_calc_host, t_calc_dev
double precision :: time_start, time_end
integer(psb_ipk_), parameter :: ntests=80, ngpu=20
write(*, *) 'Test of the vector operations with OpenACC'
write(*, *) 'Enter the size of the vectors'
read(*, *) n
alpha = 2.0
beta = 0.5
time_start = etime()
call v3%all(n, info)
call v4%all(n, info)
call v5%all(n, info)
time_end = etime()
t_alloc_host = time_end - time_start
write(*, *) 'Allocation time on host: ', t_alloc_host, ' sec'
do i = 1, n
v3%v(i) = real(i, psb_dpk_)
v4%v(i) = real(n - i, psb_dpk_)
end do
call v3%set_dev()
call v4%set_dev()
call v3%scal(alpha)
call v3%sync()
do i = 1, n
if (v3%v(i) /= alpha * real(i, psb_dpk_)) then
write(*, *) 'Scal error : index', i
end if
end do
write(*, *) 'Scal test passed'
result = v3%dot_v(n, v4)
call v3%sync()
call v4%sync()
if (result /= sum(v3%v * v4%v)) then
write(*, *) 'Dot_v error, expected result:', sum(v3%v * v4%v), 'instead of :', result
end if
write(*, *) 'Dot_v test passed'
result = v3%nrm2(n)
call v3%sync()
if (result /= sqrt(sum(v3%v ** 2))) then
write(*, *) 'nrm2 error, expected result:', sqrt(sum(v3%v ** 2)), 'instead of :', result
end if
write(*, *) 'nrm2 test passed'
call v3%set_host()
call v4%set_host()
time_start = etime()
do i = 1, ntests
dot_host = sum(v3%v * v4%v)
end do
time_end = etime()
t_calc_host = (time_end - time_start) / real(ntests)
write(*, *) 'Host calculation time: ', t_calc_host, ' sec'
call v3%set_dev()
call v4%set_dev()
time_start = etime()
call v3%sync_space()
call v4%sync_space()
time_end = etime()
t_alloc_dev = time_end - time_start
write(*, *) 'Allocation time on device: ', t_alloc_dev, ' sec'
time_start = etime()
do i = 1, ntests
dot_dev = v3%dot_v(n, v4)
end do
!$acc wait
time_end = etime()
t_calc_dev = (time_end - time_start) / real(ntests)
write(*, *) 'Device calculation time: ', t_calc_dev, ' sec'
call v3%free(info)
call v4%free(info)
call v5%free(info)
end program vectoacc