Cirdans-Home b6ebe59ac3 Checks for options settings and BJAC setup
Makefile Added modules for invt invk
psb_c_ainv_bld.f90 Merge branch 'new-context' into implement-ainv
psb_c_bjacprec_impl.f90 Checks for options settings and BJAC setup
psb_c_diagprec_impl.f90 Change name of ICTXT to CTXT
psb_c_ilu0_fact.f90 csall changed in allocate with CSR format
psb_c_iluk_fact.f90 csall changed in allocate with CSR format
psb_c_ilut_fact.f90 csall changed in allocate with CSR format
psb_c_invk_fact.f90 Merge branch 'new-context' into implement-ainv
psb_c_invt_fact.f90 Merge branch 'new-context' into implement-ainv
psb_c_nullprec_impl.f90 Updated copyright statement
psb_c_prec_type_impl.f90 Checks for options settings and BJAC setup
psb_c_sp_drop.f90 Added AINV tools mod
psb_c_sparsify.f90 Corrected bug in application phase
psb_cilu_fct.f90 Updated copyright statement
psb_cprecbld.f90 Change name of ICTXT to CTXT
psb_cprecinit.f90 Change name of ICTXT to CTXT
psb_cprecset.f90 Updated copyright statement
psb_crwclip.f90 implemented biconjugation
psb_csparse_biconjg_llk.F90 Corrected bug in application phase
psb_csparse_biconjg_llk_noth.F90 implemented biconjugation
psb_csparse_biconjg_mlk.F90 implemented biconjugation
psb_csparse_biconjg_s_ft_llk.F90 implemented biconjugation
psb_csparse_biconjg_s_llk.F90 implemented biconjugation
psb_d_ainv_bld.f90 Merge branch 'new-context' into implement-ainv
psb_d_bjacprec_impl.f90 Checks for options settings and BJAC setup
psb_d_diagprec_impl.f90 Change name of ICTXT to CTXT
psb_d_ilu0_fact.f90 csall changed in allocate with CSR format
psb_d_iluk_fact.f90 csall changed in allocate with CSR format
psb_d_ilut_fact.f90 csall changed in allocate with CSR format
psb_d_invk_fact.f90 Merge branch 'new-context' into implement-ainv
psb_d_invt_fact.f90 Merge branch 'new-context' into implement-ainv
psb_d_nullprec_impl.f90 Updated copyright statement
psb_d_prec_type_impl.f90 Checks for options settings and BJAC setup
psb_d_sp_drop.f90 Added AINV tools mod
psb_d_sparsify.f90 Corrected bug in application phase
psb_dilu_fct.f90 Updated copyright statement
psb_dprecbld.f90 Change name of ICTXT to CTXT
psb_dprecinit.f90 Change name of ICTXT to CTXT
psb_dprecset.f90 Updated copyright statement
psb_drwclip.f90 implemented biconjugation
psb_dsparse_biconjg_llk.F90 Corrected bug in application phase
psb_dsparse_biconjg_llk_noth.F90 implemented biconjugation
psb_dsparse_biconjg_mlk.F90 implemented biconjugation
psb_dsparse_biconjg_s_ft_llk.F90 implemented biconjugation
psb_dsparse_biconjg_s_llk.F90 implemented biconjugation
psb_s_ainv_bld.f90 Merge branch 'new-context' into implement-ainv
psb_s_bjacprec_impl.f90 Checks for options settings and BJAC setup
psb_s_diagprec_impl.f90 Change name of ICTXT to CTXT
psb_s_ilu0_fact.f90 csall changed in allocate with CSR format
psb_s_iluk_fact.f90 csall changed in allocate with CSR format
psb_s_ilut_fact.f90 csall changed in allocate with CSR format
psb_s_invk_fact.f90 Merge branch 'new-context' into implement-ainv
psb_s_invt_fact.f90 Merge branch 'new-context' into implement-ainv
psb_s_nullprec_impl.f90 Updated copyright statement
psb_s_prec_type_impl.f90 Checks for options settings and BJAC setup
psb_s_sp_drop.f90 Added AINV tools mod
psb_s_sparsify.f90 Corrected bug in application phase
psb_silu_fct.f90 Updated copyright statement
psb_sprecbld.f90 Change name of ICTXT to CTXT
psb_sprecinit.f90 Change name of ICTXT to CTXT
psb_sprecset.f90 Updated copyright statement
psb_srwclip.f90 implemented biconjugation
psb_ssparse_biconjg_llk.F90 Corrected bug in application phase
psb_ssparse_biconjg_llk_noth.F90 implemented biconjugation
psb_ssparse_biconjg_mlk.F90 implemented biconjugation
psb_ssparse_biconjg_s_ft_llk.F90 implemented biconjugation
psb_ssparse_biconjg_s_llk.F90 implemented biconjugation
psb_z_ainv_bld.f90 Merge branch 'new-context' into implement-ainv
psb_z_bjacprec_impl.f90 Checks for options settings and BJAC setup
psb_z_diagprec_impl.f90 Change name of ICTXT to CTXT
psb_z_ilu0_fact.f90 csall changed in allocate with CSR format
psb_z_iluk_fact.f90 csall changed in allocate with CSR format
psb_z_ilut_fact.f90 csall changed in allocate with CSR format
psb_z_invk_fact.f90 Merge branch 'new-context' into implement-ainv
psb_z_invt_fact.f90 Merge branch 'new-context' into implement-ainv
psb_z_nullprec_impl.f90 Updated copyright statement
psb_z_prec_type_impl.f90 Checks for options settings and BJAC setup
psb_z_sp_drop.f90 Added AINV tools mod
psb_z_sparsify.f90 Corrected bug in application phase
psb_zilu_fct.f90 Updated copyright statement
psb_zprecbld.f90 Change name of ICTXT to CTXT
psb_zprecinit.f90 Change name of ICTXT to CTXT
psb_zprecset.f90 Updated copyright statement
psb_zrwclip.f90 implemented biconjugation
psb_zsparse_biconjg_llk.F90 Corrected bug in application phase
psb_zsparse_biconjg_llk_noth.F90 implemented biconjugation
psb_zsparse_biconjg_mlk.F90 implemented biconjugation
psb_zsparse_biconjg_s_ft_llk.F90 implemented biconjugation
psb_zsparse_biconjg_s_llk.F90 implemented biconjugation