You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

203 lines
3.9 KiB

#include "ell.h"
#include "ell_conv.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
void computeEllRowLenghts(
int *ellRowLengths,
int *ellMaxRowSize,
int rowsCount,
int nonZerosCount,
const int* cooRowIndices,
int cooBaseIndex
// find the max number of non zero per row
int maxRowSize = 0;
int i;
for (i=0; i<rowsCount; i++)
ellRowLengths[i] = 0;
for (i=0; i<nonZerosCount; i++)
++ellRowLengths[cooRowIndices[i] - cooBaseIndex];
for (i=0; i<rowsCount; i++)
int currCount = ellRowLengths[i];
if (currCount > maxRowSize)
maxRowSize = currCount;
*ellMaxRowSize = maxRowSize;
int computeEllAllocPitch(int rowsCount)
// returns a pitch good for indices and values
return ((rowsCount + 31)/32)*32;
void cooToEll(
void *ellValues,
int *ellIndices,
int ellValuesPitch,
int ellIndicesPitch,
int ellMaxRowSize,
int ellBaseIndex,
int rowsCount,
int nonZerosCount,
const int* cooRowIndices,
const int* cooColsIndices,
const void* cooValues,
int cooBaseIndex,
spgpuType_t valuesType
size_t elementSize = spgpuSizeOf(valuesType);
// fill values and indices
int* currentPos = (int*)malloc(rowsCount*sizeof(int));
int i;
for (i=0; i<rowsCount; i++)
currentPos[i] = 0;
for (i=0; i<nonZerosCount; i++)
int argRow = cooRowIndices[i] - cooBaseIndex;
void* currentCm = ((char*)ellValues + argRow*elementSize) + currentPos[argRow]*ellValuesPitch*elementSize;
void* currentRp = ((char*)&ellIndices[argRow]) + currentPos[argRow]*ellIndicesPitch*sizeof(int);
*((int*)currentRp) = cooColsIndices[i] - cooBaseIndex + ellBaseIndex;
memcpy(currentCm, (char*)cooValues + i*elementSize, elementSize);
void merge(int *app_dstRs, int *app_rIdx, int *dstRs, int *rIdx, int start, int center, int end, int size) {
int i, j, k;
i = start;
j = center+1;
k = 0;
while ((i<=center) && (j<=end)) {
if(dstRs[i] > dstRs[j]) {
app_dstRs[k] = dstRs[i];
app_rIdx[k] = rIdx[i];
++k; ++i;
} else {
app_dstRs[k] = dstRs[j];
app_rIdx[k] = rIdx[j];
++k; ++j;
while (i<=center)
app_dstRs[k] = dstRs[i];
app_rIdx[k] = rIdx[i];
++k; ++i;
while (j<=end)
app_dstRs[k] = dstRs[j];
app_rIdx[k] = rIdx[j];
++k; ++j;
for (k=start; k<=end; k++)
dstRs[k] = app_dstRs[k-start];
rIdx[k] = app_rIdx[k-start];
void mergesort(int *dstRs, int *rIdx, int size) {
int* app_dstRs = (int*)malloc(size*sizeof(int));
int* app_rIdx = (int*)malloc(size*sizeof(int));
int sizetomerge=size-1;
int i;
int n=2;
while (n<sizetomerge*2) {
for (i=0; (i+n-1)<=sizetomerge; i+=n) {
merge(app_dstRs, app_rIdx, dstRs, rIdx, i,(i+i+n-1)/2,i+(n-1),sizetomerge);
if ((sizetomerge+1)%n!=0) {
if (size>sizetomerge)
merge (app_dstRs, app_rIdx, dstRs, rIdx, sizetomerge -((sizetomerge)%n),sizetomerge,size,size);
if (size>sizetomerge)
merge (app_dstRs, app_rIdx, dstRs,rIdx,0,size-(size-sizetomerge),size,size);
void ellToOell(
int *rIdx,
void *dstEllValues,
int *dstEllIndices,
int *dstRs,
const void *srcEllValues,
const int *srcEllIndices,
const int *srcRs,
int ellValuesPitch,
int ellIndicesPitch,
int rowsCount,
spgpuType_t valuesType
size_t elementSize = spgpuSizeOf(valuesType);
int i,j;
for (i=0; i<rowsCount; ++i)
rIdx[i] = i;
dstRs[i] = srcRs[i];
// sort..
mergesort(dstRs, rIdx, rowsCount);
//Copy a row
int srcId = rIdx[i];
int srcLen = srcRs[srcId];
int k;
for (k=0; k<srcLen; ++k)
void* dstCm = ((char*)dstEllValues + i*elementSize) + k*ellValuesPitch*elementSize;
void* srcCm = ((char*)srcEllValues + srcId*elementSize) + k*ellValuesPitch*elementSize;
memcpy(dstCm, srcCm, elementSize);
dstEllIndices[i + k*ellIndicesPitch] = srcEllIndices[srcId + k*ellIndicesPitch];