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module psb_c_base_mat_mod
use psb_base_mat_mod
type, extends(psb_base_sparse_mat) :: psb_c_base_sparse_mat
procedure, pass(a) :: c_csmv => psb_c_base_csmv
procedure, pass(a) :: c_csmm => psb_c_base_csmm
generic, public :: csmm => c_csmm, c_csmv
procedure, pass(a) :: c_inner_cssv => psb_c_base_inner_cssv
procedure, pass(a) :: c_inner_cssm => psb_c_base_inner_cssm
generic, public :: inner_cssm => c_inner_cssm, c_inner_cssv
procedure, pass(a) :: c_cssv => psb_c_base_cssv
procedure, pass(a) :: c_cssm => psb_c_base_cssm
generic, public :: cssm => c_cssm, c_cssv
procedure, pass(a) :: c_scals => psb_c_base_scals
procedure, pass(a) :: c_scal => psb_c_base_scal
generic, public :: scal => c_scals, c_scal
procedure, pass(a) :: csnmi => psb_c_base_csnmi
procedure, pass(a) :: get_diag => psb_c_base_get_diag
procedure, pass(a) :: csput => psb_c_base_csput
procedure, pass(a) :: c_csgetrow => psb_c_base_csgetrow
procedure, pass(a) :: c_csgetblk => psb_c_base_csgetblk
generic, public :: csget => c_csgetrow, c_csgetblk
procedure, pass(a) :: csclip => psb_c_base_csclip
procedure, pass(a) :: cp_to_coo => psb_c_base_cp_to_coo
procedure, pass(a) :: cp_from_coo => psb_c_base_cp_from_coo
procedure, pass(a) :: cp_to_fmt => psb_c_base_cp_to_fmt
procedure, pass(a) :: cp_from_fmt => psb_c_base_cp_from_fmt
procedure, pass(a) :: mv_to_coo => psb_c_base_mv_to_coo
procedure, pass(a) :: mv_from_coo => psb_c_base_mv_from_coo
procedure, pass(a) :: mv_to_fmt => psb_c_base_mv_to_fmt
procedure, pass(a) :: mv_from_fmt => psb_c_base_mv_from_fmt
procedure, pass(a) :: c_base_cp_from
generic, public :: cp_from => c_base_cp_from
procedure, pass(a) :: c_base_mv_from
generic, public :: mv_from => c_base_mv_from
procedure, pass(a) :: transp_1mat => psb_c_base_transp_1mat
procedure, pass(a) :: transp_2mat => psb_c_base_transp_2mat
procedure, pass(a) :: transc_1mat => psb_c_base_transc_1mat
procedure, pass(a) :: transc_2mat => psb_c_base_transc_2mat
end type psb_c_base_sparse_mat
private :: c_base_cssv, c_base_cssm, c_base_cp_from, c_base_mv_from
type, extends(psb_c_base_sparse_mat) :: psb_c_coo_sparse_mat
integer :: nnz
integer, allocatable :: ia(:), ja(:)
complex(psb_spk_), allocatable :: val(:)
procedure, pass(a) :: get_size => c_coo_get_size
procedure, pass(a) :: get_nzeros => c_coo_get_nzeros
procedure, pass(a) :: set_nzeros => c_coo_set_nzeros
procedure, pass(a) :: get_fmt => c_coo_get_fmt
procedure, pass(a) :: sizeof => c_coo_sizeof
procedure, pass(a) :: c_csmm => psb_c_coo_csmm
procedure, pass(a) :: c_csmv => psb_c_coo_csmv
procedure, pass(a) :: c_inner_cssm => psb_c_coo_cssm
procedure, pass(a) :: c_inner_cssv => psb_c_coo_cssv
procedure, pass(a) :: c_scals => psb_c_coo_scals
procedure, pass(a) :: c_scal => psb_c_coo_scal
procedure, pass(a) :: csnmi => psb_c_coo_csnmi
procedure, pass(a) :: reallocate_nz => psb_c_coo_reallocate_nz
procedure, pass(a) :: allocate_mnnz => psb_c_coo_allocate_mnnz
procedure, pass(a) :: cp_to_coo => psb_c_cp_coo_to_coo
procedure, pass(a) :: cp_from_coo => psb_c_cp_coo_from_coo
procedure, pass(a) :: cp_to_fmt => psb_c_cp_coo_to_fmt
procedure, pass(a) :: cp_from_fmt => psb_c_cp_coo_from_fmt
procedure, pass(a) :: mv_to_coo => psb_c_mv_coo_to_coo
procedure, pass(a) :: mv_from_coo => psb_c_mv_coo_from_coo
procedure, pass(a) :: mv_to_fmt => psb_c_mv_coo_to_fmt
procedure, pass(a) :: mv_from_fmt => psb_c_mv_coo_from_fmt
procedure, pass(a) :: csput => psb_c_coo_csput
procedure, pass(a) :: get_diag => psb_c_coo_get_diag
procedure, pass(a) :: c_csgetrow => psb_c_coo_csgetrow
procedure, pass(a) :: csgetptn => psb_c_coo_csgetptn
procedure, pass(a) :: get_nc_row => psb_c_coo_get_nc_row
procedure, pass(a) :: reinit => psb_c_coo_reinit
procedure, pass(a) :: fix => psb_c_fix_coo
procedure, pass(a) :: trim => psb_c_coo_trim
procedure, pass(a) :: print => psb_c_coo_print
procedure, pass(a) :: free => c_coo_free
procedure, pass(a) :: psb_c_coo_cp_from
generic, public :: cp_from => psb_c_coo_cp_from
procedure, pass(a) :: psb_c_coo_mv_from
generic, public :: mv_from => psb_c_coo_mv_from
procedure, pass(a) :: transp_1mat => c_coo_transp_1mat
procedure, pass(a) :: transc_1mat => c_coo_transc_1mat
end type psb_c_coo_sparse_mat
private :: c_coo_get_nzeros, c_coo_set_nzeros, &
& c_coo_get_fmt, c_coo_free, c_coo_sizeof, &
& c_coo_transp_1mat, c_coo_transc_1mat
! BASE interfaces
subroutine psb_c_base_csmm(alpha,a,x,beta,y,info,trans)
import psb_c_base_sparse_mat, psb_spk_
class(psb_c_base_sparse_mat), intent(in) :: a
complex(psb_spk_), intent(in) :: alpha, beta, x(:,:)
complex(psb_spk_), intent(inout) :: y(:,:)
integer, intent(out) :: info
character, optional, intent(in) :: trans
end subroutine psb_c_base_csmm
end interface
subroutine psb_c_base_csmv(alpha,a,x,beta,y,info,trans)
import psb_c_base_sparse_mat, psb_spk_
class(psb_c_base_sparse_mat), intent(in) :: a
complex(psb_spk_), intent(in) :: alpha, beta, x(:)
complex(psb_spk_), intent(inout) :: y(:)
integer, intent(out) :: info
character, optional, intent(in) :: trans
end subroutine psb_c_base_csmv
end interface
subroutine psb_c_base_inner_cssm(alpha,a,x,beta,y,info,trans)
import psb_c_base_sparse_mat, psb_spk_
class(psb_c_base_sparse_mat), intent(in) :: a
complex(psb_spk_), intent(in) :: alpha, beta, x(:,:)
complex(psb_spk_), intent(inout) :: y(:,:)
integer, intent(out) :: info
character, optional, intent(in) :: trans
end subroutine psb_c_base_inner_cssm
end interface
subroutine psb_c_base_inner_cssv(alpha,a,x,beta,y,info,trans)
import psb_c_base_sparse_mat, psb_spk_
class(psb_c_base_sparse_mat), intent(in) :: a
complex(psb_spk_), intent(in) :: alpha, beta, x(:)
complex(psb_spk_), intent(inout) :: y(:)
integer, intent(out) :: info
character, optional, intent(in) :: trans
end subroutine psb_c_base_inner_cssv
end interface
subroutine psb_c_base_cssm(alpha,a,x,beta,y,info,trans,scale,d)
import psb_c_base_sparse_mat, psb_spk_
class(psb_c_base_sparse_mat), intent(in) :: a
complex(psb_spk_), intent(in) :: alpha, beta, x(:,:)
complex(psb_spk_), intent(inout) :: y(:,:)
integer, intent(out) :: info
character, optional, intent(in) :: trans, scale
complex(psb_spk_), intent(in), optional :: d(:)
end subroutine psb_c_base_cssm
end interface
subroutine psb_c_base_cssv(alpha,a,x,beta,y,info,trans,scale,d)
import psb_c_base_sparse_mat, psb_spk_
class(psb_c_base_sparse_mat), intent(in) :: a
complex(psb_spk_), intent(in) :: alpha, beta, x(:)
complex(psb_spk_), intent(inout) :: y(:)
integer, intent(out) :: info
character, optional, intent(in) :: trans, scale
complex(psb_spk_), intent(in), optional :: d(:)
end subroutine psb_c_base_cssv
end interface
subroutine psb_c_base_scals(d,a,info)
import psb_c_base_sparse_mat, psb_spk_
class(psb_c_base_sparse_mat), intent(inout) :: a
complex(psb_spk_), intent(in) :: d
integer, intent(out) :: info
end subroutine psb_c_base_scals
end interface
subroutine psb_c_base_scal(d,a,info)
import psb_c_base_sparse_mat, psb_spk_
class(psb_c_base_sparse_mat), intent(inout) :: a
complex(psb_spk_), intent(in) :: d(:)
integer, intent(out) :: info
end subroutine psb_c_base_scal
end interface
function psb_c_base_csnmi(a) result(res)
import psb_c_base_sparse_mat, psb_spk_
class(psb_c_base_sparse_mat), intent(in) :: a
real(psb_spk_) :: res
end function psb_c_base_csnmi
end interface
subroutine psb_c_base_get_diag(a,d,info)
import psb_c_base_sparse_mat, psb_spk_
class(psb_c_base_sparse_mat), intent(in) :: a
complex(psb_spk_), intent(out) :: d(:)
integer, intent(out) :: info
end subroutine psb_c_base_get_diag
end interface
subroutine psb_c_base_csput(nz,ia,ja,val,a,imin,imax,jmin,jmax,info,gtl)
import psb_c_base_sparse_mat, psb_spk_
class(psb_c_base_sparse_mat), intent(inout) :: a
complex(psb_spk_), intent(in) :: val(:)
integer, intent(in) :: nz, ia(:), ja(:), imin,imax,jmin,jmax
integer, intent(out) :: info
integer, intent(in), optional :: gtl(:)
end subroutine psb_c_base_csput
end interface
subroutine psb_c_base_csgetrow(imin,imax,a,nz,ia,ja,val,info,&
& jmin,jmax,iren,append,nzin,rscale,cscale)
import psb_c_base_sparse_mat, psb_spk_
class(psb_c_base_sparse_mat), intent(in) :: a
integer, intent(in) :: imin,imax
integer, intent(out) :: nz
integer, allocatable, intent(inout) :: ia(:), ja(:)
complex(psb_spk_), allocatable, intent(inout) :: val(:)
integer,intent(out) :: info
logical, intent(in), optional :: append
integer, intent(in), optional :: iren(:)
integer, intent(in), optional :: jmin,jmax, nzin
logical, intent(in), optional :: rscale,cscale
end subroutine psb_c_base_csgetrow
end interface
subroutine psb_c_base_csgetblk(imin,imax,a,b,info,&
& jmin,jmax,iren,append,rscale,cscale)
import psb_c_base_sparse_mat, psb_c_coo_sparse_mat, psb_spk_
class(psb_c_base_sparse_mat), intent(in) :: a
class(psb_c_coo_sparse_mat), intent(inout) :: b
integer, intent(in) :: imin,imax
integer,intent(out) :: info
logical, intent(in), optional :: append
integer, intent(in), optional :: iren(:)
integer, intent(in), optional :: jmin,jmax
logical, intent(in), optional :: rscale,cscale
end subroutine psb_c_base_csgetblk
end interface
subroutine psb_c_base_csclip(a,b,info,&
& imin,imax,jmin,jmax,rscale,cscale)
import psb_c_base_sparse_mat, psb_c_coo_sparse_mat, psb_spk_
class(psb_c_base_sparse_mat), intent(in) :: a
class(psb_c_coo_sparse_mat), intent(out) :: b
integer,intent(out) :: info
integer, intent(in), optional :: imin,imax,jmin,jmax
logical, intent(in), optional :: rscale,cscale
end subroutine psb_c_base_csclip
end interface
subroutine psb_c_base_cp_to_coo(a,b,info)
import psb_c_base_sparse_mat, psb_c_coo_sparse_mat, psb_spk_
class(psb_c_base_sparse_mat), intent(in) :: a
class(psb_c_coo_sparse_mat), intent(inout) :: b
integer, intent(out) :: info
end subroutine psb_c_base_cp_to_coo
end interface
subroutine psb_c_base_cp_from_coo(a,b,info)
import psb_c_base_sparse_mat, psb_c_coo_sparse_mat, psb_spk_
class(psb_c_base_sparse_mat), intent(inout) :: a
class(psb_c_coo_sparse_mat), intent(in) :: b
integer, intent(out) :: info
end subroutine psb_c_base_cp_from_coo
end interface
subroutine psb_c_base_cp_to_fmt(a,b,info)
import psb_c_base_sparse_mat, psb_spk_
class(psb_c_base_sparse_mat), intent(in) :: a
class(psb_c_base_sparse_mat), intent(inout) :: b
integer, intent(out) :: info
end subroutine psb_c_base_cp_to_fmt
end interface
subroutine psb_c_base_cp_from_fmt(a,b,info)
import psb_c_base_sparse_mat, psb_spk_
class(psb_c_base_sparse_mat), intent(inout) :: a
class(psb_c_base_sparse_mat), intent(in) :: b
integer, intent(out) :: info
end subroutine psb_c_base_cp_from_fmt
end interface
subroutine psb_c_base_mv_to_coo(a,b,info)
import psb_c_base_sparse_mat, psb_c_coo_sparse_mat, psb_spk_
class(psb_c_base_sparse_mat), intent(inout) :: a
class(psb_c_coo_sparse_mat), intent(inout) :: b
integer, intent(out) :: info
end subroutine psb_c_base_mv_to_coo
end interface
subroutine psb_c_base_mv_from_coo(a,b,info)
import psb_c_base_sparse_mat, psb_c_coo_sparse_mat, psb_spk_
class(psb_c_base_sparse_mat), intent(inout) :: a
class(psb_c_coo_sparse_mat), intent(inout) :: b
integer, intent(out) :: info
end subroutine psb_c_base_mv_from_coo
end interface
subroutine psb_c_base_mv_to_fmt(a,b,info)
import psb_c_base_sparse_mat, psb_spk_
class(psb_c_base_sparse_mat), intent(inout) :: a
class(psb_c_base_sparse_mat), intent(inout) :: b
integer, intent(out) :: info
end subroutine psb_c_base_mv_to_fmt
end interface
subroutine psb_c_base_mv_from_fmt(a,b,info)
import psb_c_base_sparse_mat, psb_spk_
class(psb_c_base_sparse_mat), intent(inout) :: a
class(psb_c_base_sparse_mat), intent(inout) :: b
integer, intent(out) :: info
end subroutine psb_c_base_mv_from_fmt
end interface
subroutine psb_c_base_transp_2mat(a,b)
import psb_c_base_sparse_mat, psb_base_sparse_mat, psb_spk_
class(psb_c_base_sparse_mat), intent(out) :: a
class(psb_base_sparse_mat), intent(in) :: b
end subroutine psb_c_base_transp_2mat
end interface
subroutine psb_c_base_transc_2mat(a,b)
import psb_c_base_sparse_mat, psb_base_sparse_mat, psb_spk_
class(psb_c_base_sparse_mat), intent(out) :: a
class(psb_base_sparse_mat), intent(in) :: b
end subroutine psb_c_base_transc_2mat
end interface
subroutine psb_c_base_transp_1mat(a)
import psb_c_base_sparse_mat, psb_spk_
class(psb_c_base_sparse_mat), intent(inout) :: a
end subroutine psb_c_base_transp_1mat
end interface
subroutine psb_c_base_transc_1mat(a)
import psb_c_base_sparse_mat, psb_spk_
class(psb_c_base_sparse_mat), intent(inout) :: a
end subroutine psb_c_base_transc_1mat
end interface
! COO interfaces
subroutine psb_c_coo_reallocate_nz(nz,a)
import psb_c_coo_sparse_mat
integer, intent(in) :: nz
class(psb_c_coo_sparse_mat), intent(inout) :: a
end subroutine psb_c_coo_reallocate_nz
end interface
subroutine psb_c_coo_reinit(a,clear)
import psb_c_coo_sparse_mat
class(psb_c_coo_sparse_mat), intent(inout) :: a
logical, intent(in), optional :: clear
end subroutine psb_c_coo_reinit
end interface
subroutine psb_c_coo_trim(a)
import psb_c_coo_sparse_mat
class(psb_c_coo_sparse_mat), intent(inout) :: a
end subroutine psb_c_coo_trim
end interface
subroutine psb_c_coo_allocate_mnnz(m,n,a,nz)
import psb_c_coo_sparse_mat
integer, intent(in) :: m,n
class(psb_c_coo_sparse_mat), intent(inout) :: a
integer, intent(in), optional :: nz
end subroutine psb_c_coo_allocate_mnnz
end interface
subroutine psb_c_coo_print(iout,a,iv,eirs,eics,head,ivr,ivc)
import psb_c_coo_sparse_mat
integer, intent(in) :: iout
class(psb_c_coo_sparse_mat), intent(in) :: a
integer, intent(in), optional :: iv(:)
integer, intent(in), optional :: eirs,eics
character(len=*), optional :: head
integer, intent(in), optional :: ivr(:), ivc(:)
end subroutine psb_c_coo_print
end interface
function psb_c_coo_get_nc_row(idx,a) result(res)
import psb_c_coo_sparse_mat
class(psb_c_coo_sparse_mat), intent(in) :: a
integer, intent(in) :: idx
integer :: res
end function psb_c_coo_get_nc_row
end interface
subroutine psb_c_fix_coo_inner(nzin,dupl,ia,ja,val,nzout,info,idir)
import psb_spk_
integer, intent(in) :: nzin,dupl
integer, intent(inout) :: ia(:), ja(:)
complex(psb_spk_), intent(inout) :: val(:)
integer, intent(out) :: nzout, info
integer, intent(in), optional :: idir
end subroutine psb_c_fix_coo_inner
end interface
subroutine psb_c_fix_coo(a,info,idir)
import psb_c_coo_sparse_mat
class(psb_c_coo_sparse_mat), intent(inout) :: a
integer, intent(out) :: info
integer, intent(in), optional :: idir
end subroutine psb_c_fix_coo
end interface
subroutine psb_c_cp_coo_to_coo(a,b,info)
import psb_c_coo_sparse_mat
class(psb_c_coo_sparse_mat), intent(in) :: a
class(psb_c_coo_sparse_mat), intent(inout) :: b
integer, intent(out) :: info
end subroutine psb_c_cp_coo_to_coo
end interface
subroutine psb_c_cp_coo_from_coo(a,b,info)
import psb_c_coo_sparse_mat
class(psb_c_coo_sparse_mat), intent(inout) :: a
class(psb_c_coo_sparse_mat), intent(in) :: b
integer, intent(out) :: info
end subroutine psb_c_cp_coo_from_coo
end interface
subroutine psb_c_cp_coo_to_fmt(a,b,info)
import psb_c_coo_sparse_mat, psb_c_base_sparse_mat
class(psb_c_coo_sparse_mat), intent(in) :: a
class(psb_c_base_sparse_mat), intent(inout) :: b
integer, intent(out) :: info
end subroutine psb_c_cp_coo_to_fmt
end interface
subroutine psb_c_cp_coo_from_fmt(a,b,info)
import psb_c_coo_sparse_mat, psb_c_base_sparse_mat
class(psb_c_coo_sparse_mat), intent(inout) :: a
class(psb_c_base_sparse_mat), intent(in) :: b
integer, intent(out) :: info
end subroutine psb_c_cp_coo_from_fmt
end interface
subroutine psb_c_mv_coo_to_coo(a,b,info)
import psb_c_coo_sparse_mat
class(psb_c_coo_sparse_mat), intent(inout) :: a
class(psb_c_coo_sparse_mat), intent(inout) :: b
integer, intent(out) :: info
end subroutine psb_c_mv_coo_to_coo
end interface
subroutine psb_c_mv_coo_from_coo(a,b,info)
import psb_c_coo_sparse_mat
class(psb_c_coo_sparse_mat), intent(inout) :: a
class(psb_c_coo_sparse_mat), intent(inout) :: b
integer, intent(out) :: info
end subroutine psb_c_mv_coo_from_coo
end interface
subroutine psb_c_mv_coo_to_fmt(a,b,info)
import psb_c_coo_sparse_mat, psb_c_base_sparse_mat
class(psb_c_coo_sparse_mat), intent(inout) :: a
class(psb_c_base_sparse_mat), intent(inout) :: b
integer, intent(out) :: info
end subroutine psb_c_mv_coo_to_fmt
end interface
subroutine psb_c_mv_coo_from_fmt(a,b,info)
import psb_c_coo_sparse_mat, psb_c_base_sparse_mat
class(psb_c_coo_sparse_mat), intent(inout) :: a
class(psb_c_base_sparse_mat), intent(inout) :: b
integer, intent(out) :: info
end subroutine psb_c_mv_coo_from_fmt
end interface
subroutine psb_c_coo_cp_from(a,b)
import psb_c_coo_sparse_mat, psb_spk_
class(psb_c_coo_sparse_mat), intent(inout) :: a
type(psb_c_coo_sparse_mat), intent(in) :: b
end subroutine psb_c_coo_cp_from
end interface
subroutine psb_c_coo_mv_from(a,b)
import psb_c_coo_sparse_mat, psb_spk_
class(psb_c_coo_sparse_mat), intent(inout) :: a
type(psb_c_coo_sparse_mat), intent(inout) :: b
end subroutine psb_c_coo_mv_from
end interface
subroutine psb_c_coo_csput(nz,ia,ja,val,a,imin,imax,jmin,jmax,info,gtl)
import psb_c_coo_sparse_mat, psb_spk_
class(psb_c_coo_sparse_mat), intent(inout) :: a
complex(psb_spk_), intent(in) :: val(:)
integer, intent(in) :: nz,ia(:), ja(:),&
& imin,imax,jmin,jmax
integer, intent(out) :: info
integer, intent(in), optional :: gtl(:)
end subroutine psb_c_coo_csput
end interface
subroutine psb_c_coo_csgetptn(imin,imax,a,nz,ia,ja,info,&
& jmin,jmax,iren,append,nzin,rscale,cscale)
import psb_c_coo_sparse_mat, psb_spk_
class(psb_c_coo_sparse_mat), intent(in) :: a
integer, intent(in) :: imin,imax
integer, intent(out) :: nz
integer, allocatable, intent(inout) :: ia(:), ja(:)
integer,intent(out) :: info
logical, intent(in), optional :: append
integer, intent(in), optional :: iren(:)
integer, intent(in), optional :: jmin,jmax, nzin
logical, intent(in), optional :: rscale,cscale
end subroutine psb_c_coo_csgetptn
end interface
subroutine psb_c_coo_csgetrow(imin,imax,a,nz,ia,ja,val,info,&
& jmin,jmax,iren,append,nzin,rscale,cscale)
import psb_c_coo_sparse_mat, psb_spk_
class(psb_c_coo_sparse_mat), intent(in) :: a
integer, intent(in) :: imin,imax
integer, intent(out) :: nz
integer, allocatable, intent(inout) :: ia(:), ja(:)
complex(psb_spk_), allocatable, intent(inout) :: val(:)
integer,intent(out) :: info
logical, intent(in), optional :: append
integer, intent(in), optional :: iren(:)
integer, intent(in), optional :: jmin,jmax, nzin
logical, intent(in), optional :: rscale,cscale
end subroutine psb_c_coo_csgetrow
end interface
subroutine psb_c_coo_cssv(alpha,a,x,beta,y,info,trans)
import psb_c_coo_sparse_mat, psb_spk_
class(psb_c_coo_sparse_mat), intent(in) :: a
complex(psb_spk_), intent(in) :: alpha, beta, x(:)
complex(psb_spk_), intent(inout) :: y(:)
integer, intent(out) :: info
character, optional, intent(in) :: trans
end subroutine psb_c_coo_cssv
subroutine psb_c_coo_cssm(alpha,a,x,beta,y,info,trans)
import psb_c_coo_sparse_mat, psb_spk_
class(psb_c_coo_sparse_mat), intent(in) :: a
complex(psb_spk_), intent(in) :: alpha, beta, x(:,:)
complex(psb_spk_), intent(inout) :: y(:,:)
integer, intent(out) :: info
character, optional, intent(in) :: trans
end subroutine psb_c_coo_cssm
end interface
subroutine psb_c_coo_csmv(alpha,a,x,beta,y,info,trans)
import psb_c_coo_sparse_mat, psb_spk_
class(psb_c_coo_sparse_mat), intent(in) :: a
complex(psb_spk_), intent(in) :: alpha, beta, x(:)
complex(psb_spk_), intent(inout) :: y(:)
integer, intent(out) :: info
character, optional, intent(in) :: trans
end subroutine psb_c_coo_csmv
subroutine psb_c_coo_csmm(alpha,a,x,beta,y,info,trans)
import psb_c_coo_sparse_mat, psb_spk_
class(psb_c_coo_sparse_mat), intent(in) :: a
complex(psb_spk_), intent(in) :: alpha, beta, x(:,:)
complex(psb_spk_), intent(inout) :: y(:,:)
integer, intent(out) :: info
character, optional, intent(in) :: trans
end subroutine psb_c_coo_csmm
end interface
function psb_c_coo_csnmi(a) result(res)
import psb_c_coo_sparse_mat, psb_spk_
class(psb_c_coo_sparse_mat), intent(in) :: a
real(psb_spk_) :: res
end function psb_c_coo_csnmi
end interface
subroutine psb_c_coo_get_diag(a,d,info)
import psb_c_coo_sparse_mat, psb_spk_
class(psb_c_coo_sparse_mat), intent(in) :: a
complex(psb_spk_), intent(out) :: d(:)
integer, intent(out) :: info
end subroutine psb_c_coo_get_diag
end interface
subroutine psb_c_coo_scal(d,a,info)
import psb_c_coo_sparse_mat, psb_spk_
class(psb_c_coo_sparse_mat), intent(inout) :: a
complex(psb_spk_), intent(in) :: d(:)
integer, intent(out) :: info
end subroutine psb_c_coo_scal
end interface
subroutine psb_c_coo_scals(d,a,info)
import psb_c_coo_sparse_mat, psb_spk_
class(psb_c_coo_sparse_mat), intent(inout) :: a
complex(psb_spk_), intent(in) :: d
integer, intent(out) :: info
end subroutine psb_c_coo_scals
end interface
subroutine c_base_mv_from(a,b)
implicit none
class(psb_c_base_sparse_mat), intent(out) :: a
type(psb_c_base_sparse_mat), intent(inout) :: b
! No new things here, very easy
call a%psb_base_sparse_mat%mv_from(b%psb_base_sparse_mat)
end subroutine c_base_mv_from
subroutine c_base_cp_from(a,b)
implicit none
class(psb_c_base_sparse_mat), intent(out) :: a
type(psb_c_base_sparse_mat), intent(in) :: b
! No new things here, very easy
call a%psb_base_sparse_mat%cp_from(b%psb_base_sparse_mat)
end subroutine c_base_cp_from
! Getters
function c_coo_sizeof(a) result(res)
implicit none
class(psb_c_coo_sparse_mat), intent(in) :: a
integer(psb_long_int_k_) :: res
res = 8 + 1
res = res + 2 * psb_sizeof_sp * size(a%val)
res = res + psb_sizeof_int * size(a%ia)
res = res + psb_sizeof_int * size(a%ja)
end function c_coo_sizeof
function c_coo_get_fmt(a) result(res)
implicit none
class(psb_c_coo_sparse_mat), intent(in) :: a
character(len=5) :: res
res = 'COO'
end function c_coo_get_fmt
function c_coo_get_size(a) result(res)
implicit none
class(psb_c_coo_sparse_mat), intent(in) :: a
integer :: res
res = -1
if (allocated(a%ia)) res = size(a%ia)
if (allocated(a%ja)) then
if (res >= 0) then
res = min(res,size(a%ja))
res = size(a%ja)
end if
end if
if (allocated(a%val)) then
if (res >= 0) then
res = min(res,size(a%val))
res = size(a%val)
end if
end if
end function c_coo_get_size
function c_coo_get_nzeros(a) result(res)
implicit none
class(psb_c_coo_sparse_mat), intent(in) :: a
integer :: res
res = a%nnz
end function c_coo_get_nzeros
! Setters
subroutine c_coo_set_nzeros(nz,a)
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: nz
class(psb_c_coo_sparse_mat), intent(inout) :: a
a%nnz = nz
end subroutine c_coo_set_nzeros
! Data management
subroutine c_coo_free(a)
implicit none
class(psb_c_coo_sparse_mat), intent(inout) :: a
if (allocated(a%ia)) deallocate(a%ia)
if (allocated(a%ja)) deallocate(a%ja)
if (allocated(a%val)) deallocate(a%val)
call a%set_null()
call a%set_nrows(0)
call a%set_ncols(0)
call a%set_nzeros(0)
end subroutine c_coo_free
! Computational routines
subroutine c_coo_transp_1mat(a)
implicit none
class(psb_c_coo_sparse_mat), intent(inout) :: a
integer, allocatable :: itemp(:)
integer :: info
call a%psb_c_base_sparse_mat%psb_base_sparse_mat%transp()
call move_alloc(a%ia,itemp)
call move_alloc(a%ja,a%ia)
call move_alloc(itemp,a%ja)
call a%fix(info)
end subroutine c_coo_transp_1mat
subroutine c_coo_transc_1mat(a)
implicit none
class(psb_c_coo_sparse_mat), intent(inout) :: a
call a%transp()
a%val(:) = conjg(a%val)
end subroutine c_coo_transc_1mat
end module psb_c_base_mat_mod