from algo import * def choice(dataset_number): if dataset_number == 1: # run the algorithm on Web-Stanford dataset G = load_data("Stanford") return G elif dataset_number == 2: # run the algorithm on Web-BerkStan dataset G = load_data("BerkStan") return G else: raise ValueError("Invalid choice. Please choose a valid option.") # main function if __name__ == "__main__": dataset_number = int(input("Choose the dataset to work with. The options are:\n\t [1] Web-Stanford\n\t [2] Web-BerkStan\nType your number of choice: ")) G = choice(dataset_number) start1 = time.time() prank, iterations, alpha, tol = pagerank(G) end1 = time.time() print("STANDARD PAGERANK ALGORITHM\n") print("\tCPU time (s):", round(end1 - start1,1)) print("\tIterations:", iterations) print("\tAlpha:", alpha) print("\tTolerance:", tol) start2 = time.time() shifted_pagerank, iterations, alphas, tol = shifted_pow_pagerank(G) end2 = time.time() print("\nSHIFTED PAGERANK ALGORITHM\n") print("\tCPU time (s):", round(end2 - start2,1)) print("\tIterations:", iterations) print("\tAlphas:", alphas) print("\tTolerance:", tol)