new function to compute the omega coefficient in paralelle. To be refined

Luca Lombardo 2 years ago
parent 2edeb02703
commit b58f99d9a1

@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
#! /usr/bin/python3
import multiprocessing
import random
import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
import math
from utils import *
import argparse
import time
def parallel_omega(G, nrand=12, n_processes = multiprocessing.cpu_count(), seed=42):
if not nx.is_connected(G):
G = G.subgraph(max(nx.connected_components(G), key=len))
if len(G) == 1:
return 0
niter_lattice_reference = nrand
niter_random_reference = nrand * 2
def worker(queue): # worker function to be used in parallel
while True:
task = queue.get()
if task is None:
random_graph = nx.random_reference(G, niter_random_reference, seed=seed)
lattice_graph = nx.lattice_reference(G, niter_lattice_reference, seed=seed)
random_shortest_path = nx.average_shortest_path_length(random_graph)
lattice_clustering = nx.average_clustering(lattice_graph)
queue.put((random_shortest_path, lattice_clustering))
manager = multiprocessing.Manager() # manager to share the queue
queue = manager.Queue() # queue to share the results
processes = [multiprocessing.Process(target=worker, args=(queue,)) for _ in range(n_processes)] # processes to be used
for process in processes: # start the processes
for _ in range(nrand): # put the tasks in the queue
for _ in range(n_processes): # put the stop signals in the queue
for process in processes: # wait for the processes to finish
# collect the results
shortest_paths = []
clustering_coeffs = []
while not queue.empty():
random_shortest_path, lattice_clustering = queue.get() # get the results from the queue
L = nx.average_shortest_path_length(G)
C = nx.average_clustering(G)
omega = (np.mean(shortest_paths) / L) - (C / np.mean(clustering_coeffs))
return omega
graphs = ['checkins-foursquare', 'checkins-gowalla', 'checkins-brightkite', 'friends-foursquare', 'friends-gowalla', 'friends-brightkite']
if __name__ == "__main__":
results = {}
# loop in reverse order
for graph in graphs[::-1]:
print("\nComputing omega for graph: ", graph)
print("Number of processes used: ", multiprocessing.cpu_count())
if 'checkins' in graph:
G = create_graph_from_checkins(graph.split('-')[1])
elif 'friends' in graph:
G = create_friendships_graph(graph.split('-')[1])
start = time.time()
omega = parallel_omega(G)
end = time.time()
print("Omega: ", omega)
print("Number of random graphs: ", 12)
print("Time: ", end - start)
results[graph] = omega
with open('results.tsv', 'w') as f:
for key in results.keys():
f.write("%s\t%s\n" % (key, results[key]))
# if __name__ == "__main__":
# parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
# parser.add_argument("graph", help="Name of the graph to be used. Options are 'checkins-foursquare', 'checkins-gowalla', 'checkins-brightkite', 'friends-foursquare', 'friends-gowalla', 'friends-brightkite'")
# parser.add_argument("--nrand", help="Number of random graphs. Needs to be an integer. Default is 5", default=12, type=int)
# parser.add_argument("--processes", help="Number of processes to be used. Needs to be an integer. Default is all available", default=multiprocessing.cpu_count(), type=int)
# parser.add_argument("--seed", help="Seed for the random number generator. Needs to be an integer. Default is 42", default=42, type=int)
# parser.add_help = True
# args = parser.parse_args()
# graphs = ['checkins-foursquare', 'checkins-gowalla', 'checkins-brightkite', 'friends-foursquare', 'friends-gowalla', 'friends-brightkite']
# if args.graph not in graphs:
# raise ValueError("Graph name is not valid. Options are 'checkins-foursquare', 'checkins-gowalla', 'checkins-brightkite', 'friends-foursquare', 'friends-gowalla', 'friends-brightkite'")
# if args.processes > multiprocessing.cpu_count():
# print("Number of processes is higher than available. Setting it to default value: all available")
# args.processes = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
# elif args.processes < 1:
# raise ValueError("Number of processes needs to be at least 1")
# name = args.graph.split('-')[1]
# if 'checkins' in args.graph:
# G = create_graph_from_checkins(name)
# elif 'friends' in args.graph:
# G = create_friendships_graph(name)
# = str(args.graph) + " Checkins Graph"
# results = {}
# for graph in graphs:
# print("\nComputing omega for graph: ",
# print("Number of processes used: ", multiprocessing.cpu_count())
# start = time.time()
# omega = parallel_omega(G, nrand=int(args.nrand), n_processes=int(args.processes), seed=42)
# end = time.time()
# print("Omega: ", omega)
# print("Number of random graphs: ", args.nrand)
# print("Number of processes used: ", args.processes)
# print("Time: ", end - start)
# results[graph] = omega
# with open('results.tsv', 'w') as f:
# for key in results.keys():
# f.write("%s\t%s\n" % (key, results[key]))