You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

123 lines
4.4 KiB

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include <mutex>
#include <thread>
#include <functional>
#include <set>
using namespace std;
// It receives the file name as a string and returns a dictionary with the keys being the UserID and the values being a vector of VenueID associated with that UserID.
unordered_map<string, set<string>> createDictFromFile(string filename) {
// Create an empty dictionary
unordered_map<string, set<string>> dict;
// Open the file
ifstream file(filename);
// Check if the file was opened successfully
if (!file.is_open()) {
cerr << "Error opening file " << filename << endl;
return dict;
// Read the file line by line
string userId, venueId;
while (file.good()) {
file >> userId >> venueId;
// Add the venueId to the vector of venues associated with the userId
cout << "Dict created" << endl;
// Return the dictionary
return dict;
// void create_tsv_multi(unordered_map<string, vector<string>> dict, mutex& dict_mutex) {
// // Create an output stream to write the file
// ofstream out_file("output.tsv");
// // Create a mutex to protect the output file
// mutex out_file_mutex;
// // Loop over all the key-value pairs in the map
// for (const auto& kv1 : dict) {
// for (const auto& kv2 : dict) {
// // Check if the keys are the same
// if (kv1.first == kv2.first) continue;
// // Check if the values have elements in common
// vector<string> common;
// for (const auto& str1 : kv1.second) {
// for (const auto& str2 : kv2.second) {
// if (str1 == str2) common.push_back(str1);
// }
// }
// // Write the keys and the number of common elements to the output file
// if (!common.empty()) {
// // Lock the mutexes before accessing the dict and the output file
// lock_guard<mutex> dict_guard(dict_mutex);
// lock_guard<mutex> out_file_guard(out_file_mutex);
// out_file << kv1.first << "\t" << kv2.first << "\t" << common.size() << endl;
// }
// }
// }
// }
void create_tsv(const unordered_map<string, set<string>>& dict, string outfilename) {
// Create an output stream to write the file
ofstream out_file(outfilename);
// Loop over all the key-value pairs in the map
unsigned long long i = 0;
for (const auto& kv1 : dict) {
if (!((++i) & 127)) cout << (((double)i) * 100 / dict.size()) << "%\r" << flush;
for (const auto& kv2 : dict) {
// Check if the keys are the same
if(kv1.first >= kv2.first) continue;
// Check if the values have elements in common
set<string> common;
set_intersection(kv1.second.begin(), kv1.second.end(), kv2.second.begin(), kv2.second.end(), inserter(common, common.begin()));
// Write the keys and the number of common elements to the output file
if (!common.empty()) {
out_file << kv1.first << "\t" << kv2.first << "\t" << common.size() << endl;
// cout << kv1.first << "\t" << kv2.first << "\t" << common.size() << endl;
void print_help() {
cout << "Usage: ./main IN_FILE_PATH OUT_FILE_PATH" << endl;
cout << "Suggested options: \n\t./main data/brightkite/brightkite_checkins.txt data/brightkite/brightkite_checkins_graph.tsv \n\t./main data/gowalla/gowalla_checkins.txt data/gowalla/gowalla_checkins_graph.tsv \n\t./main data/foursquare/foursquare_checkins.txt data/foursquare/foursquare_checkins_graph.tsv" << endl;
// int main() {
// unordered_map<string, set<string>> dict = createDictFromFile("data/foursquare/foursquare_checkins_TKY.txt");
// create_tsv(dict);
// }
int main(int argc, const char* argv[]) {
if (argc == 3) {
string in_file = argv[1];
string out_file = argv[2];
if (in_file == "-h" || in_file == "--help" || out_file == "-h" || out_file == "--help") {
return 0;
unordered_map<string, set<string>> dict = createDictFromFile(in_file);
create_tsv(dict, out_file);
return 0;
} else {
return 0;