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import TestGame.Metadata
import Mathlib
import Duper.Tactic
import Mathlib.Order.Disjoint
set_option tactic.hygienic false
Game "TestGame"
World "SetTheory"
Level 4
Title "Mengen"
`∈ ∉ ⊆ ⊂ ⋂`
open Set
-- open_locale cardinal
variables {X : Type _} (x : X) (A B : Set X)
#check A.Nonempty
#check Nonempty A
#check insert x A -- {x} A
-- #check disjoint A B -- needs Mathlib.Order.Disjoint
#check A ∆ B
#check Nontrivial A
#check ({2} : Set )
example : ({2} : Set ) ⊆ {4, 2, 3} := by
simp only [mem_singleton_iff, mem_insert_iff, or_self, singleton_subset_iff, or_false, or_true]
example : ({2, 3, 5} : Set ) ⊆ {4, 2, 5, 7, 3} := by
intro n hn
simp only [mem_insert_iff, mem_singleton_iff] at *
example : {2, 3, 5} ⊆ (univ : Set ) := by
example : 3 ∈ ({4, 2, 5, 7, 3} : Set ) := by
example : ({4, 9} : Set ) = Set.insert 4 {9} := by
#check Finset.card
variable (A : Finset )
#check A.card
-- card_union_eq
example (A B : Finset ) (h : Disjoint A B) : (A B).card = A.card + B.card := by
-- Not a suitable proof for the course.
rw [← Finset.disjUnion_eq_union A B h, Finset.card_disjUnion _ _ _]
example : ¬Disjoint {n : | ∃ k, n = 2 * k} {3, 5, 6, 9, 11} := by
rw [not_disjoint_iff]
use 6
rw [mem_setOf_eq]
use 3
example : {n : | Even n Odd n} = univ := by
rw [setOf_or]
#check Set.eq_of_mem_singleton
#check {n : | ∃ k, n = 2 * k}
#check {n : // ∃ k, n = 2 * k}
variables (C : Set )
#check {n ∈ C | ∃ (k : ), n = 2 * k}
#check {n : | n ∈ C ∧ ∃ (k : ), n = 2 * k}
#check {x ∈ A | x = x}
#check {y | y ∈ A}
#check setOf_and
#check setOf_or
#check Disjoint C univ
example : {n ∈ C | ∃ (k : ), n = 2 * k} = {n : | n ∈ C ∧ ∃ (k : ), n = 2 * k} := by