import GameServer.Commands
import TestGame.Tactics
TacticDoc rfl
## Summary
`rfl` proves goals of the form `X = X`.
## Details
The `rfl` tactic will close any goal of the form `A = B`
where `A` and `B` are *exactly the same thing*.
### Example:
If it looks like this in the top right hand box:
a b c d : ℕ
(a + b) * (c + d) = (a + b) * (c + d)
will close the goal and solve the level."
TacticDoc induction_on
## Summary
If `n : ℕ` is in our objects list, then `induction_on n`
attempts to prove the current goal by induction on `n`, with the inductive
assumption in the `succ` case being `ind_hyp`.
### Example:
If your current goal is:
n : ℕ
2 * n = n + n
`induction_on n`
will give us two goals:
2 * 0 = 0 + 0
n : ℕ,
ind_hyp : 2 * n = n + n
2 * succ n = succ n + succ n
TacticDoc rewrite
## Summary
If `h` is a proof of `X = Y`, then `rewrite [h],` will change
all `X`s in the goal to `Y`s. Variants: `rewrite [<- h]` (changes
`Y` to `X`) and
`rewrite [h] at h2` (changes `X` to `Y` in hypothesis `h2` instead
of the goal).
## Details
The `rewrite` tactic is a way to do \"substituting in\". There
are two distinct situations where use this tactics.
1) If `h : A = B` is a hypothesis (i.e., a proof of `A = B`)
in your local context (the box in the top right)
and if your goal contains one or more `A`s, then `rewrite h`
will change them all to `B`'s.
2) The `rewrite` tactic will also work with proofs of theorems
which are equalities (look for them in the inventory).
For example, if your inventory contains `add_zero x : x + 0 = x`,
then `rewrite [add_zero]` will change `x + 0` into `x` in your goal
(or fail with an error if Lean cannot find `x + 0` in the goal).
Important note: if `h` is not a proof of the form `A = B`
or `A ↔ B` (for example if `h` is a function, an implication,
or perhaps even a proposition itself rather than its proof),
then `rewrite` is not the tactic you want to use. For example,
`rewrite [P = Q]` is never correct: `P = Q` is the true-false
statement itself, not the proof.
If `h : P = Q` is its proof, then `rewrite [h]` will work.
Pro tip 1: If `h : A = B` and you want to change
`B`s to `A`s instead, try `rewrite [<- h]` (get the arrow with `\\l` and
note that this is a small letter L, not a number 1).
### Example:
If it looks like this in the top right hand box:
x y : ℕ
h : x = y + y
succ (x + 0) = succ (y + y)
`rewrite [add_zero]`
will change the goal into `succ x = succ (y + y)`, and then
`rewrite [h]`
will change the goal into `succ (y + y) = succ (y + y)`, which
can be solved with `rfl,`.
### Example:
You can use `rewrite` to change a hypothesis as well.
For example, if your local context looks like this:
x y : ℕ
h1 : x = y + 3
h2 : 2 * y = x
y = 3
then `rewrite [h1] at h2` will turn `h2` into `h2 : 2 * y = y + 3`.
TacticDoc intro
"Useful to introduce stuff"
TacticSet basics := rfl induction_on intro rewrite