- You can reset the lake projects involved (i.e. the `server/` folder here as well as your [game's folder](https://github.com/hhu-adam/GameSkeleton)) with the following commands:
rm -rf .lake/
lake update -R
lake build
If you experience problems related to Lean or lake, you should first try to reset it this way.
* On a working dev container setup, http://localhost:3000 should directly redirect you to http://localhost:3000/#/g/local/game, try if the latter is accessible.
# Manual Installation
Here are known issues/pitfalls with the local setup using `npm`.
* If `CDPATH` is set on your mac/linux system, it might provide issues with `npm start` resulting in a server crash or blank screen. In particular `npm start` will display
[server] sh: line 0: cd: server: No such file or directory
[server] npm run start_server exited with code 1
As a fix you might need to delete your manually set `CDPATH` environment variable.
* Your game overview loads but the server crashes on loading a level: Check your game's github action is identical to the [GameSkeleton's](https://github.com/hhu-adam/GameSkeleton/blob/main/.github/workflows/build.yml), in particular that there is a step about building the "`gameserver`-executable".