import Lean.Server.Watchdog
import GameServer.Game
namespace WasmServer.Watchdog
open Lean
open Server
open Watchdog
open IO
open Lsp
open JsonRpc
open System.Uri
def counter := IO.mkRef 0
def readLspRequestAs (s : String) (expectedMethod : String) (α : Type) [FromJson α] : IO (Request α) := do
let j ← ofExcept (Json.parse s)
let m ← match fromJson? j with
| Except.ok (m : JsonRpc.Message) => pure m
| Except.error inner => throw $ userError s!"JSON '{j.compress}' did not have the format of a JSON-RPC message.\n{inner}"
let initRequest ← match m with
| Message.request id method params? =>
if method = expectedMethod then
let j := toJson params?
match fromJson? j with
| Except.ok v => pure $ JsonRpc.Request.mk id expectedMethod (v : α)
| Except.error inner => throw $ userError s!"Unexpected param '{j.compress}' for method '{expectedMethod}'\n{inner}"
throw $ userError s!"Expected method '{expectedMethod}', got method '{method}'"
| _ => throw $ userError s!"Expected JSON-RPC request, got: '{(toJson m).compress}'"
@[export game_send_message]
def sendMessage (s : String) : IO Unit := do
-- IO.println s!"received {s}"
-- if args.length < 2 then
-- throwServerError s!"Expected 1-3 command line arguments in addition to `--server`:
-- game directory, the name of the main module (optional), and the name of the game (optional)."
-- let gameDir := args[1]!
-- let module := if args.length < 3 then defaultGameModule else args[2]!
-- let gameName := if args.length < 4 then defaultGameName else args[3]!
-- let workerPath := "./gameserver"
-- -- TODO: Do the following commands slow us down?
-- let srcSearchPath ← initSrcSearchPath (← getBuildDir)
-- let references ← IO.mkRef (← loadReferences)
-- let fileWorkersRef ← IO.mkRef (RBMap.empty : FileWorkerMap)
-- -- let i ← maybeTee "wdIn.txt" false i
-- -- let o ← maybeTee "wdOut.txt" true o
-- -- let e ← maybeTee "wdErr.txt" true e
-- let state : GameServerState := {
-- env := ← importModules #[] {} 0 --← createEnv gameDir module,
-- game := "TEST",
-- gameDir := "test",
-- inventory := #[]
-- difficulty := 0
-- }
let initRequest ← readLspRequestAs s "initialize" InitializeParams
-- We misuse the `rootUri` field to the gameName
let rootUri? := "TEST"
let initRequest := {initRequest with param := {initRequest.param with rootUri?}}
let o ← IO.getStdout
o.writeLspResponse {
id := initRequest.id
result := {
capabilities := mkLeanServerCapabilities
serverInfo? := some {
name := "Lean 4 Game Server"
version? := "0.1.1"
: InitializeResult
-- let context : ServerContext := {
-- hIn := i
-- hOut := o
-- hLog := e
-- args := args
-- fileWorkersRef := fileWorkersRef
-- initParams := initRequest.param
-- workerPath
-- srcSearchPath
-- references
-- }
-- discard $ ReaderT.run (StateT.run initAndRunWatchdogAux state) context
return ()