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--import Mathlib.Tactic.Basic
--import Mathlib.Tactic.Cases
/-- Our copy of the natural numbers called `MyNat`. -/
inductive MyNat where
| zero : MyNat
| succ : MyNat → MyNat
deriving BEq, DecidableEq, Inhabited
notation "ℕ" => MyNat
-- Note: as long as we do not import `Mathlib.Init.Data.Nat.Notation` this is fine.
namespace MyNat
instance : Inhabited MyNat where
default :=
def myNatFromNat (x : Nat) : MyNat :=
match x with
| =>
| Nat.succ b => MyNat.succ (myNatFromNat b)
def natFromMyNat (x : MyNat) : Nat :=
match x with
| =>
| MyNat.succ b => Nat.succ (natFromMyNat b)
instance ofNat {n : Nat} : OfNat MyNat n where
ofNat := myNatFromNat n
instance : ToString MyNat where
toString p := toString (natFromMyNat p)
theorem zero_eq_0 : = 0 := rfl
def one : MyNat := MyNat.succ 0