diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index b5a610a..d7cfcc4 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -28,7 +28,9 @@ should be up-to-date:
### Backend
-not written yet
+not fully written yet.
+* [Server](doc/DOCUMENTATION.md): describes the server part (i.e. the content of `server/` und `relay/`).
## Contributing
diff --git a/doc/DOCUMENTATION.md b/doc/DOCUMENTATION.md
index 2ff0ab7..2364920 100644
--- a/doc/DOCUMENTATION.md
+++ b/doc/DOCUMENTATION.md
@@ -1,334 +1,67 @@
-**NOTE! This document is deprecated! The current documentation is [How To Create A Game](create_game.md)**
+# Server
-# Creating a game.
+The server is made out of two parts, named "relay" and "server".
-Ideally one takes the [GameSkeleton template](https://github.com/hhu-adam/GameSkeleton) to create a new game.
+The former, "relay", is the server which
+sets up a socket connection to the client, starts the lean servers to work on files and
+relays messages between the lean server and the client. `index.mjs` is the file that needs to
+be run, which is done for example using `pm2` or by calling `npm run start_server` or
+`npm run production`, see more later.
-## Game Structure
+The latter, "server", is the lean server which has two jobs. For one it produces the "gameserver"
+executable which is the lean server that handles the files the player plays on. The second job
+is to provide the lean commands which are used when creating a game. These are located in
-A game consist of worlds which have multiple levels each. In the following we describe how to create a level file and how to combine these into a game.
-### Level
+## Integration into Games
-A level file is a lean file that imports at least `import GameServer.Commands` and starts with the following Lean commands.
+Games need the "server" as a lake-dependency, which is done in the game's lakefile.
-Game "NNG"
-World "Addition"
-Level 1
-Title "The rfl tactic"
-Note that the levels inside a world must have consecutive numbering starting with `1`. The `Game`
-and `World` strings can be anything, see below.
-#### Statement
-The core of a level is the `Statement`, which is the exercise that should be proven.
-/-- For all natural numbers $n$, we have $0 + n = n$. -/
-Statement MyNat.zero_add
- (n : ℕ) : 0 + n = n := by
- Hint "You can start a proof by `induction n`."
- induction n with n hn
- · Hint "This is the base case."
- rw [add_zero]
- rfl
- · Hint "This is the induction hypothesis"
- rw [add_succ]
- Branch
- simp
- Hint "A branch is an alternative tactic sequence. Does not need to finish the proof."
- rw [hn]
- rfl
-##### Proof
-The proof must always be a tactic proof, i.e. `:= by` is a mandatory part of the syntax.
-There are a few extra tactics that help you structuring the proof:
-- `Hint`: You can use `Hint "text"` to display text if the goal state in-game matches
- the one where `Hint` is placed. For more options about hints, see below.
-- `Branch`: In the proof you can add a `Branch` that runs an alternative tactic sequence, which
- helps setting `Hints` in different places. The `Branch` does not affect the main
- proof and does not need to finish any goals.
-- `Template`/`Hole`: Used to provide a sample proof template. Anything inside `Template`
- will be copied into the editor with all `Hole`s replaced with `sorry`. Note that
- having a `Template` will force the user to use Editor-mode for this level.
-##### Statement Name (optional)
-If you specify a name (`MyNat.zero_add`), this lemma will be available in future levels.
-(Note that a future level must also import this level,
-so that Lean knows about the added statement).
-The name must be *fully qualified*. (TODO: is that still true? Did we implement namespaces?)
-##### Doc Comment (optional)
-There are three places where the documentation comment appears:
-1. as doc comment when hovering over the theorem
-2. as exercise description at the top of the level: ``Theorem `zero_add`: yada yada.``
-3. in the inventory. This can be overwritten by using
- `LemmaDoc MyNat.zero_add "different yada yada"` as one might want to add a more detailed
- description there including examples etc.
-Both latter points support Markdown (including katex).
-##### Attributes (optional)
-the `@[ attributes ]` prefix should work just like you know it from the `theorem` keyword.
-#### Introduction/Conclusion
-Optionally, you can add an `Introduction "some text"` and `Conclusion "some text"` to your level.
-The introduction will be shown at the beginning, the conclusion is displayed once the level
-is solved.
-#### Theorems/Tactics/Definitions
-Only enabled theorems/tactics/definitions (called "items" here) are available in a level.
-To add a new item in a level, you can add
-NewTactic rfl simp
-NewLemma MyNat.add_zero MyNat.add_succ
-NewDefinition Nat Pow Mul
-Once added, items will be available in all future levels/worlds,
-unless you disable them for a particular level with
-DisabledTactic tauto
-DisabledLemma MyNat.add_zero
-or specify explicitly which items should be available with
-OnlyTactic rw rfl apply
-OnlyLemma MyNat.add_zero
-Lastly, all items need documentation entries (which are imported in the level),
-see more about that below. There is also explains the `LemmaTab` keyword.
-### World
-Multiple levels are combined into a world and the worlds are then added to the game. It is recommended that all levels of a world are inside one folder (e.g. `NNG/Levels/Addition/`) and
-then there is one world file (`NNG/Levels/Addition.lean`) which contains the following
-import NNG.Levels.Addition.Level_1
-import NNG.Levels.Addition.Level_2
-Game "NNG"
-World "Addition"
-Title "Addition World"
-Introduction "some text"
-The `Title` is the world's display title. The `Introduction` is displayed before loading level 1.
-Note that all levels of a world should be imported by the world file.
-BUG: A level **must not** be imported in a different world's level. Instead, you have to import an entire world there: `import NNG.Levels.Addition`
-### Game
+A game imports `GameServer.Commands` which provides to all the API required to
+create a game.
-The Game itself (i.e. the main file of you lake project, `NNG.lean`) should import all worlds and have the following layout, concluding with `MakeGame`:
+In particular the lean command `MakeGame` compiles the entire game. Static information is
+stored as JSON files in `.lake/gamedata` for faster loading, while other data is only
+saved to lean env-extensions which the lean server has access to after loading the lean file.
-import NNG.Levels.Addition
-import NNG.Levels.Multiplication
-import NNG.Levels.Power
+For games to be run successfully, it is important that the "gameserver" executable inside
+the game's `.lake` folder is actually built.
+Currently this happens through a lake-post-update-hook when calling `lake update -R` (in the game's folder), but if this fails, you can always build it manually by calling `lake build gameserver`.
+(both commands are to be executed in the game's directory!)
-Game "NNG"
-Title "Natural Number Game"
-Introduction "some text"
+## Modifying the server
-The game will automatically compute the order of the worlds depending on the sample proofs of the Levels (ignoring anything inside a `Branch`). You can add additional dependencies manually by adding `Dependency PowerWorld → ImpossibleWorld` before `MakeGame`.
-The order of worlds influences which tactics and lemmas will be unlocked in a given level.
-`MakeGame` will display warnings about things in the game that need to be fixed, like missing
-documentation or if a tactic is never introduced.
-### Documentation
-Each tactic, theorem, or definition (all called items here) that is introduced in the game
-needs a documentation entry. These are statements of the following form:
-LemmaDoc MyNat.add_squared as "add_squared" in "Pow"
-TacticDoc constructor
-DefinitionDoc One as "1"
-* The lemma name must be **fully qualified**. The string display name can be arbitrary.
-* Tactics must have their proper name. use `TacticDoc «have» ""` if it does not work
- without french quotes.
-* Definition names can be arbitrary. E.g. I used `DefinitionDoc Symbol.Fun as "fun x ↦ x" "(missing)"` once.
-Moreover, the lemmas are in sorted in tabs (the `in "Pow`) part. In each level file, you
-can define which tab is open when the level is loaded by adding `LemmaTab "Pow"`.
-There will be features added to get automatic information from mathlib!
-## Escaping
-(TODO: Move)
-Inside the doc comment you don't need to escape the backslashes:
-/-- $\operatorname{succ}(n)$. notation for naturals is `\N`. -/
-Statement ...
-However, inside interpolated strings (e.g. in `Hint`, `Introduction` and `Conclusion`)
-you do need to escape backslashes
-with `\\` and `{` with `\{`:
-Hint "This code has some $\\operatorname\{succ}(n)$ math. The value of `h` is {h}.
-Notation for naturals is `\\N`."
+### Starting the server
-## Game design
-Here are some things you should consider designing a new game:
+When using the [manual installation](running_locally.md#manual-installation) you can run the server
-* A world with more than 16 levels will be displayed with the levels spiraling outwards,
- it might be desirable to stay below that bound. Above 22 levels the spiral start getting out
- of control.
-# Running Games Locally
-The installation instructions are not yet tested on Mac/Windows. Comments very welcome!
-## VSCode Dev Containers
-1. **Install Docker and Dev Containers** *(once)*:
- See [official instructions](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/devcontainers/containers#_getting-started).
- Explicitly this means:
- * Install docker engine if you have not yet: [Instructions](https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/).
- I followed the "Server" instructions for linux.
- * Note that on Linux you need to add your user to the `docker` group
- ([see instructions](https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/linux-postinstall/)) and probably reboot.
- * Open the games folder in VSCode: `cd NNG4 && code .` or "Open Folder" within VSCode
- * a message appears prompting you to install the "Dev Containers" extension (by Microsoft).
-2. **Open Project in Dev Container** *(everytime)*:
- Once you have the Dev Containers Extension installed, (re)open the project folder of your game in VSCode.
- A message appears asking you to "Reopen in Container".
- * The first start will take a while, ca. 2-10 minutes. After the first
- start this should be very quickly.
- * Once built, it should open a tab "Simple Browser" inside VSCode displaying
- the game. (Alternatively, open http://localhost:3000 in your browser).
-3. **Editing Files** *(everytime)*:
- After editing some files in VSCode, open VSCode's terminal (View > Terminal) and run `lake build`.
- Now you can reload your browser to see the changes.
-### Errors
-* If you don't get the pop-up, you might have disabled them and you can reenable it by
- running the `remote-containers.showReopenInContainerNotificationReset` command in vscode.
-* If the starting the container fails, in particular with a message `Error: network xyz not found`,
- you might have deleted stuff from docker via your shell. Try deleting the container and image
- explicitly in VSCode (left side, "Docker" icon). Then reopen vscode and let it rebuild the
- container. (this will again take some time)
-## Without Dev Containers
-Install `nvm`:
-curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.39.2/install.sh | bash
-then reopen bash and test with `command -v nvm` if it is available (Should print "nvm").
-Now install node:
-nvm install node
-Clone the game (e.g. `NNG4` here):
-git clone https://github.com/hhu-adam/NNG4.git
-# or: git clone git@github.com:hhu-adam/NNG4.git
+npm start
-Download dependencies and build the game:
-cd NNG4
-lake update
-lake exe cache get # if your game depends on mathlib
-lake build
+This way any changes to files in `client/` or `relay/` will cause the server to restart automatically.
-Clone the game repository into a directory next to the game:
-cd ..
-git clone https://github.com/leanprover-community/lean4game.git
-# or: git clone git@github.com:leanprover-community/lean4game.git
-The folders `NNG4` and `lean4game` must be in the same directory!
+Alternative, you can run `npm run build` followed by the commands
-In `lean4game`, install dependencies:
-cd lean4game
-npm install
-If you are developing a game other than `Robo` or `NNG4`, adapt the
-code at the beginning of `lean4game/server/index.mjs`:
-const games = {
- "g/hhu-adam/robo": {
- dir: "../../../../Robo",
- queueLength: 5
- },
- "g/hhu-adam/nng4": {
- dir: "../../../../NNG4",
- queueLength: 5
- }
+npm run start_client
+npm run production
-Run the game:
-npm start
+(in two separate terminals) to test the production modus of the server. This way it will only
+change once you build and restart the server.
-This takes a little time. Eventually, the server is available on http://localhost:3000/
-and the game is available on http://localhost:3000/#/g/hhu-adam/NNG4.
+### Modifying the lean server
-### Modifying the GameServer
+To test a modified lean server (i.e. content of `server/`), you can use the local dev setup and call
+`lake update -R -Klean4game.local` in your game followed by `lake build`.
+This will cause lake to look for the
+local lean server as a dependency instead of the version it downloaded from git.
-When modifying the game engine itself (in particular the content in `lean4game/server`) you can test it live with this
-setup by setting `export NODE_ENV=development` inside your local game before building it:
+You can play a local game at https://localhost:3000/#/g/local/{FolderName} where you replace `{FolderName}` with the game folder name.
-cd NNG4
-export NODE_ENV=development
-lake update
-lake build
-This causes lake to search locally for the `GameServer` lake package instead of using the version from github.
+After modifications in `server/`, you will need to call `lake build gameserver` (called in `server/` or in your game's folder) to rebuild
+the gameserver executable and
+`lake build` (called in the game's folder) to rebuild the game.