force editor mode if template present

joneugster 1 year ago
parent 04038a32c8
commit 047c5ae268

@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ export function WelcomeAppBar({gameInfo, toggleImpressum, openEraseMenu, openUpl
/** The top-navigation bar */
export function LevelAppBar({
isLoading, levelTitle, impressum, toggleImpressum,
pageNumber = undefined, setPageNumber = undefined}) {
pageNumber = undefined, setPageNumber = undefined, lockEditorMode=false}) {
const gameId = React.useContext(GameIdContext)
const {worldId, levelId} = React.useContext(WorldLevelIdContext)
const gameInfo = useGetGameInfoQuery({game: gameId})
@ -295,6 +295,13 @@ export function LevelAppBar({
const [navOpen, setNavOpen] = React.useState(false)
function toggleEditor(ev) {
if (!lockEditorMode){
return <div className="app-bar" style={isLoading ? {display: "none"} : null} >
{mobile ?
@ -388,9 +395,9 @@ export function LevelAppBar({
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={faHome} />&nbsp;Leave World
<Button className="btn btn-inverted toggle-width" disabled={levelId <= 0} inverted="true" to=""
onClick={(ev) => { setTypewriterMode(!typewriterMode); setNavOpen(false) }}
title={typewriterMode ? "Editor mode" : "Typewriter mode"}>
<Button className="btn btn-inverted toggle-width" disabled={levelId <= 0 || lockEditorMode} inverted="true" to=""
onClick={(ev) => toggleEditor(ev)}
title={lockEditorMode ? "Editor mode is enforced!" : typewriterMode ? "Editor mode" : "Typewriter mode"}>
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={typewriterMode ? faCode : faTerminal} />
<Button className="btn btn-inverted toggle-width" title="information, Impressum, privacy policy" inverted="true" to="" onClick={(ev) => {toggleImpressum(ev); setNavOpen(false)}}>

@ -21,13 +21,13 @@ import * as monaco from 'monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/editor.api.js'
import { GameIdContext } from '../../app';
import { useAppDispatch, useAppSelector } from '../../hooks';
import { LevelInfo } from '../../state/api';
import { changedInventory, levelCompleted, selectCompleted, selectInventory } from '../../state/progress';
import { changedInventory, levelCompleted, selectCode, selectCompleted, selectInventory } from '../../state/progress';
import Markdown from '../markdown';
import { Infos } from './infos';
import { AllMessages, Errors, WithLspDiagnosticsContext } from './messages';
import { Goal } from './goals';
import { DeletedChatContext, InputModeContext, MobileContext, MonacoEditorContext, ProofContext, ProofStep, SelectionContext } from './context';
import { DeletedChatContext, InputModeContext, MobileContext, MonacoEditorContext, ProofContext, ProofStep, SelectionContext, WorldLevelIdContext } from './context';
import { Typewriter, hasErrors, hasInteractiveErrors } from './typewriter';
import { InteractiveDiagnostic } from '@leanprover/infoview/*';
import { Button } from '../button';
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ function DualEditorMain({ worldId, levelId, level, worldSize }: { worldId: strin
(params: any) => {
if ( && === params.uri) { === params.uri) {
dispatch(levelCompleted({ game: gameId, world: worldId, level: levelId }))
// On completion, add the names of all new items to the local storage
@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ function DualEditorMain({ worldId, levelId, level, worldSize }: { worldId: strin
{typewriterMode ?
<TypewriterInterface world={worldId} level={levelId} data={level} worldSize={worldSize}/>
<Main key={`${worldId}/${levelId}`} world={worldId} level={levelId} />
<Main key={`${worldId}/${levelId}`} world={worldId} level={levelId} data={level} />
@ -141,12 +141,24 @@ function ExerciseStatement({ data }) {
// TODO: This is only used in `EditorInterface`
// while `TypewriterInterface` has this copy-pasted in.
export function Main(props: { world: string, level: number }) {
export function Main(props: { world: string, level: number, data: LevelInfo}) {
const ec = React.useContext(EditorContext);
const gameId = React.useContext(GameIdContext)
const {worldId, levelId} = React.useContext(WorldLevelIdContext)
const completed = useAppSelector(selectCompleted(gameId,, props.level))
console.debug(`template: ${}`)
// React.useEffect (() => {
// if ( {
// let code: string = selectCode(gameId, worldId, levelId)(store.getState())
// if (!code.length) {
// //models.push(monaco.editor.createModel(code, 'lean4', uri))
// }
// }
// }, [])
/* Set up updates to the global infoview state on editor events. */
const config = useEventResult( ?? defaultInfoviewConfig;

@ -252,6 +252,25 @@ function PlayableLevel({impressum, setImpressum}) {
const {editor, infoProvider, editorConnection} =
useLevelEditor(codeviewRef, initialCode, initialSelections, onDidChangeContent, onDidChangeSelection)
useEffect (() => {
// Lock editor mode
if (level?.data?.template) {
console.debug(`inserting template: ${}`)
// // TODO: This does not work! HERE
// // Probably overwritten by a query to the server
// editor.executeEdits("command-line", [{
// range: editor.getModel().getFullModelRange(),
// text:,
// forceMoveMarkers: false
// }])
} else {
}, [level, levelId, worldId, gameId])
/** Unused. Was implementing an undo button, which has been replaced by `deleteProof` inside
* `TypewriterInterface`.
@ -355,6 +374,7 @@ function PlayableLevel({impressum, setImpressum}) {
<MonacoEditorContext.Provider value={editor}>
lockEditorMode={ !== null}
levelTitle={`${mobile ? '' : 'Level '}${levelId} / ${[worldId]}` +
(level?.data?.title && ` : ${level?.data?.title}`)}

@ -96,6 +96,7 @@ partial def findForbiddenTactics (inputCtx : Parser.InputContext)
for n in ns do
let some (.thmInfo ..) := (← getEnv).find? n
| return () -- not a theroem -> ignore
-- TODO: Filter thhe theorem we want to proof to avoid structural recursion!
let lemmasAndDefs := levelParams.lemmas ++ levelParams.definitions
match lemmasAndDefs.find? (fun l => == n) with
| none => addWarningMessage info s!"You have not unlocked the lemma/definition '{n}' yet!"
