allow initial white space in hints

Alexander Bentkamp 2 years ago
parent 7c2b1b0482
commit 07b5c22dda

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
import Lean
import GameServer.EnvExtensions
import GameServer.StrInterpolation
open Lean Meta
@ -61,13 +62,11 @@ partial def reprintCore : Syntax → Option Format
def reprint (stx : Syntax) : Format :=
reprintCore stx |>.getD ""
syntax hintArg := " (" (&"strict" <|> &"hidden") " := " withoutPosition(term) ")"
/-- A tactic that can be used inside `Statement`s to indicate in which proof states players should
see hints. The tactic does not affect the goal state. -/
elab "Hint" args:hintArg* msg:interpolatedStr(term) : tactic => do
elab "Hint" args:hintArg* msg:Lean.Parser.interpolatedStrNoIndent : tactic => do
let mut strict := false
let mut hidden := false
@ -86,7 +85,7 @@ elab "Hint" args:hintArg* msg:interpolatedStr(term) : tactic => do
-- named differently by the player.
let varsName := `vars
let text ← withLocalDeclD varsName (mkApp (mkConst ``Array [levelZero]) (mkConst ``Expr)) fun vars => do
let mut text ← `(m! $msg)
let mut text ← expandInterpolatedStr ⟨msg.raw⟩ (← `(MessageData)) (← `(toMessageData))
let goalDecl ← goal.getDecl
let decls := goalDecl.lctx.decls.toArray.filterMap id
for i in [:decls.size] do

@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
/- Adapted from `Lean.Parser.StrInterpolation`
This version of interpolated strings deletes any initial spaces from
new lines. This keeps Markdown from interpreting indented material
as quotes.
import Lean
namespace Lean.Parser
partial def interpolatedStrNoIndentFn (p : ParserFn) : ParserFn := fun c s =>
let input := c.input
let stackSize := s.stackSize
let rec parse (startPos : String.Pos) (c : ParserContext) (s : ParserState) : ParserState :=
let i := s.pos
if input.atEnd i then
let s := s.pushSyntax Syntax.missing
let s := s.mkNode interpolatedStrKind stackSize
s.setError "unterminated string literal"
let curr := input.get i
let s := s.setPos ( i)
if curr == '\"' then
let s := mkNodeToken interpolatedStrLitKind startPos c s
s.mkNode interpolatedStrKind stackSize
else if curr == '\n' then
let s := mkNodeToken interpolatedStrLitKind startPos c s
let s := takeWhileFn (fun curr => curr == ' ') c s
parse (input.prev s.pos) c s
else if curr == '\\' then
andthenFn (quotedCharCoreFn isQuotableCharForStrInterpolant) (parse startPos) c s
else if curr == '{' then
let s := mkNodeToken interpolatedStrLitKind startPos c s
let s := p c s
if s.hasError then s
let i := s.pos
let curr := input.get i
if curr == '}' then
let s := s.setPos ( i)
parse i c s
let s := s.pushSyntax Syntax.missing
let s := s.mkNode interpolatedStrKind stackSize
s.setError "'}'"
parse startPos c s
let startPos := s.pos
if input.atEnd startPos then
let curr := input.get s.pos;
if curr != '\"' then
s.mkError "interpolated string"
let s := input startPos
parse startPos c s
@[inline] def interpolatedStrNoIndentNoAntiquot (p : Parser) : Parser := {
fn := interpolatedStrNoIndentFn (withoutPosition p).fn,
info := mkAtomicInfo "interpolatedStrNoIndent"
def interpolatedStrNoIndent : Parser :=
withAntiquot (mkAntiquot "interpolatedStrNoIndent" interpolatedStrKind) $ interpolatedStrNoIndentNoAntiquot termParser
open Lean.PrettyPrinter
open Lean.PrettyPrinter.Parenthesizer
open Lean.PrettyPrinter.Formatter
@[combinator_parenthesizer interpolatedStrNoIndent]
def interpolatedStrNoIndent.parenthesizer := interpolatedStr.parenthesizer
@[combinator_formatter interpolatedStrNoIndent]
def interpolatedStrNoIndent.formatter := interpolatedStr.formatter
end Lean.Parser
/- Adapted from Init/Meta -/
open Lean
private def decodeInterpStrQuotedChar (s : String) (i : String.Pos) : Option (Char × String.Pos) := do
match Syntax.decodeQuotedChar s i with
| some r => some r
| none =>
let c := s.get i
let i := i
if c == '{' then pure ('{', i)
else none
private partial def decodeInterpStrLit (s : String) : Option String :=
let rec loop (i : String.Pos) (acc : String) : Option String :=
let c := s.get i
let i := i
if c == '\"' || c == '{' then
pure acc
else if c == '\n' then
pure (acc.push c)
else if s.atEnd i then
else if c == '\\' then do
let (c, i) ← decodeInterpStrQuotedChar s i
loop i (acc.push c)
loop i (acc.push c)
loop ⟨1⟩ ""
partial def isInterpolatedStrLit? (stx : Syntax) : Option String :=
match Syntax.isLit? interpolatedStrLitKind stx with
| none => none
| some val => decodeInterpStrLit val
open Elab
def expandInterpolatedStrChunks (chunks : Array Syntax) (mkAppend : Syntax → Syntax → TermElabM Syntax) (mkElem : Syntax → TermElabM Syntax) : TermElabM Syntax := do
let mut i := 0
let mut result := Syntax.missing
for elem in chunks do
let elem ← match isInterpolatedStrLit? elem with
| none => mkElem elem
| some str => mkElem (Syntax.mkStrLit str)
if i == 0 then
result := elem
result ← mkAppend result elem
i := i+1
return result
open TSyntax.Compat in
def expandInterpolatedStr (interpStr : TSyntax interpolatedStrKind) (type : Term) (toTypeFn : Term) : TermElabM Term := do
let r ← expandInterpolatedStrChunks interpStr.raw.getArgs (fun a b => `($a ++ $b)) (fun a => `($toTypeFn $a))
`(($r : $type))