@ -74,11 +74,19 @@ partial def findForbiddenTactics (inputCtx : Parser.InputContext)
let allowed := ["with", "fun", "at", "only"]
if 0 < val.length ∧ val.data[0]!.isAlpha ∧ not (allowed.contains val) then
let val := val.dropRightWhile (fun c => c == '!' || c == '?') -- treat `simp?` and `simp!` like `simp`
match levelParams.tactics.find? (fun t => t.name.toString == val) with
| none => addWarningMessage info s!"You have not unlocked the tactic '{val}' yet!"
match levelParams.tactics.find? (·.name.toString == val) with
| none =>
-- Note: This case means that the tactic will never be introduced in the game.
match levelParams.inventory.find? (· == val) with
| none =>
addWarningMessage info s!"You have not unlocked the tactic '{val}' yet!"
| some _ => pure () -- tactic is in the inventory, allow it.
| some tac =>
if tac.locked then
addWarningMessage info s!"You have not unlocked the tactic '{val}' yet!"
match levelParams.inventory.find? (· == val) with
| none =>
addWarningMessage info s!"You have not unlocked the tactic '{val}' yet!"
| some _ => pure () -- tactic is in the inventory, allow it.
else if tac.disabled then
addWarningMessage info s!"The tactic '{val}' is disabled in this level!"
| .ident info rawVal val preresolved =>
@ -108,8 +116,8 @@ where addWarningMessage (info : SourceInfo) (s : MessageData) :=
open Elab Meta Expr in
def compileProof (inputCtx : Parser.InputContext) (snap : Snapshot) (hasWidgets : Bool)
(couldBeEndSnap : Bool) (levelParams : Game.DidOpenLevelParams) (initParams : Lsp.InitializeParams)
(checkForbiddenTactics := true) : IO Snapshot := do
(couldBeEndSnap : Bool) (levelParams : Game.DidOpenLevelParams)
(initParams : Lsp.InitializeParams) : IO Snapshot := do
-- Recognize end snap
if inputCtx.input.atEnd snap.mpState.pos ∧ couldBeEndSnap then
let endSnap : Snapshot := {
@ -162,7 +170,7 @@ def compileProof (inputCtx : Parser.InputContext) (snap : Snapshot) (hasWidgets
parseResultRef.set (tacticStx, cmdParserState)
-- Check for forbidden tactics
if checkForbiddenTactics then
if levelParams.checkEnabled then
findForbiddenTactics inputCtx levelParams tacticStx
-- Insert invisible `skip` command to make sure we always display the initial goal
@ -302,14 +310,21 @@ where
end Elab
structure GameWorkerState :=
(levelParams : Game.DidOpenLevelParams)
abbrev GameWorkerM := StateT GameWorkerState Server.FileWorker.WorkerM
section Updates
/-- Given the new document, updates editable doc state. -/
def updateDocument (newMeta : DocumentMeta) (levelParams : Game.DidOpenLevelParams) : WorkerM Unit := do
def updateDocument (newMeta : DocumentMeta) : GameWorkerM Unit := do
let s ← get
let levelParams := s.levelParams
let ctx ← read
let oldDoc := (←get).doc
let oldDoc := (← StateT.lift get).doc
let initHeaderStx := (← get).initHeaderStx
let initHeaderStx := (← StateT.lift get).initHeaderStx
let (newHeaderStx, newMpState, _) ← Parser.parseHeader newMeta.mkInputContext
let cancelTk ← CancelToken.new
let headSnapTask := oldDoc.cmdSnaps.waitHead?
@ -349,7 +364,8 @@ section Updates
-- before kicking off any expensive elaboration (TODO: make expensive elaboration cancelable)
unfoldSnaps newMeta validSnaps.toArray cancelTk levelParams ctx
(startAfterMs := ctx.initParams.editDelay.toUInt32)
modify fun st => { st with doc := { meta := newMeta, cmdSnaps := AsyncList.delayed newSnaps, cancelTk } }
StateT.lift <| modify fun st => { st with
doc := { meta := newMeta, cmdSnaps := AsyncList.delayed newSnaps, cancelTk }}
end Updates
@ -361,7 +377,8 @@ section Initialization
fileMap := default
def compileHeader (m : DocumentMeta) (hOut : FS.Stream) (opts : Options) (hasWidgets : Bool)
(levelParams : Game.DidOpenLevelParams) (initParams : InitializeParams): IO (Syntax × Task (Except Error (Snapshot × SearchPath))) := do
(levelParams : Game.DidOpenLevelParams) (initParams : InitializeParams) :
IO (Syntax × Task (Except Error (Snapshot × SearchPath))) := do
-- Determine search paths of the game project by running `lake env printenv LEAN_PATH`.
let out ← IO.Process.output
{ cwd := levelParams.gameDir, cmd := "lake", args := #["env","printenv","LEAN_PATH"] }
@ -449,10 +466,10 @@ end Initialization
section NotificationHandling
def handleDidChange (levelParams : Game.DidOpenLevelParams) (p : DidChangeTextDocumentParams) : WorkerM Unit := do
def handleDidChange (p : DidChangeTextDocumentParams) : GameWorkerM Unit := do
let docId := p.textDocument
let changes := p.contentChanges
let oldDoc := (←get).doc
let oldDoc := (← StateT.lift get).doc
let some newVersion ← pure docId.version?
| throwServerError "Expected version number"
if newVersion ≤ oldDoc.meta.version then
@ -460,28 +477,28 @@ section NotificationHandling
IO.eprintln s!"Got outdated version number: {newVersion} ≤ {oldDoc.meta.version}"
else if ¬ changes.isEmpty then
let newDocText := foldDocumentChanges changes oldDoc.meta.text
updateDocument ⟨docId.uri, newVersion, newDocText⟩ levelParams
updateDocument ⟨docId.uri, newVersion, newDocText⟩
end NotificationHandling
section MessageHandling
def handleNotification (method : String) (params : Json) (levelParams : Game.DidOpenLevelParams) : WorkerM Unit := do
let handle := fun paramType [FromJson paramType] (handler : paramType → WorkerM Unit) =>
parseParams paramType params >>= handler
def handleNotification (method : String) (params : Json) : GameWorkerM Unit := do
let handle := fun paramType [FromJson paramType] (handler : paramType → GameWorkerM Unit) =>
(StateT.lift <| parseParams paramType params) >>= handler
match method with
| "textDocument/didChange" => handle DidChangeTextDocumentParams (handleDidChange levelParams)
| "$/cancelRequest" => handle CancelParams handleCancelRequest
| "$/lean/rpc/release" => handle RpcReleaseParams handleRpcRelease
| "$/lean/rpc/keepAlive" => handle RpcKeepAliveParams handleRpcKeepAlive
| "textDocument/didChange" => handle DidChangeTextDocumentParams (handleDidChange)
| "$/cancelRequest" => handle CancelParams (handleCancelRequest ·)
| "$/lean/rpc/release" => handle RpcReleaseParams (handleRpcRelease ·)
| "$/lean/rpc/keepAlive" => handle RpcKeepAliveParams (handleRpcKeepAlive ·)
| _ => throwServerError s!"Got unsupported notification method: {method}"
end MessageHandling
section MainLoop
partial def mainLoop (levelParams : Game.DidOpenLevelParams) : WorkerM Unit := do
partial def mainLoop : GameWorkerM Unit := do
let ctx ← read
let mut st ← get
let mut st ← StateT.lift get
let msg ← ctx.hIn.readLspMessage
let filterFinishedTasks (acc : PendingRequestMap) (id : RequestID) (task : Task (Except IO.Error Unit))
: IO PendingRequestMap := do
@ -504,16 +521,25 @@ section MainLoop
set st
match msg with
| Message.request id method (some params) =>
-- TODO: What's this error message?
if method == "Game.getInteractiveGoals" then throwServerError "HELLO"
handleRequest id method (toJson params)
mainLoop levelParams
| Message.notification "exit" none =>
let doc := st.doc
return ()
| Message.notification "$/game/setInventory" params =>
let p := (← parseParams Game.SetInventoryParams (toJson params))
let s ← get
set {s with levelParams := {s.levelParams with
inventory := p.inventory,
checkEnabled := p.checkEnabled}}
| Message.notification method (some params) =>
handleNotification method (toJson params) levelParams
mainLoop levelParams
handleNotification method (toJson params)
| _ => throwServerError "Got invalid JSON-RPC message"
end MainLoop
@ -535,11 +561,15 @@ def initAndRunWorker (i o e : FS.Stream) (opts : Options) : IO UInt32 := do
let _ ← IO.setStderr e
let (ctx, st) ← initializeWorker meta i o e initParams.param opts levelParams
let _ ← StateRefT'.run (s := st) <| ReaderT.run (r := ctx) (mainLoop levelParams)
let _ ← StateRefT'.run (s := st) <| ReaderT.run (r := ctx) <|
StateT.run (s := {levelParams := levelParams}) <| (mainLoop)
return (0 : UInt32)
catch e =>
IO.eprintln e
publishDiagnostics meta #[{ range := ⟨⟨0, 0⟩, ⟨0, 0⟩⟩, severity? := DiagnosticSeverity.error, message := e.toString }] o
publishDiagnostics meta #[{
range := ⟨⟨0, 0⟩, ⟨0, 0⟩⟩,
severity? := DiagnosticSeverity.error,
message := e.toString }] o
return (1 : UInt32)
def workerMain (opts : Options) : IO UInt32 := do