fix semantic highlighting

Fixes #29
Alexander Bentkamp 2 years ago
parent fdbd962742
commit 221927942f

@ -310,41 +310,104 @@ section Initialization
let env ← importModules [{ module := `Init : Import }, { module := gameName : Import }] {} 0
return (env, paths)
-- def compileHeader (m : DocumentMeta) (hOut : FS.Stream) (opts : Options) (hasWidgets : Bool)
-- : IO (Snapshot × SearchPath) := do
-- let mut (headerEnv, paths) ← createEnv
-- try
-- if let some path := System.Uri.fileUriToPath? m.uri then
-- headerEnv := headerEnv.setMainModule (← moduleNameOfFileName path none)
-- catch _ => pure ()
-- let cmdState := Elab.Command.mkState headerEnv {} opts
-- let cmdState := { cmdState with infoState := {
-- enabled := true
-- trees := #[Elab.InfoTree.context ({
-- env := headerEnv
-- fileMap := m.text
-- ngen := { namePrefix := `_worker }
-- }) (Elab.InfoTree.node
-- (Elab.Info.ofCommandInfo { elaborator := `header, stx := Syntax.missing })
-- #[].toPArray'
-- )].toPArray'
-- }}
-- let headerSnap := {
-- beginPos := 0
-- stx := Syntax.missing
-- mpState := {}
-- cmdState := cmdState
-- interactiveDiags := ← cmdState.messages.msgs.mapM (Widget.msgToInteractiveDiagnostic m.text · hasWidgets)
-- tacticCache := (← IO.mkRef {})
-- }
-- publishDiagnostics m headerSnap.diagnostics.toArray hOut
-- return (headerSnap, paths)
def compileHeader (m : DocumentMeta) (hOut : FS.Stream) (opts : Options) (hasWidgets : Bool)
: IO (Snapshot × SearchPath) := do
let mut (headerEnv, paths) ← createEnv
if let some path := System.Uri.fileUriToPath? m.uri then
headerEnv := headerEnv.setMainModule (← moduleNameOfFileName path none)
catch _ => pure ()
let cmdState := Elab.Command.mkState headerEnv {} opts
let cmdState := { cmdState with infoState := {
enabled := true
trees := #[Elab.InfoTree.context ({
env := headerEnv
fileMap := m.text
ngen := { namePrefix := `_worker }
}) (Elab.InfoTree.node
(Elab.Info.ofCommandInfo { elaborator := `header, stx := Syntax.missing })
let headerSnap := {
beginPos := 0
stx := Syntax.missing
mpState := {}
cmdState := cmdState
interactiveDiags := ← cmdState.messages.msgs.mapM (Widget.msgToInteractiveDiagnostic m.text · hasWidgets)
tacticCache := (← IO.mkRef {})
publishDiagnostics m headerSnap.diagnostics.toArray hOut
return (headerSnap, paths)
: IO (Syntax × Task (Except Error (Snapshot × SearchPath))) := do
let gameDir := "../../../testgame"
-- Determine search paths of the game project by running `lake env printenv LEAN_PATH`.
let out ← IO.Process.output
{ cwd := gameDir, cmd := "lake", args := #["env","printenv","LEAN_PATH"] }
if out.exitCode != 0 then
throwServerError s!"Error while running Lake: {out.stderr}"
-- Make the paths relative to the current directory
let paths : List System.FilePath := System.SearchPath.parse out.stdout.trim
let currentDir ← IO.currentDir
let paths := fun p => currentDir / (gameDir : System.FilePath) / p
-- Set the search path
Lean.searchPathRef.set paths
let gameName := `TestGame
let env ← importModules [{ module := `Init : Import }, { module := gameName : Import }] {} 0
-- return (env, paths)
-- use empty header
let (headerStx, headerParserState, msgLog) ← Parser.parseHeader
{m.mkInputContext with
input := ""
fileMap := FileMap.ofString ""}
(headerStx, ·) <$> EIO.asTask do
let mut srcSearchPath : SearchPath := paths --← initSrcSearchPath (← getBuildDir)
let headerEnv := env
let mut headerEnv := headerEnv
if let some path := System.Uri.fileUriToPath? m.uri then
headerEnv := headerEnv.setMainModule (← moduleNameOfFileName path none)
catch _ => pure ()
let cmdState := Elab.Command.mkState headerEnv {} opts
let cmdState := { cmdState with infoState := {
enabled := true
trees := #[Elab.InfoTree.context ({
env := headerEnv
fileMap := m.text
ngen := { namePrefix := `_worker }
}) (Elab.InfoTree.node
(Elab.Info.ofCommandInfo { elaborator := `header, stx := headerStx })
(headerStx[1] (fun importStx =>
Elab.InfoTree.node (Elab.Info.ofCommandInfo {
elaborator := `import
stx := importStx
}) #[].toPArray'
let headerSnap := {
beginPos := 0
stx := headerStx
mpState := {}
cmdState := cmdState
interactiveDiags := ← cmdState.messages.msgs.mapM (Widget.msgToInteractiveDiagnostic m.text · hasWidgets)
tacticCache := (← IO.mkRef {})
publishDiagnostics m headerSnap.diagnostics.toArray hOut
return (headerSnap, srcSearchPath)
def initializeWorker (meta : DocumentMeta) (i o e : FS.Stream) (initParams : InitializeParams) (opts : Options)
: IO (WorkerContext × WorkerState) := do
let clientHasWidgets := initParams.initializationOptions?.bind (·.hasWidgets?) |>.getD false
let headerTask ← EIO.asTask $ compileHeader meta o opts (hasWidgets := clientHasWidgets)
let (headerStx, headerTask) ← compileHeader meta o opts (hasWidgets := clientHasWidgets)
let cancelTk ←
let ctx :=
{ hIn := i
@ -354,16 +417,16 @@ section Initialization
let snaps ← EIO.mapTask (t := headerTask) (match · with
let cmdSnaps ← EIO.mapTask (t := headerTask) (match · with
| Except.ok (s, _) => unfoldSnaps meta #[s] cancelTk ctx (startAfterMs := 0)
| Except.error e => throw (e : ElabTaskError))
let doc : EditableDocument := ⟨meta, AsyncList.delayed snaps, cancelTk⟩
let doc : EditableDocument := { meta, cmdSnaps := AsyncList.delayed cmdSnaps, cancelTk }
return (ctx,
{ doc := doc
initHeaderStx := Syntax.missing
pendingRequests := RBMap.empty
rpcSessions := RBMap.empty
{ doc := doc
initHeaderStx := headerStx
pendingRequests := RBMap.empty
rpcSessions := RBMap.empty
end Initialization
