@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
--import Lean
import Lean.PrettyPrinter.Delaborator.Builtins
import Lean.PrettyPrinter
import Lean
import Std.Tactic.OpenPrivate
namespace GameServer
namespace PrettyPrinter
open Lean Meta
open Lean.Parser Term
open PrettyPrinter Delaborator SubExpr
open TSyntax.Compat
#check Command.declSig
open private shouldGroupWithNext evalSyntaxConstant from Lean.PrettyPrinter.Delaborator.Builtins
-- def typeSpec := leading_parser " :\\n: " >> termParser
-- def declSig := leading_parser
-- many (ppSpace >> (Term.binderIdent <|> Term.bracketedBinder)) >> typeSpec
@[inherit_doc Lean.PrettyPrinter.Delaborator.delabConstWithSignature]
partial def delabConstWithSignature : Delab := do
let e ← getExpr
-- use virtual expression node of arity 2 to separate name and type info
let idStx ← descend e 0 <|
withOptions (pp.universes.set · true |> (pp.fullNames.set · true)) <|
descend (← inferType e) 1 <|
delabParams idStx #[] #[]
-- follows `delabBinders`, but does not uniquify binder names and accumulates all binder groups
delabParams (idStx : Ident) (groups : TSyntaxArray ``bracketedBinder) (curIds : Array Ident) := do
if let .forallE n d _ i ← getExpr then
let stxN ← annotateCurPos (mkIdent n)
let curIds := curIds.push ⟨stxN⟩
if ← shouldGroupWithNext then
withBindingBody n <| delabParams idStx groups curIds
let delabTy := withOptions (pp.piBinderTypes.set · false) delab
let group ← withBindingDomain do
match i with
| .implicit => `(bracketedBinderF|{$curIds*})
| .strictImplicit => `(bracketedBinderF|⦃$curIds*⦄)
| .instImplicit => `(bracketedBinderF|[$(← delabTy)])
| _ =>
if d.isOptParam then
`(bracketedBinderF|($curIds* : $(← withAppFn <| withAppArg delabTy) := $(← withAppArg delabTy)))
else if let some (.const tacticDecl _) := d.getAutoParamTactic? then
let tacticSyntax ← ofExcept <| evalSyntaxConstant (← getEnv) (← getOptions) tacticDecl
`(bracketedBinderF|($curIds* : $(← withAppFn <| withAppArg delabTy) := by $tacticSyntax))
`(bracketedBinderF|($curIds* : $(← delabTy)))
withBindingBody n <| delabParams idStx (groups.push group) #[]
let type ← delab
-- pure type
`(Command.declSig| $groups* : $type)
@[inherit_doc Lean.PrettyPrinter.ppSignature]
def ppSignature (c : Name) : MetaM FormatWithInfos := do
let decl ← getConstInfo c
let e := .const c (decl.levelParams.map mkLevelParam)
let (stx, infos) ← delabCore e (delab := delabConstWithSignature)
return ⟨← ppTerm ⟨stx⟩, infos⟩ -- HACK: not a term
end PrettyPrinter
open Lean Meta Elab Command
/-! ## Statement string -/
def getStatement (name : Name) : CommandElabM MessageData := do
return ← addMessageContextPartial (.ofPPFormat { pp := fun
| some ctx => ctx.runMetaM <| GameServer.PrettyPrinter.ppSignature name
| none => return "that's a bug." })
-- Note: We use `String` because we can't send `MessageData` as json, but
-- `MessageData` might be better for interactive highlighting.
/-- Get a string of the form `my_lemma (n : ℕ) : n + n = 2 * n`.
Note: A statement like `theorem abc : ∀ x : Nat, x ≥ 0` would be turned into
`theorem abc (x : Nat) : x ≥ 0` by `PrettyPrinter.ppSignature`. -/
def getStatementString (name : Name) : CommandElabM String := do
return ← (← getStatement name).toString
--| _ => throwError m!"Could not find {name} in context."
-- TODO: I think it would be nicer to unresolve Namespaces as much as possible.