experiment with jsonrpc on server

Alexander Bentkamp 2 years ago
parent 7623416772
commit 303e0d6e94

@ -30,8 +30,7 @@ class ClientConnection {
console.log("Socket opened.")
this.ws = ws
this.ws = ws
this.ws.on("message", (msg) => {
@ -68,7 +67,7 @@ class ClientConnection {
send(data) {
const str = JSON.stringify(data) + "\n";
const byteLength = Buffer.byteLength(str, "utf-8");
@ -83,4 +82,4 @@ wss.on("connection", function(ws) { // what should a websocket do on connecti
// wss.handleUpgrade(request, socket, head, function done(ws) {
// wss.emit('connection', ws, request);
// });
// });
// });

@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
/- Inspired by `Lean/Data/Lsp/Communication.lean` -/
import Lean.Data.JsonRpc
/-! Reading/writing Game Server Protocol messages from/to IO handles. -/
namespace IO.FS.Stream
open Lean
open Lean.JsonRpc
def readJsonLine (h : FS.Stream) : IO Json := do
let s ← h.getLine
ofExcept (Json.parse s)
def readGspMessage (h : FS.Stream) : IO Message := do
let j ← h.readJsonLine
match fromJson? j with
| Except.ok m => pure m
| Except.error inner =>
throw $
userError s!"JSON '{j.compress}' did not have the format of a JSON-RPC message.\n{inner}"
def readGspRequestAs (h : FS.Stream) (expectedMethod : String) (α) [FromJson α]
: IO (Request α) := do
let m ← h.readGspMessage
match m with
| Message.request id method params? =>
if method = expectedMethod then
let j := toJson params?
match fromJson? j with
| Except.ok v => pure ⟨id, expectedMethod, v⟩
| Except.error inner =>
throw $
userError s!"Unexpected param '{j.compress}' for method '{expectedMethod}'\n{inner}"
throw $ userError s!"Expected method '{expectedMethod}', got method '{method}'"
| _ => throw $ userError s!"Expected JSON-RPC request, got: '{(toJson m).compress}'"
def readGspNotificationAs
(h : FS.Stream) (nBytes : Nat) (expectedMethod : String) (α) [FromJson α]
: IO (Notification α) := do
let m ← h.readMessage nBytes
match m with
| Message.notification method params? =>
if method = expectedMethod then
let j := toJson params?
match fromJson? j with
| Except.ok v => pure ⟨expectedMethod, v⟩
| Except.error inner =>
throw $
userError s!"Unexpected param '{j.compress}' for method '{expectedMethod}'\n{inner}"
throw $ userError s!"Expected method '{expectedMethod}', got method '{method}'"
| _ => throw $ userError s!"Expected JSON-RPC notification, got: '{(toJson m).compress}'"
def readGspResponseAs
(h : FS.Stream) (nBytes : Nat) (expectedID : RequestID) (α) [FromJson α]
: IO (Response α) := do
let m ← h.readMessage nBytes
match m with
| Message.response id result =>
if id == expectedID then
match fromJson? result with
| Except.ok v => pure ⟨expectedID, v⟩
| Except.error inner => throw $ userError s!"Unexpected result '{result.compress}'\n{inner}"
throw $ userError s!"Expected id {expectedID}, got id {id}"
| Message.notification .. => readResponseAs h nBytes expectedID α
| _ => throw $ userError s!"Expected JSON-RPC response, got: '{(toJson m).compress}'"
variable [ToJson α]
def writeGspMessage (h : FS.Stream) (m : Message) : IO Unit := do
h.writeMessage m
h.putStr "\n"
def writeGspRequest (h : FS.Stream) (r : Request α) : IO Unit :=
h.writeGspMessage r
def writeGspNotification (h : FS.Stream) (n : Notification α) : IO Unit :=
h.writeGspMessage n
def writeGspResponse (h : FS.Stream) (r : Response α) : IO Unit :=
h.writeGspMessage r
def writeGspResponseError (h : FS.Stream) (e : ResponseError Unit) : IO Unit :=
h.writeGspMessage (Message.responseError e.id e.code e.message none)
def writeGspResponseErrorWithData (h : FS.Stream) (e : ResponseError α) : IO Unit :=
h.writeGspMessage e
end IO.FS.Stream

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
This is the Lean 4 game server. It offers a way to interact with Lean 4 which
This is the Lean 4 game server. It offers a way to interact with Lean 4 which
is completely distinct from running the command-line lean or the language server protocol.
It is based on lean-gym by Daniel Selsam.
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import Lean.Data.Json.Basic
import GameServer.Utils
import GameServer.EnvExtensions
import GameServer.Communication
open Lean Meta Elab Tactic Std
@ -54,10 +55,10 @@ match (← getMCtx).findDecl? goal with
return {objects := objects, assumptions := assumptions, goal := toString (← Meta.ppExpr mvarDecl.type),
mvarid := goal }
def GameGoal.toJson (gameGoal : GameGoal) : MetaM Json :=
def GameGoal.toJson (gameGoal : GameGoal) : MetaM Json :=
gameGoal.mvarid.withContext do
return Json.mkObj [("objects", Lean.ToJson.toJson (← gameGoal.objects.mapM Lean.LocalDecl.toJson)),
("assumptions", Lean.ToJson.toJson (← gameGoal.assumptions.mapM Lean.LocalDecl.toJson)),
return Json.mkObj [("objects", Lean.ToJson.toJson (← gameGoal.objects.mapM Lean.LocalDecl.toJson)),
("assumptions", Lean.ToJson.toJson (← gameGoal.assumptions.mapM Lean.LocalDecl.toJson)),
("goal", gameGoal.goal)]
@ -77,7 +78,7 @@ inductive Action where
deriving ToJson, FromJson, Repr
def Action.parse (s : String) : Action :=
let e : Except String Action :=
let e : Except String Action :=
return ← fromJson? (← Json.parse s)
catch _ => return Action.invalid s
@ -85,7 +86,7 @@ def Action.parse (s : String) : Action :=
| Except.ok a => a
| _ => Action.info
def Action.get : IO Action :=
def Action.get : IO Action :=
return Action.parse (← (← IO.getStdin).getLine)
@ -116,7 +117,7 @@ structure SavedState where
abbrev LevelM := ReaderT GameLevel StateRefT (Array SavedState) TermElabM
/-- Returns the most recent SavedState. -/
def getState : LevelM SavedState := do
def getState : LevelM SavedState := do
let some state := (← get).back? | throwError "Couldn't find tactic state"
return state
@ -134,8 +135,8 @@ def Response.toJson (resp : Response) : MetaM Json :=
/-! ## Main running functions -/
/-- Dummy `Core.Context` value to be fed to `Lean.Core.CoreM.toIO` -/
def coreCtx : Core.Context := {
currNamespace := Name.anonymous,
def coreCtx : Core.Context := {
currNamespace := Name.anonymous,
openDecls := [],
fileName := "<Game>",
fileMap := { source := "", positions := #[0], lines := #[1] } }
@ -147,9 +148,9 @@ partial def runLevel (env : Environment) (GameName : Name) (levels : HashMap Nat
let some lvl := levels.find? idx | throwError s!"Cannot find level {idx}"
let mvar ← mkFreshExprMVar (some lvl.goal) (kind := MetavarKind.synthetic)
let (_, mvar) ← mvar.mvarId!.introNP lvl.intro_nb
mvar.withContext do
mvar.withContext do
let state := #[{tacticState := { term := ← Term.saveState, tactic := { goals := [mvar] }}}]
let levelM : LevelM Unit := do
let levelM : LevelM Unit := do
let resp := {← mkResponse with message := lvl.introduction}
let levelInfo : LevelInfo :=
{ index := lvl.index,
@ -165,15 +166,15 @@ partial def runLevel (env : Environment) (GameName : Name) (levels : HashMap Nat
let metaM : MetaM Unit := termElabM.run' (ctx := {})
discard <| metaM.run'.toIO coreCtx { env := env }
| .userError s => output s!"Could not run level {idx}: {s}"
| _ => output s!"Could not run level {idx}"
mkResponse (errors : Array String := #[]) : LevelM Response := do
let savedState ← getState
let goals := savedState.tacticState.tactic.goals
let goals := savedState.tacticState.tactic.goals
return { goals := (← liftM $ goals.mapM Lean.MVarId.toGameGoal), message := savedState.message, errors := errors }
/-- Try to parse the given String as a single line tactic invocation. Update the LevelM state only
@ -182,7 +183,7 @@ where
runTactic (tacticString : String) : LevelM Response := do
let lvl ← read
let tacticNames := (lvl.tactics.map (·.name.toString)).toList
let tacName := (tacticString.trim.splitOn " ").headD ""
let tacName := (tacticString.trim.splitOn " ").headD ""
if not (tacticNames.contains tacName) then mkResponse #["Unrecognized tactic"] else
let savedState ← getState
match Parser.runParserCategory (← getEnv) `tactic tacticString "<stdin>" with
@ -191,7 +192,7 @@ where
let mvarId : MVarId := savedState.tacticState.tactic.goals.head!
let unsolvedGoals ← Tactic.run mvarId do set savedState.tacticState.tactic
let unsolvedGoals ← Tactic.run mvarId do set savedState.tacticState.tactic
evalTactic stx
if (← getThe Core.State).messages.hasErrors then
let messages := (← getThe Core.State).messages.getErrorMessages.toList.toArray
@ -211,7 +212,7 @@ where
message := (← read).conclusion
modify fun s => s.push {tacticState := savedState, message := message}
catch ex => mkResponse #[← ex.toMessageData.toString]
catch ex => mkResponse #[← ex.toMessageData.toString]
mainLoop : LevelM Unit := do
match ← Action.get with
@ -227,25 +228,30 @@ where
| Action.invalid s => output s!"{← { ← mkResponse with errors := #[s!"Invalid action: {s}"] : Response}.toJson}"
#check (toJson "").compress
open System Lean Std in
partial def runGame (GameName : Name) (paths : List FilePath): IO Unit := do
searchPathRef.set paths
let env ← importModules [{ module := `Init : Import }, { module := GameName : Import }] {} 0
let termElabM : TermElabM Unit := do
let levels := levelsExt.getState env
let game := {← gameExt.get with nb_levels := levels.size }
mainLoop env game levels
let metaM : MetaM Unit := termElabM.run' (ctx := {})
discard <| metaM.run'.toIO coreCtx { env := env }
mainLoop (env : Environment) (game : Game) (levels : HashMap Nat GameLevel): IO Unit := do
match ← Action.get with
| Action.info => output (toJson game)
| Action.loadLevel n => runLevel env GameName levels n
| Action.quit => IO.Process.exit 0
| Action.invalid s => output s!"Invalid action: {s}"
| _ => output "Invalid action"
mainLoop env game levels
partial def runGame (GameName : Name) : IO Unit := do
let hIn ← IO.getStdin
let hOut ← IO.getStdout
let hLog ← IO.getStderr
hLog.putStr s!"{toJson $ ← hIn.readGspMessage}"
hOut.writeGspNotification ⟨"Hello!", "s"⟩
-- let env ← importModules [{ module := `Init : Import }, { module := GameName : Import }] {} 0
-- let termElabM : TermElabM Unit := do
-- let levels := levelsExt.getState env
-- let game := {← gameExt.get with nb_levels := levels.size }
-- mainLoop env game levels
-- let metaM : MetaM Unit := termElabM.run' (ctx := {})
-- discard <| metaM.run'.toIO coreCtx { env := env }
-- where
-- mainLoop (env : Environment) (game : Game) (levels : HashMap Nat GameLevel): IO Unit := do
-- match ← Action.get with
-- | Action.info => output (toJson game)
-- | Action.loadLevel n => runLevel env GameName levels n
-- | Action.quit => IO.Process.exit 0
-- | Action.invalid s => output s!"Invalid action: {s}"
-- | _ => output "Invalid action"
-- mainLoop env game levels
end Server

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
import Lean.Data.JsonRpc
-- The worker implementation roughly follows `Lean/Server/FileWorker.lean`.
#check IO.bindTask
#check Task
#check Task.CancelToken
#check EIO.mapTask
#check maybeTee
#check IO.FS.Stream.writeMessage

@ -1,16 +1,30 @@
import GameServer.Server
-- TODO: Potentially it could be useful to pass in the `gameName` via the websocket connection
unsafe def main (args : List String) : IO Unit := do
-- Check if required arguments are given by the user
if args.length != 2 then
throw (IO.userError "Expected two arguments: The name of the game module and the path to the game project.")
let out ← IO.Process.output { cwd := args[1]!, cmd := "lake", args := #["env","printenv","LEAN_PATH"] }
throw (IO.userError $ "Expected two arguments:" ++
"The name of the game module and the path to the game project.")
let gameName := args[0]!
let gameDir := args[1]!
-- Determine search paths of the game project by running `lake env printenv LEAN_PATH`.
let out ← IO.Process.output
{ cwd := gameDir, cmd := "lake", args := #["env","printenv","LEAN_PATH"] }
if out.exitCode != 0 then
IO.eprintln out.stderr
let paths : List System.FilePath := System.SearchPath.parse out.stdout.trim
let currentDir ← IO.currentDir
let paths := paths.map fun p => currentDir / (args[1]! : System.FilePath) / p
Server.runGame (Lean.Name.mkSimple args[0]!) paths
-- Make the paths relative to the current directory
let paths : List System.FilePath := System.SearchPath.parse out.stdout.trim
let currentDir ← IO.currentDir
let paths := paths.map fun p => currentDir / (gameDir : System.FilePath) / p
-- Set the search path
Lean.searchPathRef.set paths
-- Run the game
Server.runGame gameName
