@ -36,8 +36,16 @@ function LevelIcon({ worldId, levelId, position, completed, available }) {
// TODO: relative positioning?
return (
<Link to={`/${gameId}/world/${worldId}/level/${levelId}`}>
<Link to={`/${gameId}/world/${worldId}/level/${levelId}`} className="level">
<circle fill={completed ? "#139e13" : available? "#1976d2" : "#999"} cx={x} cy={y} r={r} />
<foreignObject className="level-title-wrapper" x={x} y={y}
width={1.42*r} height={1.42*r} transform={"translate("+ -.71*r +","+ -.71*r +")"}>
<p className="level-title" style={{fontSize: Math.floor(r) + "px"}}>
@ -118,11 +126,20 @@ function Welcome() {
// Draw the worlds
let worldUnlocked = completed[worldId][0]
let worldCompleted = completed[worldId].slice(1).every(Boolean)
// This selects the first uncompleted level
let nextLevel: number = completed[worldId].findIndex(c => !c)
if (nextLevel <= 1) {
// This uses the fact that `findIndex` returns `-1` if it does not find an uncompleted entry
// so `-1, 0, 1` are all the indices where we want to show the introduction.
nextLevel = 0
// Draw the worlds
<Link key={`world${worldId}`} to={`/${gameId}/world/${worldId}/level/0`}>
<Link key={`world${worldId}`} to={`/${gameId}/world/${worldId}/level/${nextLevel}`}>
<circle className="world-circle" cx={s*position.x} cy={s*position.y} r={R}
fill={worldCompleted ? "green" : worldUnlocked ? "#1976d2": "#999"}/>
<foreignObject className="world-title-wrapper" x={s*position.x} y={s*position.y}