"Load Progress from JSON":"Spielstand von JSON laden",
"back to games selection":"Zurück zur Spielauswahl",
"close inventory":"Inventar schliessen",
"show inventory":"Inventar öffnen",
"Show more help!":"Mehr Hilfe",
"Current Goal":"Aktuelles Goal",
"Further Goals":"Weitere Goals",
"No Goals":"Keine Goals",
"Loading goal…":"Goal wird geladen…",
"Click somewhere in the Lean file to enable the infoview.":"",
"Waiting for Lean server to start…":"",
"Level completed! 🎉":"",
"Level completed with warnings 🎭":"",
"Retry proof from here":"",
"Active Goal":"",
"Level completed! 🎉":"Level gelöst! 🎉",
"Level completed with warnings 🎭":"Level mit Warnungen abgeschlossen 🎭",
"Retry proof from here":"Von hier erneut probieren",
"Active Goal":"Aktuelles Goal",
"Crashed! Go to editor mode and fix your proof! Last server response:":"",
"Loading messages…":"",
"Not unlocked yet":"",
"Not available in this level":"",
"locked":"nicht verfügbar",
"Not unlocked yet":"Not nicht verfügbar",
"Not available in this level":"In diesem Level nicht verfügbar",
"A repository of learning games for the proof assistant <1>Lean</1> <i>(Lean 4)</i> and its mathematical library <5>mathlib</5>":"Eine Sammlung von Lernspielen für den Beweisassistenten <1>Lean</1> <i>(Lean 4)</i> und dessen mathematische Bibliothek <5>mathlib</5>",
"No Games loaded. Use <1>http://localhost:3000/#/g/local/FOLDER</1> to open a game directly from a local folder.":"",
"No Games loaded. Use <1>http://localhost:3000/#/g/local/FOLDER</1> to open a game directly from a local folder.":"Kein Spiel geladen. öffne <1>http://localhost:3000/#/g/local/FOLDER</1> um ein Spiel direkt von einem lokalen Ordner zu laden.",
"<p>As this server runs lean on our university machines, it has a limited capacity. Our current estimate is about 70 simultaneous games. We hope to address and test this limitation better in the future.</p><1>Most aspects of the games and the infrastructure are still in development. Feel free to file a <1>GitHub Issue</1> about any problems you experience!</1>":"",
"<0>If you are considering writing your own game, you should use the <1>GameSkeleton Github Repo</1> as a template and read <3>How to Create a Game</3>.</0><1>You can directly load your games into the server and play it using the correct URL. The <1>instructions above</1> also explain the details for how to load your game to the server. We'd like to encourage you to contact us if you have any questions.</1><p>Featured games on this page are added manually. Please get in contact and we-ll happily add yours.</p>":"",
"This server has been developed as part of the project <1>ADAM : Anticipating the Digital Age of Mathematics</1> at Heinrich-Heine-Universität in Düsseldorf.":"",
@ -76,18 +76,19 @@
"Development notes":"",
"Adding new games":"",
"<p>Do you want to delete your saved progress irreversibly?</p><p>(This deletes your proofs and your collected inventory. Saves from other games are not deleted.)</p>":"",
"Delete Progress?":"",
"Download & Delete":"",
"<p>Do you want to delete your saved progress irreversibly?</p><p>(This deletes your proofs and your collected inventory. Saves from other games are not deleted.)</p>":"<p>Soll der Spielstand unwiderruflich gelöscht werden?</p><p>(Dies löscht sämtliche Beweise und das gesammelte Inventar. Spielstände anderer Spiele werden nicht gelöscht.)</p>",
"Delete Progress?":"Spielstand löschen?",
"Download & Delete":"Herunterladen & Löschen",
"Always visible":"",
"Always visible":"Immer sichtbar",
"Save my settings (in the browser store)":"Einstellungen im Browser speichern.",
"<p>Select a JSON file with the saved game progress to load your progress.</p><1><0>Warning:</0> This will delete your current game progress! Consider <2>downloading your current progress</2> first!</1>":"",
"Upload Saved Progress":"",
"Load selected file":"",
"<p>Select a JSON file with the saved game progress to load your progress.</p><1><0>Warning:</0> This will delete your current game progress! Consider <2>downloading your current progress</2> first!</1>":"<p>Wähle eine JSON-Datei mit dem Spielstand um diesen zu laden.</p><1><0>Achtung:</0> Diese Aktion überschreibt den aktuellen Spielstand! Es wird empfohlen zuerst den <2>aktuellen Spielstand herunterzuladen</2>!</1>",
"<0>If you are considering writing your own game, you should use the <1>GameSkeleton Github Repo</1> as a template and read <3>How to Create a Game</3>.</0><1>You can directly load your games into the server and play it using the correct URL. The <1>instructions above</1> also explain the details for how to load your game to the server. We'd like to encourage you to contact us if you have any questions.</1><p>Featured games on this page are added manually. Please get in contact and we'll happily add yours.</p>":""
"<0>If you are considering writing your own game, you should use the <1>GameSkeleton Github Repo</1> as a template and read <3>How to Create a Game</3>.</0><1>You can directly load your games into the server and play it using the correct URL. The <1>instructions above</1> also explain the details for how to load your game to the server. We'd like to encourage you to contact us if you have any questions.</1><p>Featured games on this page are added manually. Please get in contact and we'll happily add yours.</p>":"<0>If you are considering writing your own game, you should use the <1>GameSkeleton Github Repo</1> as a template and read <3>How to Create a Game</3>.</0><1>You can directly load your games into the server and play it using the correct URL. The <1>instructions above</1> also explain the details for how to load your game to the server. We'd like to encourage you to contact us if you have any questions.</1><p>Featured games on this page are added manually. Please get in contact and we'll happily add yours.</p>"