@ -153,7 +153,13 @@ partial def handleServerEvent (ev : ServerEvent) : GameServerM Bool := do
descrFormat := lvl.descrFormat --toExpr <| format (lvl.goal.raw) --toString <| Syntax.formatStx (lvl.goal.raw) --Syntax.formatStx (lvl.goal.raw) , -- TODO
introduction := lvl.introduction
conclusion := lvl.conclusion
lemmaTab := lvl.lemmaTab
lemmaTab := match lvl.lemmaTab with
| some tab => tab
| none =>
-- Try to set the lemma tab to the category of the first added lemma
match lvl.lemmas.tiles.find? (·.new) with
| some tile => tile.category
| none => none
statementName := match lvl.statementName with
| .anonymous => none
| name => match (inventoryExt.getState env).find?