@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ elab "CoverImage" t:str : command => do
/-! # Inventory
The inventory contains docs for tactics, lemmas, and definitions. These are all locked
The inventory contains docs for tactics, theorems, and definitions. These are all locked
in the first level and get enabled during the game.
@ -147,22 +147,22 @@ elab doc:docComment ? "TacticDoc" name:ident content:str ? : command => do
displayName := name.getId.toString
content := doc })
/-- Documentation entry of a lemma. Example:
/-- Documentation entry of a theorem. Example:
LemmaDoc Nat.succ_pos as "succ_pos" in "Nat" "says `0 < n.succ`, etc."
TheoremDoc Nat.succ_pos as "succ_pos" in "Nat" "says `0 < n.succ`, etc."
* The first identifier is used in the commands `[New/Only/Disabled]Lemma`.
It is preferably the true name of the lemma. However, this is not required.
* The first identifier is used in the commands `[New/Only/Disabled]Theorem`.
It is preferably the true name of the theorem. However, this is not required.
* The string following `as` is the displayed name (in the Inventory).
* The identifier after `in` is the category to group lemmas by (in the Inventory).
* The identifier after `in` is the category to group theorems by (in the Inventory).
* The description is a string supporting Markdown.
Use `[[mathlib_doc]]` in the string to insert a link to the mathlib doc page. This requires
The lemma/definition to have the same fully qualified name as in mathlib.
The theorem/definition to have the same fully qualified name as in mathlib.
elab doc:docComment ? "LemmaDoc" name:ident "as" displayName:str "in" category:str content:str ? :
elab doc:docComment ? "TheoremDoc" name:ident "as" displayName:str "in" category:str content:str ? :
command => do
let doc ← parseDocCommentLegacy doc content
modifyEnv (inventoryTemplateExt.addEntry · {
@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ elab doc:docComment ? "LemmaDoc" name:ident "as" displayName:str "in" category:s
displayName := displayName.getString
content := doc })
-- TODO: Catch the following behaviour.
-- 1. if `LemmaDoc` appears in the same file as `Statement`, it will silently use
-- 1. if `TheoremDoc` appears in the same file as `Statement`, it will silently use
-- it but display the info that it wasn't found in `Statement`
-- 2. if it appears in a later file, however, it will silently not do anything and keep
-- the first one.
@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ DefinitionDoc Function.Bijective as "Bijective" "defined as `Injective f ∧ Sur
* The description is a string supporting Markdown.
Use `[[mathlib_doc]]` in the string to insert a link to the mathlib doc page. This requires
The lemma/definition to have the same fully qualified name as in mathlib.
The theorem/definition to have the same fully qualified name as in mathlib.
elab doc:docComment ? "DefinitionDoc" name:ident "as" displayName:str template:str ? : command => do
let doc ← parseDocCommentLegacy doc template
@ -223,9 +223,9 @@ elab "NewHiddenTactic" args:ident* : command => do
tactics := {level.tactics with new := level.tactics.new ++ args.map (·.getId),
hidden := level.tactics.hidden ++ args.map (·.getId)}}
/-- Declare lemmas that are introduced by this level. -/
elab "NewLemma" args:ident* : command => do
checkCommandNotDuplicated ((←getCurLevel).lemmas.new) "NewLemma"
/-- Declare theorems that are introduced by this level. -/
elab "NewTheorem" args:ident* : command => do
checkCommandNotDuplicated ((←getCurLevel).lemmas.new) "NewTheorem"
for name in ↑args do
try let _decl ← getConstInfo name.getId catch
| _ => logErrorAt name m!"unknown identifier '{name}'."
@ -248,10 +248,10 @@ elab "DisabledTactic" args:ident* : command => do
modifyCurLevel fun level => pure {level with
tactics := {level.tactics with disabled := args.map (·.getId)}}
/-- Declare lemmas that are temporarily disabled in this level.
This is ignored if `OnlyLemma` is set. -/
elab "DisabledLemma" args:ident* : command => do
checkCommandNotDuplicated ((←getCurLevel).lemmas.disabled) "DisabledLemma"
/-- Declare theorems that are temporarily disabled in this level.
This is ignored if `OnlyTheorem` is set. -/
elab "DisabledTheorem" args:ident* : command => do
checkCommandNotDuplicated ((←getCurLevel).lemmas.disabled) "DisabledTheorem"
for name in ↑args do checkInventoryDoc .Lemma name
modifyCurLevel fun level => pure {level with
lemmas := {level.lemmas with disabled := args.map (·.getId)}}
@ -270,9 +270,9 @@ elab "OnlyTactic" args:ident* : command => do
modifyCurLevel fun level => pure {level with
tactics := {level.tactics with only := args.map (·.getId)}}
/-- Temporarily disable all lemmas except the ones declared here -/
elab "OnlyLemma" args:ident* : command => do
checkCommandNotDuplicated ((←getCurLevel).lemmas.only) "OnlyLemma"
/-- Temporarily disable all theorems except the ones declared here -/
elab "OnlyTheorem" args:ident* : command => do
checkCommandNotDuplicated ((←getCurLevel).lemmas.only) "OnlyTheorem"
for name in ↑args do checkInventoryDoc .Lemma name
modifyCurLevel fun level => pure {level with
lemmas := {level.lemmas with only := args.map (·.getId)}}
@ -285,9 +285,51 @@ elab "OnlyDefinition" args:ident* : command => do
modifyCurLevel fun level => pure {level with
definitions := {level.definitions with only := args.map (·.getId)}}
/-- Define which tab of Lemmas is opened by default. Usage: `LemmaTab "Nat"`.
/-- Define which tab of Lemmas is opened by default. Usage: `TheoremTab "Nat"`.
If omitted, the current tab will remain open. -/
elab "LemmaTab" category:str : command =>
elab "TheoremTab" category:str : command =>
modifyCurLevel fun level => pure {level with lemmaTab := category.getString}
elab doc:docComment ? "LemmaDoc" name:ident "as" displayName:str "in" category:str content:str ? :
command => do
logWarning "Deprecated. Has been renamed to `TheoremDoc`"
let doc ← parseDocCommentLegacy doc content
modifyEnv (inventoryTemplateExt.addEntry · {
type := .Lemma
name := name.getId
category := category.getString
displayName := displayName.getString
content := doc })
elab "NewLemma" args:ident* : command => do
logWarning "Deprecated. Has been renamed to `NewTheorem`"
checkCommandNotDuplicated ((←getCurLevel).lemmas.new) "NewLemma"
for name in ↑args do
try let _decl ← getConstInfo name.getId catch
| _ => logErrorAt name m!"unknown identifier '{name}'."
checkInventoryDoc .Lemma name -- TODO: Add (template := "[mathlib]")
modifyCurLevel fun level => pure {level with
lemmas := {level.lemmas with new := args.map (·.getId)}}
elab "DisabledLemma" args:ident* : command => do
logWarning "Deprecated. Has been renamed to `DisabledTheorem`"
checkCommandNotDuplicated ((←getCurLevel).lemmas.disabled) "DisabledLemma"
for name in ↑args do checkInventoryDoc .Lemma name
modifyCurLevel fun level => pure {level with
lemmas := {level.lemmas with disabled := args.map (·.getId)}}
elab "OnlyLemma" args:ident* : command => do
logWarning "Deprecated. Has been renamed to `OnlyTheorem`"
checkCommandNotDuplicated ((←getCurLevel).lemmas.only) "OnlyLemma"
for name in ↑args do checkInventoryDoc .Lemma name
modifyCurLevel fun level => pure {level with
lemmas := {level.lemmas with only := args.map (·.getId)}}
elab "LemmaTab" category:str : command => do
logWarning "Deprecated. Has been renamed to `TheoremTab`"
modifyCurLevel fun level => pure {level with lemmaTab := category.getString}
/-! # Exercise Statement -/