First big junk of communication refactor

Jon Eugster 1 year ago
parent 72ffab5b46
commit 6472ef5b31

@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
import { GameHint } from "./infoview/rpc_api";
import { GameHint, InteractiveGoalsWithHints, ProofState } from "./infoview/rpc_api";
import * as React from 'react';
import Markdown from './markdown';
import { ProofStep } from "./infoview/context";
import { DeletedChatContext, ProofContext } from "./infoview/context";
import { lastStepHasErrors } from "./infoview/goals";
import { Button } from "./button";
export function Hint({hint, step, selected, toggleSelection, lastLevel} : {hint: GameHint, step: number, selected: number, toggleSelection: any, lastLevel?: boolean}) {
return <div className={`message information step-${step}` + (step == selected ? ' selected' : '') + (lastLevel ? ' recent' : '')} onClick={toggleSelection}>
@ -16,7 +18,7 @@ export function HiddenHint({hint, step, selected, toggleSelection, lastLevel} :
export function Hints({hints, showHidden, step, selected, toggleSelection, lastLevel} : {hints: GameHint[], showHidden: boolean, step: number, selected: number, toggleSelection: any, lastLevel?: boolean}) {
if (!hints) {return <></>}
const openHints = hints.filter(hint => !hint.hidden)
const hiddenHints = hints.filter(hint => hint.hidden)
@ -46,22 +48,52 @@ export function DeletedHints({hints} : {hints: GameHint[]}) {
/** Filter hints to not show consequtive identical hints twice.
* This function takes a `ProofStep[]` and extracts the hints in form of an
* element of type `GameHint[][]` where it removes hints that are identical to hints
* appearing in the previous step. Hidden hints are not filtered.
* This effectively means we prevent consequtive identical hints from being shown.
* Hidden hints are not filtered.
export function filterHints(proof: ProofStep[]): GameHint[][] {
return, i) => {
if (i == 0){
return step.hints
export function filterHints(hints: GameHint[], prevHints: GameHint[]): GameHint[] {
if (!hints) {
return []}
else if (!prevHints) {
return hints }
else {
return hints.filter((hint) => hint.hidden ||
(prevHints.find(x => (x.text == hint.text && x.hidden == hint.hidden)) === undefined)
function hasHiddenHints(step: InteractiveGoalsWithHints): boolean {
return step?.goals[0]?.hints.some((hint) => hint.hidden)
export function MoreHelpButton() {
const {proof, setProof} = React.useContext(ProofContext)
const {deletedChat, setDeletedChat, showHelp, setShowHelp} = React.useContext(DeletedChatContext)
let k = proof.steps.length - (lastStepHasErrors(proof) ? 2 : 1)
const activateHiddenHints = (ev) => {
// If the last step (`k`) has errors, we want the hidden hints from the
// second-to-last step to be affected
if (!(proof.steps.length)) {return}
// state must not be mutated, therefore we need to clone the set
let tmp = new Set(showHelp)
if (tmp.has(k)) {
} else {
// TODO: Writing all fields explicitely is somewhat fragile to changes, is there a
// good way to shallow-compare objects?
return step.hints.filter((hint) => hint.hidden ||
(proof[i-1].hints.find((x) => (x.text == hint.text && x.hidden == hint.hidden)) === undefined))
console.debug(`help: ${Array.from(tmp.values())}`)
if (hasHiddenHints(proof.steps[k]) && !showHelp.has(k)) {
return <Button to="" onClick={activateHiddenHints}>
Show more help!

@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
import * as React from 'react';
import * as monaco from 'monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/editor.api.js'
import { InteractiveDiagnostic, InteractiveTermGoal } from '@leanprover/infoview-api';
import { GameHint, InteractiveGoal, InteractiveGoals } from './rpc_api';
import { InteractiveDiagnostic } from '@leanprover/infoview-api';
import { GameHint, InteractiveGoal, InteractiveTermGoal,InteractiveGoalsWithHints, ProofState } from './rpc_api';
import { PreferencesState } from '../../state/preferences';
export const MonacoEditorContext = React.createContext<monaco.editor.IStandaloneCodeEditor>(
@ -12,37 +12,39 @@ export const MonacoEditorContext = React.createContext<monaco.editor.IStandalone
export type InfoStatus = 'updating' | 'error' | 'ready';
/** One step of the proof */
export type ProofStep = {
/** The command in this step */
command : string
/** List of goals *after* this command */
goals: InteractiveGoal[] // TODO: Add correct type
/** Story relevant messages */
hints: GameHint[] // TODO: Add correct type
/** Errors and warnings */
errors: InteractiveDiagnostic[] // TODO: Add correct type
// /** One step of the proof */
// export type ProofStep = {
// /** The command in this step */
// command : string
// /** List of goals *after* this command */
// goals: InteractiveGoal[] // TODO: Add correct type
// /** Story relevant messages */
// hints: GameHint[] // TODO: Add correct type
// /** Errors and warnings */
// errors: InteractiveDiagnostic[] // TODO: Add correct type
// }
/** The context storing the proof step-by-step for the command line mode */
export const ProofContext = React.createContext<{
/** The proof consists of multiple steps that are processed one after the other.
* In particular multi-line terms like `match`-statements will not be supported.
* Note that the first step will always have `null` as command
* Note that the first step will always have "" as command
proof: ProofStep[],
setProof: React.Dispatch<React.SetStateAction<Array<ProofStep>>>
proof: ProofState,
setProof: React.Dispatch<React.SetStateAction<ProofState>>
proof: [],
setProof: () => {} // TODO: implement me
proof: {steps: [], diagnostics: [], completed: false},
setProof: () => {}
// TODO: Do we still need that?
export interface ProofStateProps {
// pos: DocumentPosition;
status: InfoStatus;
messages: InteractiveDiagnostic[];
goals?: InteractiveGoals;
goals?: InteractiveGoalsWithHints;
termGoal?: InteractiveTermGoal;
error?: string;
// userWidgets: UserWidgetInstance[];
@ -50,18 +52,18 @@ export interface ProofStateProps {
// triggerUpdate: () => Promise<void>;
export const ProofStateContext = React.createContext<{
proofState : ProofStateProps,
setProofState: React.Dispatch<React.SetStateAction<ProofStateProps>>
proofState : {
status: 'updating',
messages: [],
goals: undefined,
termGoal: undefined,
error: undefined},
setProofState: () => {},
// export const ProofStateContext = React.createContext<{
// proofState : ProofStateProps,
// setProofState: React.Dispatch<React.SetStateAction<ProofStateProps>>
// }>({
// proofState : {
// status: 'updating',
// messages: [],
// goals: undefined,
// termGoal: undefined,
// error: undefined},
// setProofState: () => {},
// })
export interface IPreferencesContext extends PreferencesState{
mobile: boolean, // The variables that actually control the page 'layout' can only be changed through layout.

@ -10,7 +10,10 @@ import { Locations, LocationsContext, SelectableLocation } from '../../../../nod
import { InteractiveCode } from '../../../../node_modules/lean4-infoview/src/infoview/interactiveCode'
import { WithTooltipOnHover } from '../../../../node_modules/lean4-infoview/src/infoview/tooltips';
import { InputModeContext } from './context';
import { InteractiveGoal, InteractiveGoals, InteractiveHypothesisBundle } from './rpc_api';
import { InteractiveGoal, InteractiveGoals, InteractiveGoalsWithHints, InteractiveHypothesisBundle, ProofState } from './rpc_api';
import { RpcSessionAtPos } from '@leanprover/infoview/*';
import { DocumentPosition } from '../../../../node_modules/lean4-infoview/src/infoview/util';
import { DiagnosticSeverity } from 'vscode-languageserver-protocol';
/** Returns true if `h` is inaccessible according to Lean's default name rendering. */
function isInaccessibleName(h: string): boolean {
@ -39,7 +42,11 @@ function goalToString(g: InteractiveGoal): string {
export function goalsToString(goals: InteractiveGoals): string {
return => goalToString(g)).join('\n\n')
export function goalsWithHintsToString(goals: InteractiveGoalsWithHints): string {
return => goalToString(g.goal)).join('\n\n')
interface GoalFilterState {
@ -255,7 +262,7 @@ export const ProofDisplay = React.memo((props : ProofDisplayProps) => {
interface GoalsProps {
goals: InteractiveGoals
goals: InteractiveGoalsWithHints
filter: GoalFilterState
@ -264,7 +271,7 @@ export function Goals({ goals, filter }: GoalsProps) {
return <>No goals</>
} else {
return <>
{, i) => <Goal typewriter={false} key={i} goal={g} filter={filter} />)}
{, i) => <Goal typewriter={false} key={i} goal={g.goal} filter={filter} />)}
@ -276,7 +283,7 @@ interface FilteredGoalsProps {
* When this is `undefined`, the component will not appear at all but will remember its state
* by virtue of still being mounted in the React tree. When it does appear again, the filter
* settings and collapsed state will be as before. */
goals?: InteractiveGoals
goals?: InteractiveGoalsWithHints
@ -291,7 +298,7 @@ export const FilteredGoals = React.memo(({ headerChildren, goals }: FilteredGoal
onClick={e => {
if (goals) void ec.copyToComment(goalsToString(goals))
if (goals) void ec.copyToComment(goalsWithHintsToString(goals))
title="copy state to comment" />
@ -336,3 +343,112 @@ export const FilteredGoals = React.memo(({ headerChildren, goals }: FilteredGoal
export function loadGoals(
rpcSess: RpcSessionAtPos,
uri: string,
setProof: React.Dispatch<React.SetStateAction<ProofState>>) {'sending rpc request to load the proof state')'Game.getProofState', DocumentPosition.toTdpp({line: 0, character: 0, uri: uri})).then(
(proof : ProofState) => {`received a proof state!`)
// let tmpProof : ProofStep[] = []
// let goalCount = 0
//, i) => {
// // The first step has an empty command and therefore also no error messages
// // Usually there is a newline at the end of the editors content, so we need to
// // display diagnostics from potentally two lines in the last step.
// let messages = i ? (i == steps.length - 1 ? diagnostics.slice(i-1).flat() : diagnostics[i-1]) : []
// // Filter out the 'unsolved goals' message
// messages = messages.filter((msg) => {
// return !("append" in msg.message &&
// "text" in msg.message.append[0] &&
// msg.message.append[0].text === "unsolved goals")
// })
// if (typeof goals == 'undefined') {
// tmpProof.push({
// command: i ? model.getLineContent(i) : '',
// goals: [],
// hints: [],
// errors: messages
// } as ProofStep)
// console.debug('goals is undefined')
// return
// }
// // If the number of goals reduce, show a message
// if (goals.length && goalCount > goals.length) {
// messages.unshift({
// range: {
// start: {
// line: i-1,
// character: 0,
// },
// end: {
// line: i-1,
// character: 0,
// }},
// severity: DiagnosticSeverity.Information,
// message: {
// text: 'intermediate goal solved 🎉'
// }
// })
// }
// goalCount = goals.length
// // with no goals there will be no hints.
// let hints : GameHint[] = goals.length ? goals[0].hints : []
// console.debug(`Command (${i}): `, i ? model.getLineContent(i) : '')
// console.debug(`Goals: (${i}): `, goalsToString(goals)) //
// console.debug(`Hints: (${i}): `, hints)
// console.debug(`Errors: (${i}): `, messages)
// tmpProof.push({
// // the command of the line above. Note that `getLineContent` starts counting
// // at `1` instead of `zero`. The first ProofStep will have an empty command.
// command: i ? model.getLineContent(i) : '',
// // TODO: store correct data
// goals: => g.goal),
// // only need the hints of the active goals in chat
// hints: hints,
// // errors and messages from the server
// errors: messages
// } as ProofStep)
// })
// // Save the proof to the context
// setProof(tmpProof)
export function lastStepHasErrors (proof : ProofState): boolean {
if (!proof?.steps.length) {return false}
let diags = [...proof.steps[proof.steps.length - 1].diags, ...proof.diagnostics]
return diags.some(
(d) => (d.severity == DiagnosticSeverity.Error ) // || d.severity == DiagnosticSeverity.Warning
export function isLastStepWithErrors (proof : ProofState, i: number): boolean {
if (!proof?.steps.length) {return false}
return (i == proof.steps.length - 1) && lastStepHasErrors(proof)

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import * as React from 'react'
import { CircularProgress } from '@mui/material'
import type { Location, Diagnostic } from 'vscode-languageserver-protocol'
import { getInteractiveTermGoal, InteractiveDiagnostic, UserWidgetInstance, Widget_getWidgets, RpcSessionAtPos, isRpcError,
RpcErrorCode, getInteractiveDiagnostics, InteractiveTermGoal } from '@leanprover/infoview-api'
RpcErrorCode, getInteractiveDiagnostics } from '@leanprover/infoview-api'
import { basename, DocumentPosition, RangeHelpers, useEvent, usePausableState, discardMethodNotFound,
mapRpcError, useAsyncWithTrigger, PausableProps } from '../../../../node_modules/lean4-infoview/src/infoview/util'
import { ConfigContext, EditorContext, LspDiagnosticsContext, ProgressContext } from '../../../../node_modules/lean4-infoview/src/infoview/contexts'
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ import { GoalsLocation, Locations, LocationsContext } from '../../../../node_mod
import { AllMessages, lspDiagToInteractive } from './messages'
import { goalsToString, Goal, MainAssumptions, OtherGoals, ProofDisplay } from './goals'
import { InteractiveGoals } from './rpc_api'
import { InteractiveTermGoal, InteractiveGoalsWithHints, InteractiveGoals, ProofState } from './rpc_api'
import { MonacoEditorContext, ProofStateProps, InfoStatus, ProofContext } from './context'
// TODO: All about pinning could probably be removed
@ -83,11 +83,11 @@ interface InfoDisplayContentProps extends PausableProps {
error?: string
userWidgets: UserWidgetInstance[]
triggerUpdate: () => Promise<void>
proof? : string
proofString? : string
const InfoDisplayContent = React.memo((props: InfoDisplayContentProps) => {
const {pos, messages, goals, termGoal, error, userWidgets, triggerUpdate, isPaused, setPaused, proof} = props
const {pos, messages, goals, termGoal, error, userWidgets, triggerUpdate, isPaused, setPaused, proofString} = props
const hasWidget = userWidgets.length > 0
const hasError = !!error
@ -114,7 +114,8 @@ const InfoDisplayContent = React.memo((props: InfoDisplayContentProps) => {
const goalFilter = { reverse: false, showType: true, showInstance: true, showHiddenAssumption: true, showLetValue: true }
/* Adding {' '} to manage string literals properly: */
return <>
return <>
{hasError &&
<div className='error' key='errors'>
Error updating:{' '}{error}.
@ -129,7 +130,7 @@ const InfoDisplayContent = React.memo((props: InfoDisplayContentProps) => {
{ goals && (goals.goals.length > 0
? <Goal typewriter={true} filter={goalFilter} key='mainGoal' goal={goals.goals[0]} showHints={true} />
? <Goal typewriter={true} filter={goalFilter} key='mainGoal' goal={goals[0]?.goal} showHints={true} />
: <div className="goals-section-title">No Goals</div>
@ -137,7 +138,7 @@ const InfoDisplayContent = React.memo((props: InfoDisplayContentProps) => {
{ =>
<details key={`widget::${}::${widget.range?.toString()}`} open>
<summary className='mv2 pointer'>{}</summary>
<PanelWidgetDisplay pos={pos} goals={goals ? (goal => goal) : []}
<PanelWidgetDisplay pos={pos} goals={goals ? goals.goals : []}
termGoal={termGoal} selectedLocations={selectedLocs} widget={widget}/>
@ -166,6 +167,7 @@ interface InfoDisplayProps {
pos: DocumentPosition,
status: InfoStatus,
messages: InteractiveDiagnostic[],
proof?: ProofState,
goals?: InteractiveGoals,
termGoal?: InteractiveTermGoal,
error?: string,
@ -175,7 +177,7 @@ interface InfoDisplayProps {
/** Displays goal state and messages. Can be paused. */
function InfoDisplay(props0: ProofStateProps & InfoDisplayProps & InfoPinnable) {
function InfoDisplay(props0: InfoDisplayProps & InfoPinnable) {
// Used to update the paused state *just once* if it is paused,
// but a display update is triggered
const [shouldRefresh, setShouldRefresh] = React.useState<boolean>(false)
@ -214,7 +216,7 @@ function InfoDisplay(props0: ProofStateProps & InfoDisplayProps & InfoPinnable)
{/* <details open> */}
{/* <InfoStatusBar {...props} triggerUpdate={triggerDisplayUpdate} isPaused={isPaused} setPaused={setPaused} /> */}
<div className="vscode-light">
<InfoDisplayContent {...props} proof={editor.getValue()} triggerUpdate={triggerDisplayUpdate} isPaused={isPaused} setPaused={setPaused} />
<InfoDisplayContent {...props} proofString={editor.getValue()} triggerUpdate={triggerDisplayUpdate} isPaused={isPaused} setPaused={setPaused} />
{/* </details> */}
@ -290,6 +292,8 @@ function InfoAux(props: InfoProps) {
// with e.g. a new `pos`.
type InfoRequestResult = Omit<InfoDisplayProps, 'triggerUpdate'>
const [state, triggerUpdateCore] = useAsyncWithTrigger(() => new Promise<InfoRequestResult>((resolve, reject) => {
const proofReq ='Game.getProofState', DocumentPosition.toTdpp(pos))
const goalsReq ='Game.getInteractiveGoals', DocumentPosition.toTdpp(pos))
const termGoalReq = getInteractiveTermGoal(rpcSess, DocumentPosition.toTdpp(pos))
const widgetsReq = Widget_getWidgets(rpcSess, pos).catch(discardMethodNotFound)
@ -308,6 +312,7 @@ function InfoAux(props: InfoProps) {
status: 'updating',
proof: undefined,
goals: undefined,
termGoal: undefined,
error: undefined,
@ -318,11 +323,12 @@ function InfoAux(props: InfoProps) {
// NB: it is important to await await reqs at once, otherwise
// if both throw then one exception becomes unhandled.
Promise.all([goalsReq, termGoalReq, widgetsReq, messagesReq]).then(
([goals, termGoal, userWidgets, messages]) => resolve({
Promise.all([proofReq, goalsReq, termGoalReq, widgetsReq, messagesReq]).then(
([proof, goals, termGoal, userWidgets, messages]) => resolve({
status: 'ready',
proof : proof as any,
goals: goals as any,
error: undefined,
@ -353,6 +359,7 @@ function InfoAux(props: InfoProps) {
status: 'error',
proof: undefined,
goals: undefined,
termGoal: undefined,
error: `Error fetching goals: ${errorString}`,
@ -389,6 +396,7 @@ function InfoAux(props: InfoProps) {
status: 'updating',
messages: [],
proof: undefined,
goals: undefined,
termGoal: undefined,
error: undefined,

@ -26,15 +26,16 @@ import Markdown from '../markdown';
import { Infos } from './infos';
import { AllMessages, Errors, WithLspDiagnosticsContext } from './messages';
import { Goal } from './goals';
import { DeletedChatContext, InputModeContext, PreferencesContext, MonacoEditorContext, ProofContext, ProofStep, SelectionContext, WorldLevelIdContext } from './context';
import { Typewriter, hasErrors, hasInteractiveErrors } from './typewriter';
import { Goal, isLastStepWithErrors, lastStepHasErrors, loadGoals } from './goals';
import { DeletedChatContext, InputModeContext, PreferencesContext, MonacoEditorContext, ProofContext, SelectionContext, WorldLevelIdContext } from './context';
import { Typewriter, getInteractiveDiagsAt, hasErrors, hasInteractiveErrors } from './typewriter';
import { InteractiveDiagnostic } from '@leanprover/infoview/*';
import { Button } from '../button';
import { CircularProgress } from '@mui/material';
import { GameHint } from './rpc_api';
import { GameHint, InteractiveGoalsWithHints, ProofState } from './rpc_api';
import { store } from '../../state/store';
import { Hints, filterHints } from '../hints';
import { Hints, MoreHelpButton, filterHints } from '../hints';
import { DocumentPosition } from '../../../../node_modules/lean4-infoview/src/infoview/util';
/** Wrapper for the two editors. It is important that the `div` with `codeViewRef` is
* always present, or the monaco editor cannot start.
@ -61,36 +62,35 @@ function DualEditorMain({ worldId, levelId, level, worldSize }: { worldId: strin
const gameId = React.useContext(GameIdContext)
const { typewriterMode } = React.useContext(InputModeContext)
// Mark level as completed when server gives notification
const {proof, setProof} = React.useContext(ProofContext)
const dispatch = useAppDispatch()
(params: any) => {
if ( && === params.uri) {
dispatch(levelCompleted({ game: gameId, world: worldId, level: levelId }))
// On completion, add the names of all new items to the local storage
let newTiles = [
].filter((tile) => =>
// Add the proven statement to the local storage as well.
if (level?.statementName != null) {
let inv: string[] = selectInventory(gameId)(store.getState())
React.useEffect(() => {
if (proof.completed) {
dispatch(levelCompleted({ game: gameId, world: worldId, level: levelId }))
// On completion, add the names of all new items to the local storage
let newTiles = [
].filter((tile) => =>
// Add the proven statement to the local storage as well.
if (level?.statementName != null) {
// add new items and remove duplicates
let newInv = [...inv, ...newTiles].filter((item, i, array) => array.indexOf(item) == i)
let inv: string[] = selectInventory(gameId)(store.getState())
dispatch(changedInventory({ game: gameId, inventory: newInv }))
}, [level]
// add new items and remove duplicates
let newInv = [...inv, ...newTiles].filter((item, i, array) => array.indexOf(item) == i)
dispatch(changedInventory({ game: gameId, inventory: newInv }))
}, [proof, level])
/* Set up updates to the global infoview state on editor events. */
const config = useEventResult( ?? defaultInfoviewConfig;
@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ export function Main(props: { world: string, level: number, data: LevelInfo}) {
const gameId = React.useContext(GameIdContext)
const {worldId, levelId} = React.useContext(WorldLevelIdContext)
const completed = useAppSelector(selectCompleted(gameId,, props.level))
const { proof, setProof } = React.useContext(ProofContext)
console.debug(`template: ${}`)
@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ export function Main(props: { world: string, level: number, data: LevelInfo}) {
ret = <div><p>{serverStoppedResult.message}</p><p className="error">{serverStoppedResult.reason}</p></div>
} else {
ret = <div className="infoview vscode-light">
{completed && <div className="level-completed">Level completed! 🎉</div>}
{proof.completed && <div className="level-completed">Level completed! 🎉</div>}
<Infos />
@ -223,15 +223,24 @@ const goalFilter = {
/** The display of a single entered lean command */
function Command({ command, deleteProof }: { command: string, deleteProof: any }) {
function Command({ proof, i, deleteProof }: { proof: ProofState, i: number, deleteProof: any }) {
// The first step will always have an empty command
if (!command) { return <></> }
return <div className="command">
<div className="command-text">{command}</div>
<Button to="" className="undo-button btn btn-inverted" title="Retry proof from here" onClick={deleteProof}>
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={faDeleteLeft} />&nbsp;Retry
if (!proof?.steps[i]?.command) { return <></> }
if (isLastStepWithErrors(proof, i)) {
// If the last step has errors, we display the command in a different style
// indicating that it will be removed on the next try.
return <div className="failed-command">
<i>Failed command</i>: {proof.steps[i].command}
} else {
return <div className="command">
<div className="command-text">{proof.steps[i].command}</div>
<Button to="" className="undo-button btn btn-inverted" title="Retry proof from here" onClick={deleteProof}>
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={faDeleteLeft} />&nbsp;Retry
// const MessageView = React.memo(({uri, diag}: MessageViewProps) => {
@ -286,10 +295,14 @@ function Command({ command, deleteProof }: { command: string, deleteProof: any }
// }, fastIsEqual)
/** The tabs of goals that lean ahs after the command of this step has been processed */
function GoalsTabs({ proofStep, last, onClick, onGoalChange=(n)=>{}}: { proofStep: ProofStep, last : boolean, onClick? : any, onGoalChange?: (n?: number) => void }) {
function GoalsTabs({ proofStep, last, onClick, onGoalChange=(n)=>{}}: { proofStep: InteractiveGoalsWithHints, last : boolean, onClick? : any, onGoalChange?: (n?: number) => void }) {
const [selectedGoal, setSelectedGoal] = React.useState<number>(0)
if (proofStep.goals.length == 0) {
return <></>
return <div className="goal-tabs" onClick={onClick}>
<div className={`tab-bar ${last ? 'current' : ''}`}>
{, i) => (
@ -300,7 +313,7 @@ function GoalsTabs({ proofStep, last, onClick, onGoalChange=(n)=>{}}: { proofSte
<div className="goal-tab vscode-light">
<Goal typewriter={false} filter={goalFilter} goal={proofStep.goals[selectedGoal]} />
<Goal typewriter={false} filter={goalFilter} goal={proofStep.goals[selectedGoal]?.goal} />
@ -350,12 +363,11 @@ export function TypewriterInterface({props}) {
const [loadingProgress, setLoadingProgress] = React.useState<number>(0)
const { setDeletedChat, showHelp, setShowHelp } = React.useContext(DeletedChatContext)
const {mobile} = React.useContext(PreferencesContext)
const { proof } = React.useContext(ProofContext)
const { proof, setProof } = React.useContext(ProofContext)
const { setTypewriterInput } = React.useContext(InputModeContext)
const { selectedStep, setSelectedStep } = React.useContext(SelectionContext)
const proofPanelRef = React.useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null)
const completed = useAppSelector(selectCompleted(gameId,, props.level))
// const config = useEventResult( ?? defaultInfoviewConfig;
// const curUri = useEventResult(, loc => loc?.uri);
@ -367,9 +379,11 @@ export function TypewriterInterface({props}) {
function deleteProof(line: number) {
return (ev) => {
let deletedChat: Array<GameHint> = []
filterHints(proof).slice(line).map((hintsAtStep, i) => {
proof.steps.slice(line).map((step, i) => {
let filteredHints = filterHints(step.goals[0]?.hints, proof?.steps[i-1]?.goals[0]?.hints)
// Only add these hidden hints to the deletion stack which were visible
deletedChat = [...deletedChat, ...hintsAtStep.filter(hint => (!hint.hidden || showHelp.has(line + i)))]
deletedChat = [...deletedChat, ...filteredHints.filter(hint => (!hint.hidden || showHelp.has(line + i)))]
@ -382,7 +396,9 @@ export function TypewriterInterface({props}) {
forceMoveMarkers: false
// Reload proof on deleting
loadGoals(rpcSess, uri, setProof)
@ -402,7 +418,7 @@ export function TypewriterInterface({props}) {
// Scroll to the end of the proof if it is updated.
React.useEffect(() => {
if (proof?.length > 1) {
if (proof.steps.length > 1) {
proofPanelRef.current?.lastElementChild?.scrollIntoView() //scrollTo(0,0)
} else {
@ -423,38 +439,8 @@ export function TypewriterInterface({props}) {
}, [selectedStep])
// TODO: This about hidden hints is all copied from `level.tsx`. Can we move that into `hints.tsx`?
// If the last step has errors, we want to treat it as if it is part of the second-to-last step
let k = proof.length - 1
let withErr = hasInteractiveErrors(proof[k]?.errors) ? 1 : 0
const activateHiddenHints = (ev) => {
// If the last step (`k`) has errors, we want the hidden hints from the
// second-to-last step to be affected
if (!(proof.length)) {return}
// state must not be mutated, therefore we need to clone the set
let tmp = new Set(showHelp)
if (tmp.has(k - withErr)) {
tmp.delete(k - withErr)
} else {
tmp.add(k - withErr)
console.debug(`help: ${Array.from(tmp.values())}`)
function hasHiddenHints(i : number): boolean {
let step = proof[i]
// For example if the proof isn't loaded yet
if(!step) {return false}
return step.hints.some((hint) => hint.hidden)
let lastStepErrors = proof.length ? hasInteractiveErrors(proof[proof.length - 1].errors) : false
// TODO: superfluous, can be replaced with `withErr` from above
let lastStepErrors = proof.steps.length ? hasInteractiveErrors(getInteractiveDiagsAt(proof, proof.steps.length)) : false
useServerNotificationEffect("$/game/loading", (params : any) => {
@ -474,20 +460,22 @@ export function TypewriterInterface({props}) {
<div className='proof' ref={proofPanelRef}>
<ExerciseStatement data={} />
{proof.length ?
{proof.steps.length ?
{, i) => {
if (i == proof.length - 1 && lastStepErrors) {
// if the last command contains an error, we only display the errors but not the
// entered command as it is still present in the command line.
// TODO: Should not use index as key.
return <div key={`proof-step-${i}`}>
<Errors errors={step.errors} typewriterMode={true} />
} else {
{, i) => {
let filteredHints = filterHints(step.goals[0]?.hints, proof?.steps[i-1]?.goals[0]?.hints)
// if (i == proof.steps.length - 1 && hasInteractiveErrors(step.diags)) {
// // if the last command contains an error, we only display the errors but not the
// // entered command as it is still present in the command line.
// // TODO: Should not use index as key.
// return <div key={`proof-step-${i}`} className={`step step-${i}`}>
// <Errors errors={step.diags} typewriterMode={true} />
// </div>
// } else {
return <div key={`proof-step-${i}`} className={`step step-${i}` + (selectedStep == i ? ' selected' : '')}>
<Command command={step.command} deleteProof={deleteProof(i)} />
<Errors errors={step.errors} typewriterMode={true} />
<Command proof={proof} i={i} deleteProof={deleteProof(i)} />
<Errors errors={step.diags} typewriterMode={true} />
{mobile && i == 0 && &&
<div className={`message information step-0${selectedStep === 0 ? ' selected' : ''}`} onClick={toggleSelectStep(0)}>
@ -495,22 +483,21 @@ export function TypewriterInterface({props}) {
{mobile &&
<Hints key={`hints-${i}`}
hints={step.hints} showHidden={showHelp.has(i)} step={i}
hints={filteredHints} showHidden={showHelp.has(i)} step={i}
selected={selectedStep} toggleSelection={toggleSelectStep(i)}/>
<GoalsTabs proofStep={step} last={i == proof.length - (lastStepErrors ? 2 : 1)} onClick={toggleSelectStep(i)} onGoalChange={i == proof.length - 1 - withErr ? (n) => setDisableInput(n > 0) : (n) => {}}/>
{mobile && i == proof.length - 1 &&
hasHiddenHints(proof.length - 1) && !showHelp.has(k - withErr) &&
<Button className="btn btn-help" to="" onClick={activateHiddenHints}>
Show more help!
{/* <GoalsTabs proofStep={step} last={i == proof.steps.length - (lastStepErrors ? 2 : 1)} onClick={toggleSelectStep(i)} onGoalChange={i == proof.steps.length - 1 - withErr ? (n) => setDisableInput(n > 0) : (n) => {}}/> */}
{!(isLastStepWithErrors(proof, i)) &&
<GoalsTabs proofStep={step} last={i == proof.steps.length - (lastStepHasErrors(proof) ? 2 : 1)} onClick={toggleSelectStep(i)} onGoalChange={i == proof.steps.length - (lastStepHasErrors(proof) ? 2 : 1) ? (n) => setDisableInput(n > 0) : (n) => {}}/>
{mobile && i == proof.steps.length - 1 &&
<MoreHelpButton />
{/* Show a message that there are no goals left */}
{!step.goals.length && (
{/* {!step.goals.length && (
<div className="message information">
{completed ?
{proof.completed ?
<p>Level completed! 🎉</p> :
<b>no goals left</b><br />
@ -518,11 +505,17 @@ export function TypewriterInterface({props}) {
)} */}
{mobile && completed &&
{proof.diagnostics.length > 0 &&
<div key={`proof-step-remaining`} className="step step-remaining">
<Errors errors={proof.diagnostics} typewriterMode={true} />
{mobile && proof.completed &&
<div className="button-row mobile">
{props.level >= props.worldSize ?
<Button to={`/${gameId}`}>
@ -539,7 +532,7 @@ export function TypewriterInterface({props}) {
<Typewriter hidden={!withErr && proof[proof.length - 1]?.goals.length == 0} disabled={disableInput || !proof.length}/>
<Typewriter disabled={disableInput || !proof.steps.length}/>

@ -3,46 +3,80 @@
* This file is based on `vscode-lean4/vscode-lean4/src/rpcApi.ts`
import { ContextInfo, FVarId, CodeWithInfos, MVarId } from '@leanprover/infoview-api';
export interface GameHint {
text: string;
hidden: boolean;
import type { Range } from 'vscode-languageserver-protocol';
import type { ContextInfo, FVarId, CodeWithInfos, MVarId } from '@leanprover/infoview-api';
import { InteractiveDiagnostic, TermInfo } from '@leanprover/infoview/*';
import type { Diagnostic } from 'vscode-languageserver-protocol';
export interface InteractiveHypothesisBundle {
/** The pretty names of the variables in the bundle. Anonymous names are rendered
* as `"[anonymous]"` whereas inaccessible ones have a `` appended at the end.
* Use `InteractiveHypothesisBundle_nonAnonymousNames` to filter anonymouse ones out. */
names: string[];
/** Present since server version 1.1.2. */
fvarIds?: FVarId[];
type: CodeWithInfos;
val?: CodeWithInfos;
isInstance?: boolean;
isType?: boolean;
isAssumption?: boolean;
isInserted?: boolean;
isRemoved?: boolean;
isAssumption?: boolean;
export interface InteractiveGoalCore {
hyps: InteractiveHypothesisBundle[];
type: CodeWithInfos;
/** Present since server version 1.1.2. */
ctx?: ContextInfo;
export interface InteractiveGoal extends InteractiveGoalCore {
userName?: string;
goalPrefix?: string;
/** Present since server version 1.1.2. */
mvarId?: MVarId;
isInserted?: boolean;
isRemoved?: boolean;
export interface InteractiveGoals extends InteractiveGoalCore {
goals: InteractiveGoals[];
export interface InteractiveTermGoal extends InteractiveGoalCore {
range?: Range;
term?: TermInfo;
export interface GameHint {
text: string;
hidden: boolean;
export interface InteractiveGoalWithHints {
goal: InteractiveGoal;
hints: GameHint[];
export interface InteractiveGoals {
goals: InteractiveGoal[];
export interface InteractiveGoalsWithHints {
goals: InteractiveGoalWithHints[];
command: string;
diags: InteractiveDiagnostic[];
* The proof state as it is received from the server.
* Per proof step of the tactic proof, there is one `InteractiveGoalWithHints[]`.
export interface ProofState {
/** The proof steps. step 0 is the state at the beginning of the proof. step one
* contains the goal after the first line has been evaluated.
* In particular `step[i]` is the proof step at the beginning of line `i` in vscode.
steps: InteractiveGoalsWithHints[];
/** The remaining diagnostics that are not in the steps. Usually this should only
* be the "unsolved goals" message, I believe.
diagnostics : InteractiveDiagnostic[];
completed : Boolean;
completedWithWarnings : Boolean;

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import { faWandMagicSparkles } from '@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons'
import * as monaco from 'monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/editor.api.js'
import { Registry } from 'monaco-textmate' // peer dependency
import { wireTmGrammars } from 'monaco-editor-textmate'
import { DiagnosticSeverity, PublishDiagnosticsParams } from 'vscode-languageserver-protocol';
import { DiagnosticSeverity, PublishDiagnosticsParams, DocumentUri } from 'vscode-languageserver-protocol';
import { useServerNotificationEffect } from '../../../../node_modules/lean4-infoview/src/infoview/util';
import { AbbreviationRewriter } from 'lean4web/client/src/editor/abbreviation/rewriter/AbbreviationRewriter';
import { AbbreviationProvider } from 'lean4web/client/src/editor/abbreviation/AbbreviationProvider';
@ -13,13 +13,21 @@ import * as leanSyntax from 'lean4web/client/src/syntaxes/lean.json'
import * as leanMarkdownSyntax from 'lean4web/client/src/syntaxes/lean-markdown.json'
import * as codeblockSyntax from 'lean4web/client/src/syntaxes/codeblock.json'
import languageConfig from 'lean4/language-configuration.json';
import { InteractiveDiagnostic, getInteractiveDiagnostics } from '@leanprover/infoview-api';
import { InteractiveDiagnostic, RpcSessionAtPos, getInteractiveDiagnostics } from '@leanprover/infoview-api';
import { Diagnostic } from 'vscode-languageserver-types';
import { DocumentPosition } from '../../../../node_modules/lean4-infoview/src/infoview/util';
import { RpcContext } from '../../../../node_modules/lean4-infoview/src/infoview/rpcSessions';
import { DeletedChatContext, InputModeContext, MonacoEditorContext, ProofContext, ProofStep } from './context'
import { goalsToString } from './goals'
import { GameHint, InteractiveGoals } from './rpc_api'
import { DeletedChatContext, InputModeContext, MonacoEditorContext, ProofContext } from './context'
import { goalsToString, lastStepHasErrors, loadGoals } from './goals'
import { GameHint, ProofState } from './rpc_api'
export interface GameDiagnosticsParams {
uri: DocumentUri;
diagnostics: Diagnostic[];
/* We register a new language `leancmd` that looks like lean4, but does not use the lsp server. */
@ -64,7 +72,7 @@ config.autoClosingPairs =
monaco.languages.setLanguageConfiguration('lean4cmd', config);
/** The input field */
export function Typewriter({hidden, disabled}: {hidden?: boolean, disabled?: boolean}) {
export function Typewriter({disabled}: {disabled?: boolean}) {
/** Reference to the hidden multi-line editor */
const editor = React.useContext(MonacoEditorContext)
@ -89,98 +97,98 @@ export function Typewriter({hidden, disabled}: {hidden?: boolean, disabled?: boo
/** Load all goals an messages of the current proof (line-by-line) and save
* the retrieved information into context (`ProofContext`)
const loadAllGoals = React.useCallback(() => {
let goalCalls = []
let msgCalls = []
// For each line of code ask the server for the goals and the messages on this line
for (let i = 0; i < model.getLineCount(); i++) {
goalCalls.push('Game.getInteractiveGoals', DocumentPosition.toTdpp({line: i, character: 0, uri: uri}))
getInteractiveDiagnostics(rpcSess, {start: i, end: i+1}).catch((error) => {console.debug("promise broken")})
// Wait for all these requests to be processed before saving the results
Promise.all(goalCalls).then((steps : InteractiveGoals[]) => {
Promise.all(msgCalls).then((diagnostics : [InteractiveDiagnostic[]]) => {
let tmpProof : ProofStep[] = []
let goalCount = 0, i) => {
// The first step has an empty command and therefore also no error messages
// Usually there is a newline at the end of the editors content, so we need to
// display diagnostics from potentally two lines in the last step.
let messages = i ? (i == steps.length - 1 ? diagnostics.slice(i-1).flat() : diagnostics[i-1]) : []
// Filter out the 'unsolved goals' message
messages = messages.filter((msg) => {
return !("append" in msg.message &&
"text" in msg.message.append[0] &&
msg.message.append[0].text === "unsolved goals")
if (typeof goals == 'undefined') {
command: i ? model.getLineContent(i) : '',
goals: [],
hints: [],
errors: messages
} as ProofStep)
console.debug('goals is undefined')
// If the number of goals reduce, show a message
if (goals.goals.length && goalCount > goals.goals.length) {
range: {
start: {
line: i-1,
character: 0,
end: {
line: i-1,
character: 0,
severity: DiagnosticSeverity.Information,
message: {
text: 'intermediate goal solved 🎉'
goalCount = goals.goals.length
// with no goals there will be no hints.
let hints : GameHint[] = goals.goals.length ? goals.goals[0].hints : []
console.debug(`Command (${i}): `, i ? model.getLineContent(i) : '')
console.debug(`Goals: (${i}): `, goalsToString(goals)) //
console.debug(`Hints: (${i}): `, hints)
console.debug(`Errors: (${i}): `, messages)
// the command of the line above. Note that `getLineContent` starts counting
// at `1` instead of `zero`. The first ProofStep will have an empty command.
command: i ? model.getLineContent(i) : '',
// TODO: store correct data
goals: goals.goals,
// only need the hints of the active goals in chat
hints: hints,
// errors and messages from the server
errors: messages
} as ProofStep)
// Save the proof to the context
}).catch((error) => {console.debug("promise broken")})
}).catch((error) => {console.debug("promise broken")})
}, [editor, rpcSess, uri, model])
// const loadAllGoals = React.useCallback(() => {
// let goalCalls = []
// let msgCalls = []
// // For each line of code ask the server for the goals and the messages on this line
// for (let i = 0; i < model.getLineCount(); i++) {
// goalCalls.push(
//'Game.getInteractiveGoals', DocumentPosition.toTdpp({line: i, character: 0, uri: uri}))
// )
// msgCalls.push(
// getInteractiveDiagnostics(rpcSess, {start: i, end: i+1}).catch((error) => {console.debug("promise broken")})
// )
// }
// // Wait for all these requests to be processed before saving the results
// Promise.all(goalCalls).then((steps : InteractiveGoalsWithHints[]) => {
// Promise.all(msgCalls).then((diagnostics : [InteractiveDiagnostic[]]) => {
// let tmpProof : ProofStep[] = []
// let goalCount = 0
//, i) => {
// // The first step has an empty command and therefore also no error messages
// // Usually there is a newline at the end of the editors content, so we need to
// // display diagnostics from potentally two lines in the last step.
// let messages = i ? (i == steps.length - 1 ? diagnostics.slice(i-1).flat() : diagnostics[i-1]) : []
// // Filter out the 'unsolved goals' message
// messages = messages.filter((msg) => {
// return !("append" in msg.message &&
// "text" in msg.message.append[0] &&
// msg.message.append[0].text === "unsolved goals")
// })
// if (typeof goals == 'undefined') {
// tmpProof.push({
// command: i ? model.getLineContent(i) : '',
// goals: [],
// hints: [],
// errors: messages
// } as ProofStep)
// console.debug('goals is undefined')
// return
// }
// // If the number of goals reduce, show a message
// if (goals.length && goalCount > goals.length) {
// messages.unshift({
// range: {
// start: {
// line: i-1,
// character: 0,
// },
// end: {
// line: i-1,
// character: 0,
// }},
// severity: DiagnosticSeverity.Information,
// message: {
// text: 'intermediate goal solved 🎉'
// }
// })
// }
// goalCount = goals.length
// // with no goals there will be no hints.
// let hints : GameHint[] = goals.length ? goals[0].hints : []
// console.debug(`Command (${i}): `, i ? model.getLineContent(i) : '')
// console.debug(`Goals: (${i}): `, goalsToString(goals)) //
// console.debug(`Hints: (${i}): `, hints)
// console.debug(`Errors: (${i}): `, messages)
// tmpProof.push({
// // the command of the line above. Note that `getLineContent` starts counting
// // at `1` instead of `zero`. The first ProofStep will have an empty command.
// command: i ? model.getLineContent(i) : '',
// // TODO: store correct data
// goals: => g.goal),
// // only need the hints of the active goals in chat
// hints: hints,
// // errors and messages from the server
// errors: messages
// } as ProofStep)
// })
// // Save the proof to the context
// setProof(tmpProof)
// }).catch((error) => {console.debug("promise broken")})
// }).catch((error) => {console.debug("promise broken")})
// }, [editor, rpcSess, uri, model])
// Run the command
const runCommand = React.useCallback(() => {
@ -201,6 +209,8 @@ export function Typewriter({hidden, disabled}: {hidden?: boolean, disabled?: boo
forceMoveMarkers: false
// Load proof after executing edits
loadGoals(rpcSess, uri, setProof)
@ -212,9 +222,15 @@ export function Typewriter({hidden, disabled}: {hidden?: boolean, disabled?: boo
}, [typewriterInput])
/* Load proof on start/switching to typewriter */
useEffect(() => {
loadGoals(rpcSess, uri, setProof)
}, [])
/** If the last step has an error, add the command to the typewriter. */
useEffect(() => {
if (proof.length && hasInteractiveErrors(proof[proof.length - 1].errors)) {
setTypewriterInput(proof[proof.length - 1].command)
if (lastStepHasErrors(proof)) {
setTypewriterInput(proof.steps[proof.steps.length - 1].command)
}, [proof])
@ -222,7 +238,9 @@ export function Typewriter({hidden, disabled}: {hidden?: boolean, disabled?: boo
useServerNotificationEffect('textDocument/publishDiagnostics', (params: PublishDiagnosticsParams) => {
if (params.uri == uri) {
//loadGoals(rpcSess, uri, setProof)
// TODO: loadAllGoals()
if (!hasErrors(params.diagnostics)) {
@ -236,6 +254,15 @@ export function Typewriter({hidden, disabled}: {hidden?: boolean, disabled?: boo
// loadAllGoals()
}, [uri]);
// React when answer from the server comes back
useServerNotificationEffect('$/game/publishDiagnostics', (params: GameDiagnosticsParams) => {
console.log('Received game diagnostics')
console.log(`diag. uri : ${params.uri}`)
}, [uri]);
useEffect(() => {
const myEditor = monaco.editor.create(inputRef.current!, {
value: typewriterInput,
@ -306,7 +333,8 @@ export function Typewriter({hidden, disabled}: {hidden?: boolean, disabled?: boo
useEffect(() => {
console.debug(`time to update: ${uri} \n ${rpcSess}`)
// console.debug('LOAD ALL GOALS')
// TODO: loadAllGoals()
}, [rpcSess])
/** Process the entered command */
@ -315,7 +343,8 @@ export function Typewriter({hidden, disabled}: {hidden?: boolean, disabled?: boo
return <div className={`typewriter${hidden ? ' hidden' : ''}${disabled ? ' disabled' : ''}`}>
// do not display if the proof is completed (with potential warnings still present)
return <div className={`typewriter${proof.completedWithWarnings ? ' hidden' : ''}${disabled ? ' disabled' : ''}`}>
<form onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
<div className="typewriter-input-wrapper">
<div ref={inputRef} className="typewriter-input" />
@ -343,3 +372,14 @@ export function hasInteractiveErrors (diags: InteractiveDiagnostic[]) {
(d) => (d.severity == DiagnosticSeverity.Error ) // || d.severity == DiagnosticSeverity.Warning
export function getInteractiveDiagsAt (proof: ProofState, k : number) {
if (k == 0) {
return []
} else if (k >= proof.steps.length-1) {
// TODO: Do we need that?
return proof.diagnostics.filter(msg => msg.range.start.line >= proof.steps.length-1)
} else {
return proof.diagnostics.filter(msg => msg.range.start.line == k-1)

@ -28,10 +28,10 @@ import Markdown from './markdown'
import {InventoryPanel} from './inventory'
import { hasInteractiveErrors } from './infoview/typewriter'
import { DeletedChatContext, InputModeContext, PreferencesContext, MonacoEditorContext,
ProofContext, ProofStep, SelectionContext, WorldLevelIdContext } from './infoview/context'
ProofContext, SelectionContext, WorldLevelIdContext } from './infoview/context'
import { DualEditor } from './infoview/main'
import { GameHint } from './infoview/rpc_api'
import { DeletedHints, Hint, Hints, filterHints } from './hints'
import { GameHint, InteractiveGoalsWithHints, ProofState } from './infoview/rpc_api'
import { DeletedHints, Hint, Hints, MoreHelpButton, filterHints } from './hints'
import { PrivacyPolicyPopup } from './popup/privacy_policy'
import path from 'path';
@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ import { WebSocketMessageWriter, toSocket } from 'vscode-ws-jsonrpc'
import { IConnectionProvider } from 'monaco-languageclient'
import { monacoSetup } from 'lean4web/client/src/monacoSetup'
import { onigasmH } from 'onigasm/lib/onigasmH'
import { isLastStepWithErrors, lastStepHasErrors } from './infoview/goals'
@ -83,9 +84,7 @@ function ChatPanel({lastLevel}) {
const {selectedStep, setSelectedStep} = useContext(SelectionContext)
const completed = useAppSelector(selectCompleted(gameId, worldId, levelId))
// If the last step has errors, we want to treat it as if it is part of the second-to-last step
let k = proof.length - 1
let withErr = hasInteractiveErrors(proof[k]?.errors) ? 1 : 0
let k = proof.steps.length - (lastStepHasErrors(proof) ? 2 : 1)
function toggleSelection(line: number) {
return (ev) => {
@ -98,29 +97,6 @@ function ChatPanel({lastLevel}) {
function hasHiddenHints(i : number): boolean {
let step = proof[i]
// For example if the proof isn't loaded yet
if(!step) {return false}
return step.hints.some((hint) => hint.hidden)
const activateHiddenHints = (ev) => {
// If the last step (`k`) has errors, we want the hidden hints from the
// second-to-last step to be affected
if (!(proof.length)) {return}
// state must not be mutated, therefore we need to clone the set
let tmp = new Set(showHelp)
if (tmp.has(k - withErr)) {
tmp.delete(k - withErr)
} else {
tmp.add(k - withErr)
console.debug(`help: ${Array.from(tmp.values())}`)
useEffect(() => {
// TODO: For some reason this is always called twice
console.debug('scroll chat')
@ -146,10 +122,6 @@ function ChatPanel({lastLevel}) {
let introText: Array<string> = level?.data?.introduction.split(/\n(\s*\n)+/)
// experimental: Remove all hints that appeared identically in the previous step
// This effectively prevent consequtive hints being shown.
let modifiedHints : GameHint[][] = filterHints(proof)
return <div className="chat-panel">
<div ref={chatRef} className="chat">
{introText?.filter(t => t.trim()).map(((t, i) =>
@ -157,18 +129,27 @@ function ChatPanel({lastLevel}) {
<Hint key={`intro-p-${i}`}
hint={{text: t, hidden: false}} step={0} selected={selectedStep} toggleSelection={toggleSelection(0)} />
{, i) => {
{, i) => {
let filteredHints = filterHints(step.goals[0]?.hints, proof?.steps[i-1]?.goals[0]?.hints)
if (step.goals.length > 0 && !isLastStepWithErrors(proof, i)) {
return <Hints key={`hints-${i}`}
hints={filteredHints} showHidden={showHelp.has(i)} step={i}
selected={selectedStep} toggleSelection={toggleSelection(i)} lastLevel={i == proof.steps.length - 1}/>
{/* {, i) => {
// It the last step has errors, it will have the same hints
// as the second-to-last step. Therefore we should not display them.
if (!(i == proof.length - 1 && withErr)) {
if (!(i == proof.steps.length - 1 && withErr)) {
// TODO: Should not use index as key.
return <Hints key={`hints-${i}`}
hints={step} showHidden={showHelp.has(i)} step={i}
selected={selectedStep} toggleSelection={toggleSelection(i)} lastLevel={i == proof.length - 1}/>
selected={selectedStep} toggleSelection={toggleSelection(i)} lastLevel={i == proof.steps.length - 1}/>
})} */}
<DeletedHints hints={deletedChat}/>
{completed &&
{proof.completed &&
<div className={`message information recent step-${k}${selectedStep == k ? ' selected' : ''}`} onClick={toggleSelection(k)}>
Level completed! 🎉
@ -182,7 +163,7 @@ function ChatPanel({lastLevel}) {
<div className="button-row">
{completed && (lastLevel ?
{proof.completed && (lastLevel ?
<Button to={`/${gameId}`}>
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={faHome} />&nbsp;Leave World
</Button> :
@ -190,15 +171,12 @@ function ChatPanel({lastLevel}) {
Next&nbsp;<FontAwesomeIcon icon={faArrowRight} />
{hasHiddenHints(proof.length - 1) && !showHelp.has(k - withErr) &&
<Button to="" onClick={activateHiddenHints}>
Show more help!
<MoreHelpButton />
function ExercisePanel({codeviewRef, visible=true}) {
const gameId = React.useContext(GameIdContext)
const {worldId, levelId} = useContext(WorldLevelIdContext)
@ -229,7 +207,7 @@ function PlayableLevel({impressum, setImpressum}) {
const level = useLoadLevelQuery({game: gameId, world: worldId, level: levelId})
// The state variables for the `ProofContext`
const [proof, setProof] = useState<Array<ProofStep>>([])
const [proof, setProof] = useState<ProofState>({steps: [], diagnostics: [], completed: false, completedWithWarnings: false})
// When deleting the proof, we want to keep to old messages around until
// a new proof has been entered. e.g. to consult messages coming from dead ends
const [deletedChat, setDeletedChat] = useState<Array<GameHint>>([])
@ -356,15 +334,15 @@ function PlayableLevel({impressum, setImpressum}) {
useEffect(() => {
// Forget whether hidden hints are displayed for steps that don't exist yet
if (proof.length) {
if (proof.steps.length) {
setShowHelp(new Set(Array.from(showHelp).filter(i => (i < proof.length))))
setShowHelp(new Set(Array.from(showHelp).filter(i => (i < proof.steps.length))))
}, [proof])
// save showed help in store
useEffect(() => {
if (proof.length) {
if (proof.steps.length) {
console.debug(`showHelp:\n ${showHelp}`)
dispatch(helpEdited({game: gameId, world: worldId, level: levelId, help: Array.from(showHelp)}))
@ -622,6 +600,8 @@ function useLevelEditor(codeviewRef, initialCode, initialSelections, onDidChange
// loadRenderInfoview(imports, [infoProvider.getApi(), div], setInfoviewApi)
// TODO: it looks like we get errors "File Changed" here.
const editorApi = infoProvider.getApi()

@ -188,6 +188,18 @@
flex-direction: row;
.exercise .failed-command {
background-color: #eee;
padding: .5em;
border-radius: .2em;
/* TODO: It seems my browsers merge the margings of the proof steps,
so that it only shows once 0.5rem instead of twice. Thus have 1.5 here now.
margin-bottom: 1.5rem;
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
.exercise .command-text {
flex: 1;
background-color: #fff;

@ -368,3 +368,8 @@ td code {
min-width: 40px;
text-align: center;
/* DEBUG */
.proof .step {
border: 2px solid rgb(0, 123, 255);

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ import Lean.Server.FileWorker
import GameServer.Game
import GameServer.ImportModules
import GameServer.SaveData
import GameServer.EnvExtensions
namespace MyModule
@ -60,8 +61,8 @@ open Snapshots
open JsonRpc
Game-specific state to be packed on top of the `Lean.Server.FileWorker.WorkerState`
used by the lean server.
Game-specific state to be packed on top of the `Server.FileWorker.WorkerState`
used by the Lean server.
structure WorkerState :=
@ -84,7 +85,7 @@ structure WorkerState :=
deriving ToJson, FromJson
Pack the `GameServer.FileWorker.WorkerState` on top of the normal worker monad
Pack the our custom `WorkerState` on top of the normal worker monad
abbrev WorkerM := StateT WorkerState Server.FileWorker.WorkerM
@ -102,16 +103,6 @@ def addMessage (info : SourceInfo) (inputCtx : Parser.InputContext)
pos := inputCtx.fileMap.toPosition (info.getPos?.getD 0)
data := s }}
/-- Deprecated! -/
def addErrorMessage (info : SourceInfo) (inputCtx : Parser.InputContext) (s : MessageData) :
Elab.Command.CommandElabM Unit := do
modify fun st => { st with
messages := st.messages.add {
fileName := inputCtx.fileName
severity := MessageSeverity.error
pos := inputCtx.fileMap.toPosition (info.getPos?.getD 0)
data := s }}
-- TODO: use HashSet for allowed tactics?
Find all tactics in syntax object that are forbidden according to a
@ -322,6 +313,79 @@ where
uri : String
deriving ToJson, FromJson
structure GameDiagnostics where
diagnostics : List Diagnostic
deriving ToJson, FromJson
structure GameParams where
uri : String
diagnostics : GameDiagnostics
deriving ToJson, FromJson
/-- WIP: publish diagnostics, all intermediate goals and if the game is completed. -/
def publishProofState (m : DocumentMeta) (snap : Snapshot) (initParams : Lsp.InitializeParams) (hOut : FS.Stream) :
IO Unit := do
-- let text := m.text
-- -- `snap` is the one snapshot containing the entire proof.
-- let mut goals : Array <| InteractiveGoalsWithHints := #[]
-- for pos in text.positions do
-- let source := text.getLineBefore pos
-- -- iterate over all newlines in the proof and get the goals and hints at each position
-- if let goalsAtResult@(_ :: _) := snap.infoTree.goalsAt? text pos then
-- pure ()
-- let goalAtPos : List <| List InteractiveGoalWithHints ← goalsAtResult.mapM
-- fun { ctxInfo := ci, tacticInfo := tacticInfo, useAfter := useAfter, .. } => do
-- -- TODO: What does this function body do?
-- -- let ciAfter := { ci with mctx := ti.mctxAfter }
-- let ci := if useAfter then
-- { ci with mctx := tacticInfo.mctxAfter }
-- else
-- { ci with mctx := tacticInfo.mctxBefore }
-- -- compute the interactive goals
-- let goalMvars : List MVarId ← ci.runMetaM {} do
-- return if useAfter then tacticInfo.goalsAfter else tacticInfo.goalsBefore
-- let interactiveGoals : List InteractiveGoalWithHints ← ci.runMetaM {} do
-- goalMvars.mapM fun goal => do
-- let hints ← findHints goal m initParams
-- let interactiveGoal ← goalToInteractive goal
-- return ⟨interactiveGoal, hints⟩
-- -- TODO: This code is way old, can it be deleted?
-- -- compute the goal diff
-- -- let goals ← ciAfter.runMetaM {} (do
-- -- try
-- -- Widget.diffInteractiveGoals useAfter ti goals
-- -- catch _ =>
-- -- -- fail silently, since this is just a bonus feature
-- -- return goals
-- -- )
-- return interactiveGoals
-- let goalAtPos : Array InteractiveGoalWithHints := ⟨goalAtPos.foldl (· ++ ·) []⟩
-- goals := goals.push ⟨goalAtPos, source⟩
-- else
-- -- No goals present
-- goals := goals.push default
-- -- Question: Is there a difference between the diags of this snap and the last snap?
-- -- Should we get the diags from there?
-- let diag : Array Widget.InteractiveDiagnostic := snap.interactiveDiags.toArray
-- -- Level is completed if there are no errrors or warnings
-- let completed : Bool := ¬ diag.any (fun d =>
-- d.severity? == some .error d.severity? == some .warning)
-- let param : ProofState := {
-- steps := goals,
-- diagnostics := diag,
-- completed := completed }
let param := { uri := m.uri : GameCompletedParams}
hOut.writeLspNotification { method := "$/game/publishProofState", param }
/-- Checks whether game level has been completed and sends a notification to the client -/
def publishGameCompleted (m : DocumentMeta) (hOut : FS.Stream) (snaps : Array Snapshot) : IO Unit := do
-- check if there is any error or warning
@ -331,65 +395,51 @@ where
let param := { uri := m.uri : GameCompletedParams}
hOut.writeLspNotification { method := "$/game/completed", param }
/-- Elaborates the next command after `parentSnap` and emits diagnostics into `hOut`. -/
private def nextSnap (ctx : WorkerContext) (m : DocumentMeta) (cancelTk : CancelToken)
(gameWorkerState : WorkerState) (initParams : Lsp.InitializeParams)
: AsyncElabM (Option Snapshot) := do
/-- copied from `Lean.Server.FileWorker.nextCmdSnap`. -/
-- @[inherit_doc Lean.Server.FileWorker.nextCmdSnap] -- cannot inherit from private
private def nextCmdSnap (ctx : WorkerContext) (m : DocumentMeta) (cancelTk : CancelToken)
(gameWorkerState : WorkerState) (initParams : Lsp.InitializeParams) :
AsyncElabM (Option Snapshot) := do
let s ← get
let .some lastSnap := s.snaps.back? | panic! "empty snapshots"
if lastSnap.isAtEnd then
publishGameCompleted m ctx.hOut s.snaps
publishDiagnostics m lastSnap.diagnostics.toArray ctx.hOut
publishProgressDone m ctx.hOut
-- This will overwrite existing ilean info for the file, in case something
-- went wrong during the incremental updates.
publishIleanInfoFinal m ctx.hOut s.snaps
return none
publishProgressAtPos m lastSnap.endPos ctx.hOut
-- (modified part)
-- Make sure that there is at least one snap after the head snap, so that
-- we can see the current goal even on an empty document
let couldBeEndSnap := s.snaps.size > 1
let snap ← compileProof m.mkInputContext lastSnap ctx.clientHasWidgets couldBeEndSnap
gameWorkerState initParams
set { s with snaps := s.snaps.push snap }
-- TODO(MH): check for interrupt with increased precision
/- NOTE(MH): This relies on the client discarding old diagnostics upon receiving new ones
while preferring newer versions over old ones. The former is necessary because we do
not explicitly clear older diagnostics, while the latter is necessary because we do
not guarantee that diagnostics are emitted in order. Specifically, it may happen that
we interrupted this elaboration task right at this point and a newer elaboration task
emits diagnostics, after which we emit old diagnostics because we did not yet detect
the interrupt. Explicitly clearing diagnostics is difficult for a similar reason,
because we cannot guarantee that no further diagnostics are emitted after clearing
them. -/
-- NOTE(WN): this is *not* redundant even if there are no new diagnostics in this snapshot
-- because empty diagnostics clear existing error/information squiggles. Therefore we always
-- want to publish in case there was previously a message at this position.
publishProofState m snap initParams ctx.hOut
publishDiagnostics m snap.diagnostics.toArray ctx.hOut
publishIleanInfoUpdate m ctx.hOut #[snap]
return some snap
/-- Elaborates all commands after the last snap (at least the header snap is assumed to exist), emitting the diagnostics into `hOut`. -/
def unfoldSnaps (m : DocumentMeta) (snaps : Array Snapshot) (cancelTk : CancelToken)
-- Copied from `Lean.Server.FileWorker.unfoldCmdSnaps` using our own `nextCmdSnap`.
@[inherit_doc Lean.Server.FileWorker.unfoldCmdSnaps]
def unfoldCmdSnaps (m : DocumentMeta) (snaps : Array Snapshot) (cancelTk : CancelToken)
(startAfterMs : UInt32) (gameWorkerState : WorkerState)
: ReaderT WorkerContext IO (AsyncList ElabTaskError Snapshot) := do
let ctx ← read
let some headerSnap := snaps[0]? | panic! "empty snapshots"
if headerSnap.msgLog.hasErrors then
-- Treat header processing errors as fatal so users aren't swamped with
-- followup errors
publishProgressAtPos m headerSnap.beginPos ctx.hOut (kind := LeanFileProgressKind.fatalError)
publishIleanInfoFinal m ctx.hOut #[headerSnap]
return AsyncList.ofList [headerSnap]
-- This will overwrite existing ilean info for the file since this has a
-- higher version number.
publishIleanInfoUpdate m ctx.hOut snaps
return AsyncList.ofList snaps.toList ++ AsyncList.delayed (← EIO.asTask (ε := ElabTaskError) (prio := .dedicated) do
IO.sleep startAfterMs
AsyncList.unfoldAsync (nextSnap ctx m cancelTk gameWorkerState ctx.initParams) { snaps })
AsyncList.unfoldAsync (nextCmdSnap ctx m cancelTk gameWorkerState ctx.initParams) { snaps })
end Elab
@ -439,7 +489,7 @@ def updateDocument (newMeta : DocumentMeta) : WorkerM Unit := do
validSnaps := validSnaps.dropLast
-- wait for a bit, giving the initial `cancelTk.check` in `nextCmdSnap` time to trigger
-- before kicking off any expensive elaboration (TODO: make expensive elaboration cancelable)
unfoldSnaps newMeta validSnaps.toArray cancelTk s ctx
unfoldCmdSnaps newMeta validSnaps.toArray cancelTk s ctx
(startAfterMs := ctx.initParams.editDelay.toUInt32)
StateT.lift <| modify fun st => { st with
doc := { meta := newMeta, cmdSnaps := AsyncList.delayed newSnaps, cancelTk }}
@ -513,49 +563,52 @@ def compileHeader (m : DocumentMeta) (hOut : FS.Stream) (opts : Options) (hasWid
publishDiagnostics m headerSnap.diagnostics.toArray hOut
return (headerSnap, srcSearchPath)
/-- Copied from `Lean.Server.FileWorker.initializeWorker`. Added `gameDir` and
`gameWorkerState` arguments and use custom `unfoldCmdSnaps`. -/
-- @[inherit_doc Lean.Server.FileWorker.initializeWorker]
def initializeWorker (meta : DocumentMeta) (i o e : FS.Stream) (initParams : InitializeParams) (opts : Options)
(gameDir : String) (gameWorkerState : WorkerState) : IO (WorkerContext × Server.FileWorker.WorkerState) := do
let clientHasWidgets := initParams.initializationOptions?.bind (·.hasWidgets?) |>.getD false
let (headerStx, headerTask) ← compileHeader meta o opts (hasWidgets := clientHasWidgets)
gameDir gameWorkerState.levelInfo.module
(gameDir := gameDir) (module := gameWorkerState.levelInfo.module)
let cancelTk ←
let ctx :=
{ hIn := i
hOut := o
hLog := e
let ctx := {
hIn := i
hOut := o
hLog := e
let cmdSnaps ← EIO.mapTask (t := headerTask) (match · with
| Except.ok (s, _) => unfoldSnaps meta #[s] cancelTk gameWorkerState ctx (startAfterMs := 0)
| Except.ok (s, _) => unfoldCmdSnaps meta #[s] cancelTk gameWorkerState ctx (startAfterMs := 0)
| Except.error e => throw (e : ElabTaskError))
let doc : EditableDocument := { meta, cmdSnaps := AsyncList.delayed cmdSnaps, cancelTk }
return (ctx,
{ doc := doc
initHeaderStx := headerStx
return (ctx, {
doc := doc
initHeaderStx := headerStx
currHeaderStx := headerStx
importCachingTask? := none
pendingRequests := RBMap.empty
rpcSessions := RBMap.empty
pendingRequests := RBMap.empty
rpcSessions := RBMap.empty
end Initialization
section NotificationHandling
/-- Copied from `Lean.Server.FileWorker.handleDidChange` but with our custom `WorkerM` and
`updateDocument` -/
-- @[inherit_doc Lean.Server.FileWorker.handleDidChange]
def handleDidChange (p : DidChangeTextDocumentParams) : WorkerM Unit := do
let docId := p.textDocument
let changes := p.contentChanges
let oldDoc := (← StateT.lift get).doc
let some newVersion ← pure docId.version?
| throwServerError "Expected version number"
if newVersion ≤ oldDoc.meta.version then
-- TODO(WN): This happens on restart sometimes.
IO.eprintln s!"Got outdated version number: {newVersion} ≤ {oldDoc.meta.version}"
else if ¬ changes.isEmpty then
let oldDoc := (← StateT.lift get).doc -- needed a lift to our custom `WorkerM`
let newVersion := docId.version?.getD 0
if ¬ changes.isEmpty then
let newDocText := foldDocumentChanges changes oldDoc.meta.text
-- modification: set the `DependencyBuildMode` from
-- `oldDoc.meta.dependencyBuildMode` to `.always`
updateDocument ⟨docId.uri, newVersion, newDocText, .always⟩
end NotificationHandling
@ -591,39 +644,34 @@ end MessageHandling
section MainLoop
Erase finished tasks if there are no errors.
private def filterFinishedTasks (acc : PendingRequestMap) (id : RequestID)
(task : Task (Except IO.Error Unit)) : IO PendingRequestMap := do
if (← hasFinished task) then
/- Handler tasks are constructed so that the only possible errors here
are failures of writing a response into the stream. -/
if let Except.error e := task.get then
throwServerError s!"Failed responding to request {id}: {e}"
pure <| acc.erase id
else pure acc
The main-loop.
The main-loop. Copied from `Lean.Server.FileWorker.mainLoop`. Use custom `WorkerM` as well
as custom `handleNotification`.
--@[inherit_doc Lean.Server.FileWorker.mainLoop]
partial def mainLoop : WorkerM Unit := do
let ctx ← read
let mut st ← StateT.lift get
let msg ← ctx.hIn.readLspMessage
let pendingRequests ← st.pendingRequests.foldM (fun acc id task =>
filterFinishedTasks acc id task) st.pendingRequests
-- Erase finished tasks if there are no errors.
let filterFinishedTasks (acc : PendingRequestMap) (id : RequestID) (task : Task (Except IO.Error Unit))
: IO PendingRequestMap := do
if (← hasFinished task) then
if let Except.error e := task.get then
throwServerError s!"Failed responding to request {id}: {e}"
pure <| acc.erase id
else pure acc
let pendingRequests ← st.pendingRequests.foldM (fun acc id task => filterFinishedTasks acc id task) st.pendingRequests
st := { st with pendingRequests }
-- Opportunistically (i.e. when we wake up on messages) check if any RPC session has expired.
for (id, seshRef) in st.rpcSessions do
let sesh ← seshRef.get
if (← sesh.hasExpired) then
st := { st with rpcSessions := st.rpcSessions.erase id }
set st
-- Process the RPC-message and restart main-loop.
match msg with
| Message.request id "shutdown" none =>
--added. TODO: why do we need that? Or has it just removed in Lean since when we started?
ctx.hOut.writeLspResponse ⟨id, Json.null⟩
| Message.request id method (some params) =>
@ -633,6 +681,7 @@ partial def mainLoop : WorkerM Unit := do
| Message.notification "exit" none =>
let doc := st.doc
return ()
| Message.notification method (some params) =>
-- Custom notification handler
@ -643,10 +692,15 @@ partial def mainLoop : WorkerM Unit := do
end MainLoop
/-- Modified from `Lean.Server.FileWorker.initAndRunWorker`.
Added `gameDir` argument, -/
-- @[inherit_doc Lean.Server.FileWorker.initAndRunWorker]
def initAndRunWorker (i o e : FS.Stream) (opts : Options) (gameDir : String) : IO UInt32 := do
let i ← maybeTee "fwIn.txt" false i
let o ← maybeTee "fwOut.txt" true o
let initRequest ← i.readLspRequestAs "initialize" Game.InitializeParams
o.writeLspResponse {
id :=
@ -662,16 +716,16 @@ def initAndRunWorker (i o e : FS.Stream) (opts : Options) (gameDir : String) : I
discard $ i.readLspNotificationAs "initialized" InitializedParams
let ⟨_, param⟩ ← i.readLspNotificationAs "textDocument/didOpen" DidOpenTextDocumentParams
let doc := param.textDocument
/- NOTE(WN): `toFileMap` marks line beginnings as immediately following
"\n", which should be enough to handle both LF and CRLF correctly.
This is because LSP always refers to characters by (line, column),
so if we get the line number correct it shouldn't matter that there
is a CR there. -/
-- modification: using `.always`
let meta : DocumentMeta := ⟨doc.uri, doc.version, doc.text.toFileMap, .always⟩
let e := e.withPrefix s!"[{param.textDocument.uri}] "
let _ ← IO.setStderr e
let game ← loadGameData gameDir
-- TODO: We misuse the `rootUri` field to the gameName
let rootUri? : Option String := some (toString
@ -691,6 +745,8 @@ def initAndRunWorker (i o e : FS.Stream) (opts : Options) (gameDir : String) : I
-- Run the main loop
let _ ← StateRefT'.run (s := st) <| (r := ctx) <| (s := gameWorkerState) <| (mainLoop)
return (0 : UInt32)
catch e =>
IO.eprintln e
@ -703,8 +759,12 @@ def initAndRunWorker (i o e : FS.Stream) (opts : Options) (gameDir : String) : I
The main function. Simply wrapping `initAndRunWorker`.
Copied from `Lean.Server.FileWorker.workerMain`. We add `args` as an argument to pass on
the `gameDir`.
TODO: The first arg `args[0]` is always expected to be `--server`. We could drop this completely.
-- @[inherit_doc Lean.Server.FileWorker.workerMain]
def workerMain (opts : Options) (args : List String): IO UInt32 := do
let i ← IO.getStdin
let o ← IO.getStdout
@ -712,9 +772,6 @@ def workerMain (opts : Options) (args : List String): IO UInt32 := do
let some gameDir := args[1]? | throwServerError "Expected second argument: gameDir"
let exitCode ← initAndRunWorker i o e opts gameDir
-- HACK: all `Task`s are currently "foreground", i.e. we join on them on main thread exit,
-- but we definitely don't want to do that in the case of the worker processes,
-- which can produce non-terminating tasks evaluating user code.
IO.Process.exit exitCode.toUInt8

@ -1,62 +1,19 @@
import Lean.Widget.InteractiveGoal
import GameServer.Structures
This file is a modified copy of `Lean.Widget.InteractiveGoal`.
We add the structure `GameHint` and extend two existing structures:
* `isAssumption?` in `InteractiveHypothesisBundle`: stores if a hypothesis is of type `Prop`.
* `hint` in `InteractiveGoal`: stores the game hints associated with the goal.
The rest of this file is simply copied to use these new modified stuctures.
Note that the structures have been moved to `Structures.lean`, but most of the
functions here must be duplicated from `Lean.Widget.InteractiveGoal` in order
to use the duplicated structures.
namespace GameServer
open Lean Lean.Widget Lean.Server
/-- A hint in the game at the corresponding goal. -/
structure GameHint where
text : String
hidden : Bool
deriving FromJson, ToJson
/-- Extend the interactive hypothesis bundle with an option to distinguish
"assumptions" from "objects". "Assumptions" ate hyptheses of type `Prop`. -/
-- @[inherit_doc Lean.Widget.InteractiveHypothesisBundle]
structure InteractiveHypothesisBundle extends Lean.Widget.InteractiveHypothesisBundle where
/-- The hypothesis's type is of type `Prop` -/
isAssumption? : Option Bool := none
deriving RpcEncodable
-- duplicated but with custom `InteractiveHypothesisBundle`
@[inherit_doc Lean.Widget.InteractiveGoalCore]
structure InteractiveGoalCore where
hyps : Array InteractiveHypothesisBundle
type : CodeWithInfos
ctx : WithRpcRef Elab.ContextInfo
-- duplicated but with custom `InteractiveGoalCore` and extended by `hints`
@[inherit_doc Lean.Widget.InteractiveGoal]
structure InteractiveGoal extends InteractiveGoalCore where
userName? : Option String
goalPrefix : String
mvarId : MVarId
isInserted? : Option Bool := none
isRemoved? : Option Bool := none
/-- Extended the `InteractiveGoal` by an array of hints at that goal. -/
hints : Array GameHint := #[]
deriving RpcEncodable
-- duplicated with custom `InteractiveGoalCore`
@[inherit_doc Lean.Widget.InteractiveTermGoal]
structure InteractiveTermGoal extends InteractiveGoalCore where
range : Lsp.Range
term : WithRpcRef Elab.TermInfo
deriving RpcEncodable
-- duplicated with custom `InteractiveGoalCore`
@[inherit_doc Lean.Widget.InteractiveGoalCore.pretty]
-- @[inherit_doc Lean.Widget.InteractiveGoalCore.pretty]
def InteractiveGoalCore.pretty (g : InteractiveGoalCore) (userName? : Option String)
(goalPrefix : String) : Format := do
let indent := 2 -- Use option
@ -140,10 +97,9 @@ def withGoalCtx (goal : MVarId) (action : LocalContext → MetavarDecl → n α)
open Meta in
-- Copied from `Lean.Widget.goalToInteractive` but added
-- argument `hint` which is simply passed along.
-- Duplicated from `Lean.Widget.goalToInteractive` with custom structures
@[inherit_doc Lean.Widget.goalToInteractive]
def goalToInteractive (mvarId : MVarId) (hints : Array GameHint): MetaM InteractiveGoal := do
def goalToInteractive (mvarId : MVarId) : MetaM InteractiveGoal := do
let ppAuxDecls := pp.auxDecls.get (← getOptions)
let ppImplDetailHyps := pp.implementationDetailHyps.get (← getOptions)
let showLetValues := pp.showLetValues.get (← getOptions)
@ -165,9 +121,6 @@ def goalToInteractive (mvarId : MVarId) (hints : Array GameHint): MetaM Interact
match localDecl with
| LocalDecl.cdecl _index fvarId varName type _ _ =>
-- We rely on the fact that `withGoalCtx` runs `LocalContext.sanitizeNames`,
-- so the `userName`s of local hypotheses are already pretty-printed
-- and it suffices to simply `toString` them.
let varName := toString varName
let type ← instantiateMVars type
if prevType? == none || prevType? == some type then
@ -197,8 +150,6 @@ def goalToInteractive (mvarId : MVarId) (hints : Array GameHint): MetaM Interact
goalPrefix := getGoalPrefix mvarDecl
-- Added:
end GameServer

@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ open Widget
open RequestM
open Meta
/-! ## GameGoal -/
namespace GameServer
@ -113,10 +112,10 @@ def evalHintMessage : Expr → MetaM (Array Expr → MessageData) := fun _ => pu
open Meta in
/-- Find all hints whose trigger matches the current goal -/
def findHints (goal : MVarId) (doc : FileWorker.EditableDocument) (initParams : Lsp.InitializeParams) : MetaM (Array GameHint) := do
def findHints (goal : MVarId) (m : DocumentMeta) (initParams : Lsp.InitializeParams) : MetaM (Array GameHint) := do
goal.withContext do
let some level ← getLevelByFileName? initParams doc.meta.mkInputContext.fileName
| throwError "Level not found: {doc.meta.mkInputContext.fileName}"
let some level ← getLevelByFileName? initParams m.mkInputContext.fileName
| throwError "Level not found: {m.mkInputContext.fileName}"
let hints ← level.hints.filterMapM fun hint => do
openAbstractCtxResult hint.goal fun hintFVars hintGoal => do
if let some fvarBij := matchExpr (← instantiateMVars $ hintGoal) (← instantiateMVars $ ← inferType $ mkMVar goal)
@ -134,8 +133,212 @@ def findHints (goal : MVarId) (doc : FileWorker.EditableDocument) (initParams :
return none
return hints
/-- Get the line that ends in `pos`. Note that `pos` is expected to be the
position of a `\n` but this is not enforced. -/
def _root_.Lean.FileMap.getLineBefore (fmap : FileMap) (pos : String.Pos) : String := do
match fmap.positions.findIdx? (· == pos) with
| none =>
panic s!"Position {pos} is not a newline character in " ++
s!"the following string: '{fmap.source}'!"
| some 0 =>
-- the first entry of `positions` is always `0`
return ""
| some (i + 1) =>
let line : Substring := ⟨fmap.source, fmap.positions.get! i, pos⟩
return line.toString
/-- Returns the `List` without the last element. -/
def _root_.List.dropBack {α : Type _} : List α → List α
| [] => []
| _ :: [] => []
| x :: xs => x :: xs.dropBack
/-- Trim empty lines from the file and add a single newline. -/
def _root_.Lean.FileMap.trim (fmap : FileMap) : FileMap :=
let str := match fmap.source.trim with
| "" => ""
| s => s ++ "\n"
FileMap.ofString str
/-- Returns the `Array` without the last element. -/
def _root_.Array.dropBack {α : Type _} (a : Array α) : Array α := ⟨⟩
/-- Add custom diagnostics about whether the level is completed. -/
def addCompletionDiagnostics (diag : Array InteractiveDiagnostic) (goals : Array InteractiveGoalWithHints)
(pos : Lsp.Position) (prevGoalCount : Nat) : RequestM <| Array InteractiveDiagnostic := do
let mut out : Array InteractiveDiagnostic := diag
if goals.size == 0 then
if diag.any (·.severity? == some .error) then
pure ()
else if diag.any (·.severity? == some .warning) then
out := out.push {
message := .text "level completed with warnings. 🎭"
range := {
start := pos
«end» := pos
severity? := Lsp.DiagnosticSeverity.information }
out := out.push {
message := .text "level completed! 🎉"
range := {
start := pos
«end» := pos
severity? := Lsp.DiagnosticSeverity.information }
else if goals.size < prevGoalCount then
out := out.push {
message := .text "intermediate goal solved! 🎉"
range := {
start := pos
«end» := pos
severity? := Lsp.DiagnosticSeverity.information
return out
-- diagsAtPos := if goalsAtPos.size < intermediateGoalCount then
-- diagsAtPos.push {
-- message := .text "intermediate goal solved 🎉"
-- range := {
-- start := lspPosAt
-- «end» := lspPosAt
-- }
-- severity? := Lsp.DiagnosticSeverity.information
-- }
-- else diagsAtPos
/-- Request that returns the goals at the end of each line of the tactic proof
plus the diagnostics (i.e. warnings/errors) for the proof.
def getProofState (_ : Lsp.PlainGoalParams) : RequestM (RequestTask (Option ProofState)) := do
let doc ← readDoc
let rc ← readThe RequestContext
let text := doc.meta.text.trim
-- BUG: trimming here is a problem, since the snap might already be evaluated before
-- the trimming and then the positions don't match anymore :((
-- TODO (Alex): I couldn't find a good condition to find the correct snap. So we are looking
-- for the first snap with goals here.
-- NOTE (Jon): The entire proof is in one snap, so hoped that Position `0` is good enough.
(fun snap => ¬ (snap.infoTree.goalsAt? doc.meta.text 0).isEmpty)
(notFoundX := return none)
fun snap => do
-- `snap` is the one snapshot containing the entire proof.
let mut steps : Array <| InteractiveGoalsWithHints := #[]
-- Question: Is there a difference between the diags of this snap and the last snap?
-- Should we get the diags from there?
-- Answer: The last snap only copied the diags from the end of this snap
let mut diag : Array InteractiveDiagnostic := snap.interactiveDiags.toArray
let mut intermediateGoalCount := 0
-- Drop the last position as we ensured that there is always a newline at the end
for pos in text.positions.dropBack do
-- iterate over all newlines in the proof and get the goals and hints at each position
-- TODO: we drop the last position because we always have a newline. Would be better
-- to trim newlines instead before submitting!
let source := text.getLineBefore pos
if let goalsAtResult@(_ :: _) := snap.infoTree.goalsAt? doc.meta.text pos then
pure ()
let goalAtPos : List <| List InteractiveGoalWithHints ← goalsAtResult.mapM
fun { ctxInfo := ci, tacticInfo := tacticInfo, useAfter := useAfter, .. } => do
-- TODO: What does this function body do?
-- let ciAfter := { ci with mctx := ti.mctxAfter }
let ci := if useAfter then
{ ci with mctx := tacticInfo.mctxAfter }
{ ci with mctx := tacticInfo.mctxBefore }
-- compute the interactive goals
let goalMvars : List MVarId ← ci.runMetaM {} do
return if useAfter then tacticInfo.goalsAfter else tacticInfo.goalsBefore
let interactiveGoals : List InteractiveGoalWithHints ← ci.runMetaM {} do
goalMvars.mapM fun goal => do
let hints ← findHints goal doc.meta rc.initParams
let interactiveGoal ← goalToInteractive goal
return ⟨interactiveGoal, hints⟩
-- TODO: This code is way old, can it be deleted?
-- compute the goal diff
-- let goals ← ciAfter.runMetaM {} (do
-- try
-- Widget.diffInteractiveGoals useAfter ti goals
-- catch _ =>
-- -- fail silently, since this is just a bonus feature
-- return goals
-- )
return interactiveGoals
let goalsAtPos : Array InteractiveGoalWithHints := ⟨goalAtPos.foldl (· ++ ·) []⟩
-- diags are labeled in Lsp-positions, which differ from the lean-internal
-- positions by `1`.
let lspPosAt := text.utf8PosToLspPos pos
let mut diagsAtPos : Array InteractiveDiagnostic :=
-- `+1` for getting the errors after the line.
diag.filter (·.range.start.line + 1 == lspPosAt.line)
diagsAtPos ← addCompletionDiagnostics diagsAtPos goalsAtPos lspPosAt intermediateGoalCount
intermediateGoalCount := goalsAtPos.size
steps := steps.push ⟨goalsAtPos, source, diagsAtPos, lspPosAt.line, lspPosAt.character⟩
-- No goals present
steps := steps.push default
-- // if (goals.length && goalCount > goals.length) {
-- // messages.unshift({
-- // range: {
-- // start: {
-- // line: i-1,
-- // character: 0,
-- // },
-- // end: {
-- // line: i-1,
-- // character: 0,
-- // }},
-- // severity: DiagnosticSeverity.Information,
-- // message: {
-- // text: 'intermediate goal solved 🎉'
-- // }
-- // })
-- // }
-- Level is completed if there are no errrors or warnings
let completedWithWarnings : Bool := ¬ diag.any (·.severity? == some .error)
let completed : Bool := completedWithWarnings ∧ ¬ diag.any (·.severity? == some .warning)
-- Filter out the "unsolved goals" message
diag := diag.filter (fun d => match d.message with
| .append ⟨(.text x) :: _⟩ => x != "unsolved goals"
| _ => true)
let lastPos := text.utf8PosToLspPos text.positions.back
let remainingDiags : Array InteractiveDiagnostic :=
diag.filter (fun d => d.range.start.line >= lastPos.line)
return some {
steps := steps,
diagnostics := remainingDiags,
completed := completed,
completedWithWarnings := completedWithWarnings,
lastPos := lastPos.line
open RequestM in
def getInteractiveGoals (p : Lsp.PlainGoalParams) : RequestM (RequestTask (Option InteractiveGoals)) := do
def getInteractiveGoals (p : Lsp.PlainGoalParams) : RequestM (RequestTask (Option <| InteractiveGoals)) := do
let doc ← readDoc
let rc ← readThe RequestContext
let text := doc.meta.text
@ -145,7 +348,7 @@ def getInteractiveGoals (p : Lsp.PlainGoalParams) : RequestM (RequestTask (Optio
withWaitFindSnap doc (fun s => ¬ (s.infoTree.goalsAt? doc.meta.text hoverPos).isEmpty)
(notFoundX := return none) fun snap => do
if let rs@(_ :: _) := snap.infoTree.goalsAt? doc.meta.text hoverPos then
let goals : List InteractiveGoals ← rs.mapM fun { ctxInfo := ci, tacticInfo := ti, useAfter := useAfter, .. } => do
let goals : List <| Array InteractiveGoal ← rs.mapM fun { ctxInfo := ci, tacticInfo := ti, useAfter := useAfter, .. } => do
let ciAfter := { ci with mctx := ti.mctxAfter }
let ci := if useAfter then ciAfter else { ci with mctx := ti.mctxBefore }
-- compute the interactive goals
@ -153,8 +356,8 @@ def getInteractiveGoals (p : Lsp.PlainGoalParams) : RequestM (RequestTask (Optio
return List.toArray <| if useAfter then ti.goalsAfter else ti.goalsBefore
let goals ← ci.runMetaM {} do
goals.mapM fun goal => do
let hints ← findHints goal doc rc.initParams
return ← goalToInteractive goal hints
-- let hints ← findHints goal doc.meta rc.initParams
return ← goalToInteractive goal
-- compute the goal diff
-- let goals ← ciAfter.runMetaM {} (do
-- try
@ -163,8 +366,8 @@ def getInteractiveGoals (p : Lsp.PlainGoalParams) : RequestM (RequestTask (Optio
-- -- fail silently, since this is just a bonus feature
-- return goals
-- )
return {goals}
return some <| goals.foldl (· ++ ·) #[]⟩
return goals
return some <| goals.foldl (· ++ ·) #[]⟩
return none
@ -172,7 +375,16 @@ builtin_initialize
(Option InteractiveGoals)
(Option <| InteractiveGoals
(Option ProofState)
end GameServer

@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
import Lean.Widget.InteractiveGoal
import Lean.Widget.InteractiveDiagnostic
import Lean.Data.Lsp.Diagnostics
This file contains the custom data structures use by the server.
Some of them overwrite built-in structures from Lean.
In particular, the structures from `Lean.Widget.InteractiveGoal` are duplicated with
the following extension:
* `isAssumption?` in `InteractiveHypothesisBundle`: stores if a hypothesis is of type `Prop`.
NOTE: Changes here need to be reflected in the corresponding `interface` in `rcp_api.ts`
on the client-side.
open Lean Server Widget
namespace GameServer
/-- Extend the interactive hypothesis bundle with an option to distinguish
"assumptions" from "objects". "Assumptions" are hypotheses of type `Prop`. -/
-- @[inherit_doc Lean.Widget.InteractiveHypothesisBundle]
structure InteractiveHypothesisBundle extends Lean.Widget.InteractiveHypothesisBundle where
/-- The hypothesis's type is of type `Prop` -/
isAssumption? : Option Bool := none
deriving RpcEncodable
-- duplicated but with custom `InteractiveHypothesisBundle`
@[inherit_doc Lean.Widget.InteractiveGoalCore]
structure InteractiveGoalCore where
hyps : Array InteractiveHypothesisBundle
type : CodeWithInfos
ctx : WithRpcRef Elab.ContextInfo
-- duplicated but with custom `InteractiveGoalCore`
@[inherit_doc Lean.Widget.InteractiveGoal]
structure InteractiveGoal extends InteractiveGoalCore where
userName? : Option String
goalPrefix : String
mvarId : MVarId
isInserted? : Option Bool := none
isRemoved? : Option Bool := none
deriving RpcEncodable
-- duplicated with custom `InteractiveGoalCore`
@[inherit_doc Lean.Widget.InteractiveTermGoal]
structure InteractiveTermGoal extends InteractiveGoalCore where
range : Lsp.Range
term : WithRpcRef Elab.TermInfo
deriving RpcEncodable
/-- A hint in the game at the corresponding goal. -/
structure GameHint where
text : String
hidden : Bool
deriving FromJson, ToJson
/-- Bundled `InteractiveGoal` together with an array of hints that apply at this stage. -/
structure InteractiveGoalWithHints where
goal : InteractiveGoal
/-- Extended the `InteractiveGoal` by an array of hints at that goal. -/
hints : Array GameHint
deriving RpcEncodable
structure InteractiveGoalsWithHints where
goals : Array InteractiveGoalWithHints
/-- The content of the line evaluated. -/
command : String
diags : Array InteractiveDiagnostic := default
line : Option Nat -- only for debugging
column : Option Nat -- only for debugging
deriving RpcEncodable
instance : Inhabited InteractiveGoalsWithHints := ⟨default, default, default, none, none⟩
/-- Collected goals throughout the proof. Used for communication with the game client. -/
structure ProofState where
/-- goals after each line. includes the hints. -/
steps : Array <| InteractiveGoalsWithHints
/-- diagnostics contains all errors and warnings.
TODO: I think they contain information about which line they belong to. Verify this.
diagnostics : Array InteractiveDiagnostic := default
/-- Whether the level is considered solved. -/
completed : Bool
completedWithWarnings : Bool
lastPos : Nat -- only for debugging
deriving RpcEncodable

@ -9,6 +9,24 @@
"manifestFile": "lake-manifest.json",
"inputRev": "v4.5.0",
"inherited": false,
"configFile": "lakefile.lean"},
{"url": "",
"type": "git",
"subDir": null,
"rev": "a751d21d4b68c999accb6fc5d960538af26ad5ec",
"name": "Cli",
"manifestFile": "lake-manifest.json",
"inputRev": "main",
"inherited": true,
"configFile": "lakefile.lean"},
{"url": "",
"type": "git",
"subDir": null,
"rev": "a6b484980b41aab874fb3113ec5245bd91b625d8",
"name": "importGraph",
"manifestFile": "lake-manifest.json",
"inputRev": "v4.4.0",
"inherited": false,
"configFile": "lakefile.lean"}],
"name": "GameServer",
"lakeDir": ".lake"}

@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ def leanVersion : String := s!"v{Lean.versionString}"
require std from git "" @ leanVersion
require importGraph from git "" @ leanVersion
lean_lib GameServer
